Annabel SaariUniversity physics vs college physics (Chautauqua) because I could supervise things I'm watching this guys actually do you the work I don't use the kitchen it's not a thing yeah oh you going on my chicken that Menace was were closer how's it looking over there good hey chickens it's progress he's happy three people per one chicken and he's over there by himself it's not gonna fit the plate well given bone inside perfect since you are give me the bowl yes how are you singing you just finished making fur and currently eating so with a fork a fork it's not efficient he has chopsticks she's eating with a spoon put and then this guy already has no chopsticks thanks chef what is that onions why are they on the napkin because he doesn't like the onion decoration purposes yeah she order pizza for sharing that people she's making me pasta she's cooking for the first time yes maybe put often those will past set pieces in they're gonna be great okay we believe in you you were literally gonna set a fire Technical Career Institute College of Technology.