MTK Authorisation Bypass
@snapdragoon1. Download the requirement file:
2. Extract the file and open the folder.
3. Run and install python: python-3.9.1-amd64.exe.
Keep atention: You need to select "Add Python to PATH" before starting the installation.
4. Open cmd or powershell and execute this command:
pip install pyusb pyserial json5
5. Go to the Driver folder and right-click on the cdc-acm.inf file, then click Install and then, close window.
6. Run and install filter wizard: libusb-win32-devel-filter-
7. Launch filter wizard.
8. Select Install a device filter and click Next.
9. Connect powered off phone with volume- button to boot in EDL mode.
10. Once you see new MediaTek USB Port in the list, select it and click Install.
Now, you are ready for bypassing EDL !
How to bypass:
1. Go to the Bypass folder. Run the script: bypass.bat.
2. Connect powered off phone with volume- button to boot in EDL mode.
3. Once you get "Protection disabled" at the end, without disconnecting phone and usb, run SP Flash Tool
Now , you have go to part 2
If you need to update files in Bypass folder :
1. Download latest release of the tool:
2. Download latest release of payloads:
3. Extract the content of both files to the Bypass folder.!