Machina / Red Faction Information

Machina / Red Faction Information


These Machina Portals appear to grow in Level if they link. Rate of linking to be determined, but is under 24 hours. The Machina spreads to nearby Neutral Portals and Links get created to other Machina Portals.

Have you ever watched the Ingress Anime?

This spread resembles a lot the one seen with Dark XM Portals in some Anime episodes.


• The Red Faction is called "Machina" on Intel Map data and have been referred to as "Machina" within scanner stats.

• While it is unknown if is faster at this point (more testing required), this was initially the only way to see red portals. Now, intel-x and intel are both up and can see the red portals.


• In person, hacking or glyph hacking the Portal will not result in keys outputting whatsoever - keys can only be acquired via destructive methods.

• Hacking the Portal has a chance to zap you, which causes an observed 99-100% of damage relative to your non-hypercube XM tank. This applies also on Drone hacks!

• The portals currently do not output higher gear than level 4 gear - a level 8 portal has been observed to only drop level 1-4 gear.

• Hacking has the same 4 hack, 300 second cooldown as a neutral portal would have.

In-Scanner Details

• The level 8 portals, in person only, emit a unique buzzing sound that is not heard elsewhere in the game. No other levels appear to do this. Link of image library showing the visible appearances of level 1-8 Machina portals. Over time, the crystal that starts at the bottom of the M1 portal will rise and increase in size. in-scanner recording of level 8 sounds.


• Attacking the Portal causes Resonators of the Portal's level and Portal Shields up to Very Rare, Turrets, Force Amps to be dropped to the ground, along with some Portal Keys. AP gained is 75 AP (150 because of the Event) per Resonator destroyed.

• Using a Jarvis Virus or ADA Refactor on one of these Portals simply neutralizes it, dropping installed Resonators and mods to the ground.

• When a portal is destroyed, no messages pop up in the game alerts, but on the Intel Map the "X destroyed a Resonator on Y" message can be seen.

• Killing a linked Machina Portal only destroys the link, does not stop the spread of the "redness"

• Machina portals follow some decay rules: every 24 hours after their capture, they will lose 5% of health per Resonator.

• Machina portals can heal themselves! Upon an outbound link, a Machina portal will rebuild all missing resonators, level up and restore all resonators to 25% health. They can link with as little as one resonator!

• Portals react normally to cosmetic beacons and frackers - they will lose half of their health on an expired fracker.

• VR battle beacons will terminate the portal as viruses do. For both battle beacons, a red portal counts as one neutral checkpoint.

• For the purposes of linking, rebuilding, etc, these portals determine their level based on the resonator levels present on the portal. They have been observed to fully upgrade existing resonators by one level, and then re-deploy the resonators at that same level.


• Red links block other Faction's links.

• Red Links appear to be created even over existing Red, Blue or Green Links.

• Machina portals appear to be able to link even when under a field.

• Machina portals have not been observed creating triangles or empty fields. Anyone claiming they can is working off of unconfirmed data, no fields have been spotted and confirmed as of yet.

• Machina Portals do not follow normal linking rules. Portals regularly exceed 8 outbound links, have only been observed with one inbound link, and appear to have an outbound link total cap of (level - 1) * 5. Example: level 2 can have five links, level 3 can have 10, level 4 can have 15, etc.

• The exact time between links is not yet known but is less than 24 hours.

• The known link distance limits for levels 2 to 4 are currently:

Level 2 -500M

Level 3 - 750M

Level 4 - 1KM

Extrapolating this growth of 250 meters per level, the current assumption is we will see level 8 portals with up to 2 kilometer links, though only time will tell!

• When a red portal links to a neutral portal, it will immediately capture it as a level 1 red portal.

• Portals can make anywhere from one to five links when they level. In some exceedingly rare occurrences, they have been observed leveling up without linking at all!

• When terminated, links can drop keys on the outbound end as if they were a normal link.


• Machina portal spawning appears to be based off of a division of scoring cells, known as S12 cells. You can read more about S12 cells here: (note - there are outside tools that can show you S12 cells in relation to Ingress)

• While infection can spread across S12 cells, only one infection spawn has been observed per S12 cell.

• Machina portals have only been observed to spawn in S12 cells containing 40 or more portals.

• Further determining factors of spawning and branching area not yet known. Note: player activity, or lack thereof, does not appear to be a determinant in spawning. Machina portals have spawned in cells with active players, and cells that have not had players in months.

• Machina portals can spawn in cells with deployed portals or fields.

• Machina portals can spawn under fields.


• Killing Machina portals can increase three stats, specific to Machina portals - destroyed Machina resonators, links and portals.

• Killing Machina portals further count for your normal destruction stats.

Special thanks to @Valkryria, @Breenzy, @Perringaiden, @AmaterasuNkpg and @MadKecleon for a ridiculous amount of help. Further thanks to everyone who sent me small details and test data to add :)


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