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Season 5 of Madam Secretary premiered on October 7, 2018.

Season 5 was announced on April 18, 2018.

18-49 rating : TBA Viewers (million) : TBA

Elizabeth relies on the advice of former secretaries of state on how to handle a delicate situation.

Elizabeth attempts to hunt down those who attacked the White House. When she finds they had ties to foreign entities, she must be careful not to incite a war. Henry meets one of the attackers.

After a factory fire, Elizabeth flies to Milan to face off against the Chinese Foreign Minister over a treaty to end sweatshops. Daisy struggles against he feelings of pessimism for her baby's future.

When the remains of U.S. soldiers who served in World War II are uncovered in Southeast Asia, Elizabeth's hopes of bringing them home quickly fade when a stubborn leader stands in her way. Also, Henry and Stevie find themselves publicly targeted by a restaurant owner who is angry about Elizabeth's policies, and Alison volunteers for a local congressional campaign.

While in Thailand, Henry finds himself at the center of an international incident when an ex-girlfriend is imprisoned for criticizing the monarchy. Elizabeth helps Jason prep for college.

When the eruption of an Icelandic volcano strands Elizabeth at an airport in Ireland with the Turkish foreign minister, she tries to broker a deal with him to save the lives of thousands of Syrian refugees. Also, Henry gives advice to Alison about an awkward topic.

When the surrogate carrying the grandchild of the Vice President is arrested for human trafficking, Elizabeth must get involved. Henry thinks Stevie is being followed. Blake deals with demanding Japanese gardeners.

Elizabeth attempts diplomacy with Haiti without resorting to military action. Haiti's leader refuses to step down despite losing an election. Blake needs to find a new job before being fired.

Elizabeth and Jay must work to keep Spain from defeating a historical agreement between Serbia and Kosovo. Henry has to deal with a bizarre encounter with Secretary of Defense, Gordon Becker.

Elizabeth goes head to head with a U.S. governor over the state's new policy of separating unauthorized immigrants from their children.

Elizabeth goes head to head with a U.S. governor over the state's new policy of separating unauthorized immigrants from their children.

Elizabeth must salvage a deal with a military contractor by supplying fighter jets to Taiwan, but she risks triggering a war with China in the process. Also, Daisy gets frustrated with Matt for failing to help take care of her dog like he promised.

An American-Made cluster bomb leaves innocent Syrian children dead, leaving Elizabeth to figure out what went wrong. Russell argues with a homeless protester leaving him with a PR disaster to deal with.

When a group of American missionaries become hostages during a violent uprising abroad, Dalton must confront demons from his past in order to help Elizabeth secure their safe return home.

Elizabeth tries to finalize a deal to bring the US troops home from the Middle East. A woman's life is threatened by rumors she is involved with one of Elizabeth's staffers. Henry provides relationship advice to Will.

When a super typhoon threatens a small Pacific island, and Elizabeth and her team must find a way to relocate the entire population before landfall.

While Elizabeth is away, her staff tries to secure an international agreement to protect citizens who have been displaced due to global warming. Daisy and her daughter are caught up in a measles outbreak.

A NATO ally carries out a state-sponsored assassination attempt against one of its own citizens, who is also a U.S. resident and old friend of Elizabeth's; Alison starts dating the son of one of Elizabeth's political rivals.

As Elizabeth prepares to declare her candidacy for president, she must deal with fallout from a news article alleging she had an affair with President Dalton during her CIA days; Mike B. and Jay adjust in their roles as campaign staffers.

Elizabeth is ready to leave the state department and announce her run for president. Terrorists attack the UN delegation in Geneva.

Madam Secretary

10:00 PM

17 Most Politically-Driven Plotlines of 2018

Watch Madam Secretary Season 6 Episode 5 Online

Daisy's departure from the White House was unbelievably bittersweet.

She's been a loyal employee since Elizabeth was Secretary of State, and she made an error in judgment in her efforts to protect the country from an unhinged Presidential candidate.

So when Elizabeth decided to let her go on Madam Secretary Season 6 Episode 5 , it hurt.

Elizabeth's loyalty to Daisy almost caused a bigger problem.

She was reluctant to grant Valerie a pardon because Valerie's testimony might have exonerated Daisy,
Elizabeth: You could have heard a pin drop. Henry: They sure made a lot of noise once they got outside. Russell: Circling the wagons, whining about their freedoms. Never gets old. Elizabeth: Except Valerie Gillian is in jail for contempt, not for something she wrote. This is about finding the truth, not about censorship.

The issue of whether journalists have the right to use anonymous sources is a clear First Amendment issue.

In practice, interfering with the right to keep sources' identities confidential could make future sources reluctant to come forward at all. 

It also restricts freedom of the press by making journalists afraid they will go to jail if they publish articles that rely on anonymous sources. 

So yes, Elizabeth, this is a censorship issue even if the government isn't directly ordering that journalists refrain from making certain types of reports.

However, Valerie told Elizabeth confidentially that her source was not Daisy, though she would not say who it was.

So what stopped her from doing the same thing in front of the grand jury? A lot of drama could have been avoided had Valerie answered every question except that one by invoking her First Amendment right to keep her sources private.

