Machine Latin

Machine Latin


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If you had a time machine, which year would you visit?
Si machinam temporis haberes, quem annum inviseres?
en tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action
If you had a time machine, which year would you visit?
Si machinam temporis haberes, quem annum inviseres?
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This awareness is extinguished within him in a system of excessive bureaucratic centralization, which makes the worker feel that he is just a cog in a huge machine moved from above, that he is for more reasons than one a mere production instrument rather than a true subject of work with an initiative of his own.
Exstinguitur autem haec in eo conscientia ob nimiam moderationern grapheocraticam, omnia in unum conferentem, in qua opifex potius sibi videtur particula esse maximi cuiusdam machinamenti altiore potentia moti, immo potius — et pluribus quidern de causis — nudum effectionis bonorum utensile quam verum laboris subiectum, proprio suo interiore impetu praeditum.
Computatrum tabulare Tabula frigeratoria
I mistook the shredder for a Xerox machine.
Discissorem esse Xerographium perperam putavi.
More loosely, a Darwin machine is a process that utilizes some subset of the Darwinian essentials, typically natural selection to create a non-reproducing pattern, as in neural Darwinism.
Machina Darwiniana sensu latiore est ratio quae certa subcopia essentialium Darwinianorum utitur, inter quas usitate selectio naturalis, ad creandum exemplar quod se, ut in Darwinismo neurali, non regignit.
Caesar cast up a mound and brought forward his machines, with other preparations which were necessary for storming the town.
Caesar +in munitionibus ceterisque+ quae ad oppidum opus fuerunt aggerem vineasque agere instituit.
The Engine was not a single physical machine, but rather a succession of designs that Babbage tinkered with until his death in 1871.
Non erat forma singula, sed series formarum in quibus usque ad mortem annum 1871 laboravit.
The rise of computer science, cybernetics and artificial intelligence suggested the value of comparatively studying information processing in humans and machines.
Informaticae, cyberneticae et intellegentiae artificialis ortus valorem comparative studendi informationis tractationi in hominibus machinisque suggessit.
Yet the orientation of the economy has favoured a kind of technological progress in which the costs of production are reduced by laying off workers and replacing them with machines.
Attamen oeconomiae directio progressionem technologicam conciliavit, quae pretium productionis minuat, operariorum numero imminuto, quorum locum occupant machinamenta.
Are human intelligence and machine intelligence the same?
Verumne discrimen inter intellegentiam hominis et intellegentiam machinae est an non?
He combined his curiosity about flying machines with his enthusiasm for another recent invention, the automobile, and drove his 1903 model Oldsmobile runabout nearly 200 miles on primitive roads from Medina to the Wright hometown, Dayton, Ohio, hoping to learn more about the flying experiments.
Noscendi machinarum volantium studium cum impetu animo pro autocineto miscuit, alio invento recente, et sua Oldsmobile "runabout" exemplar anni 1903, quod paene 200 milia per vias asperas a Medina ad Dayton (Ohii), patriam Wrightianam, invectus est, ut plus disceret de experimentis volandi sperans.
The user interface (UI), in the industrial design field of human–computer interaction, is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur.
Interfacies utentis, in campo designationis industrialis qui interactionem hominis et computatri tractat, est spatium ubi interactiones hominum et machinarum fiunt.
Brought to almost complete perfection by new inventions, wireless telegraphy brings oustanding advantages to technical processes, since, by means of a ray, pilotless machines may be directed to a determined place.
Novis inventis ad perfectionem paene absolutionemque perductum, radiophonium artibus technicis eximias affert utilitates, cum etiam machinae eiusmodi radiante vi ad praestituta loca sine gubernatore dirigantur.
There she endured a twenty years' exile, in which she was supported by relief from Augusta, who having overthrown the prosperity of her step-children by secret machinations, made open display of her compassion to the fallen family.
illic viginti annis exilium toleravit Augustae ope sustentata, quae florentis privignos cum per occultum subvertisset, misericordiam erga adflictos palam ostentabat.
If you had a time machine, which year would you visit?
Si machinam temporis haberes, quem annum inviseres?
The machine has some of its parts missing.
In June 1938, he obtained his PhD from the Department of Mathematics at Princeton; his dissertation, Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals, introduced the concept of ordinal logic and the notion of relative computing, where Turing machines are augmented with so-called oracles, allowing the study of problems that cannot be solved by Turing machines.
Mense Iunio 1938 gradum Ph.D. apud Princetonienses obtinuit; eius dissertatio notionem computationis relativae? proposuit, ubi machinae Turing machinis oraculi adiuvantur, ut liceant studia quaestionum quae machina Turing solvi non possunt.
The developing countries, instead of becoming autonomous nations concerned with their own progress towards a just sharing in the goods and services meant for all, become parts of a machine, cogs on a gigantic wheel.
Quae Nationes, ad progressionem nitentes, potius quam in Civitates sui iuris vertantur, quibus curae sit iter ad communia omnium bona et commoda iure participanda, partes fiunt machinamenti, ingentis nempe cuiusdam rerum conexionis.
Their manufacture was at a peak between 1622 and 1850, after which they were overtaken by machine-made buttons from factories in the developing industries of Birmingham and other growing cities.
Qui butones fiebantur praecipue inter annos 1622 et 1850, postquam butones a machinis Birminghamiae et in aliis urbibus industrialibus crescentibus facti increbruerunt.
The Observer said: Israel 50: The Spy Machine serves as a clear reminder that Israel is just another country deploying the same old methods to maintain power.
Interrogatus, cur tantopere profecisset, respondit se minime typica Israelitica tantummodo descripsisse sed res quae ubique terrarum accidere possent.
2] With clear intuition he pointed out that the atheistic movements existing among the masses of the Machine Age had their origin in that school of philosophy which for centuries had sought to divorce science from the life of the Faith and of the Church.
Leo XIII hos eosdem errores per Encyclicas Litteras Quod Apostolici muneris (4) ita definite significanterque descripsit: « ... lethiferam pestem, quae per artus intimos humanae societatis serpit, eamque in extremum discrimen adducit »; itemque sagacis suae mentis acie demonstravit concitatam multitudinum ad atheismi placita contentionem, dum technica disciplinarum ratio tantopere efferretur, e philosophicis illis commentis originem duxisse, quae iam diu scientiam a fide vitaeque actionem ab Ecclesia segregare eniterentur.
The match took place later that same night on Reaction, with the Motor City Machine Guns coming out victorious.
Photographia quoque hac in exhibitione ostentata est, quae ars momenti magnum artificibus Victorianis fuit.
For whilst all kinds of machinations of the infernal enemy harrass the beloved spouse of Christ, nothing could have happened more opportunely for her than that the faithful, influenced by a desire of propagating Catholic truth, should with united zeal and collected strength endeavour to gain all men to Christ."
Dum enim omnigena inferni hostis machinamenta dilectam Christi sponsam lacessunt, nihil illi opportunius contingere poterat, quam ut desiderio propagandae catholicae veritatis Christifideles infiammati iunctis studiis, collataque ope omnes Christo lucrifacere conarentur.
This machine became famous when being used in all the later works of composer Luigi Nono.
Primus compositor erat, qui praecepta ad opera sua producenda metronomo usus fecit.
For he still retained that rash proneness to suspect and to believe, which even at Rome Sejanus used to foster, and which he here excited more keenly, no longer concealing his machinations against Agrippina and Nero.
manebat quippe suspicionum et credendi temeritas quam Seianus augere etiam in urbe suetus acrius turbabat non iam occultis adversum Agrippinam et Neronem insidiis.

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