As for Daisy, she lost her job for an understandable lapse in judgment that reflected badly on her employer even though she did nothing illegal.
Henry: If you were in her shoes, you'd have turned that flash drive over to the FBI even if it cost you an election. If there's one thing I know about you, you are scrupulously honest. Elizabeth: It's not directly analogous. Daisy thought she was protecting me and the country from Miller. Henry: True. But the thing about ethics is they can't be cherry picked. Daisy convinced herself that she was doing the right thing when she wasn't. Don't you do it too. Elizabeth: Daisy is more than an employee. She's a friend. Henry: Then forgive her. But you're the President of the United States. You have to let her go.

Henry argued that since wrong is wrong, Daisy acted incorrectly by not turning the flash drive over right away. But that doesn't take the context into account.

Daisy weighed the potential price of getting caught against the potential price of following procedure and concluded that Miller using the existence of the flash drive to propel himself to victory did greater harm to more people than her potential loss of a job.

Henry was right that Elizabeth needed to fire Daisy, but Daisy's problem wasn't a lapse in ethics. She chose to potentially sacrifice her job for a greater good.

Elizabeth didn't want to fire Daisy for the same reason she didn't want to pardon Valerie. She wanted to clear Daisy's name and bring Daisy back on staff.

The problem is that there are too many people in politics who are interested in manipulating facts for their own benefit.

Daisy kept the flash drive's existence to herself because she was afraid Miller would spin it to manipulate people into voting for him.

Hanson used Daisy's decision to claim without any proof whatsoever that Elizabeth asked Iran for the flash drive and thus should be impeached.

And Elizabeth had to fire Daisy because it was the only way to quell the outrage that Hanson had started with his nonsense.

Given this environment, Elizabeth would have had to have fired Daisy even if she had proof positive that someone else leaked the flash drive's contents to Valerie.

Hanson would have found a way to claim that the evidence was fake or that this person was working with Daisy and Elizabeth, and the whole thing would have been a mess.
Growing up, I never thought I'd see a female President or any President that I could admire with my whole heart.

It was a bitter enough pill to swallow that Daisy was the one to tell Elizabeth that she had won the election.

But handing a balloon to little Joanna and telling her proudly that Elizabeth was President was a heartbreaking juxtaposition with Daisy's packing up her office for the last time.

Meanwhile, how awesome was it to see Conrad again?

His hair was longer and he sings and plays guitar now. Retirement looked good on him!

Elizabeth was initially disappointed that Conrad didn't offer her any advice, but he had something better than that: his respect and admiration.

Henry and Elizabeth are both always complaining that someone doesn't treat Elizabeth as worthy of the office because of her gender. But Conrad did the opposite, assuming that Elizabeth knew what she was doing unless she specifically asked him to step in.
On July 8, 1948, General Eisenhower spoke before the UN. He said, 'If children go hungry, how can they be expected to be ambassadors of peace?' In today's violent world, that's more important than ever.

Conrad promised to come back when his wife's portrait is ready, with grandbaby in tow. Let's hope that happens before the end of the series.

The broken Eisenhower bust subplot provided some welcome comic relief.

But the rest of the episode was so fraught with heavy dilemmas about ethics, loyalty, and danger to the administration that viewers badly needed something like this.

It was a great nod to Conrad's tendency to quote Eisenhower in the past, and it spurred Elizabeth to do something about her dog's wild behavior. So it was win-win

And just like that, we're halfway through the final season of Madam Secretary.

It looks like the second half of Madam Secretary Season 6 will involve Hanson trying to find grounds to impeach Elizabeth.

He undoubtedly will be unsuccessful, though. An impeachment would be a terrible end to the series.

Stevie is moving closer to reconciling with Dmitri now that she's attended his naturalization ceremony, and perhaps she will be dating him openly by series' end.

Your turn, Madam Secretary fanatics!

What are your predictions for the second half of the season?

Did you think Elizabeth was right to fire Daisy?

And did President Dalton's visit meet your expectations?

Share your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget you can watch Madam Secretary online if you missed anything.

Madam Secretary continues to air on CBS on Sundays at 10 PM EST/PST.


Editor's Note : Our system got updated! Now, you'll be able to scroll through many articles at once. That required a bit of a change to the comments, though, and now you have to click the blue "comments" bar at the bottom of an article to access them. 

There are also two segments to comments now. You can either comment using Facebook or Disqus. Either way, you can SEE both types of comments. We hope that will be more inclusive of our community at large and that the conversations will grow as a result.
Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah , is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter .
Just because Eisenhower was Conrad's favorite doesn't mean you have to redecorate.
Elizabeth: You're sure this is a swing district? Daisy: Trust me, this district could decide the whole election. Elizabeth: It had to be Virginia. Daisy: You're from Virginia. Elizabeth [to woman passing by]: You vote today? Woman: Not for you!

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TBeckner from Oregon, Independent and Proud says:

TBeckner from Oregon, Independent and Proud says:


Kimberly Roots /

October 7 2018, 7:59 PM PDT

You sure you want a seat at the Resolute Desk, Elizabeth?
It would be natural for Madam Secretary ‘s protagonist to think twice about her unannounced Oval
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