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Say hello to this week's MeetTheRomeo, it's drzoidberg , who has been traveling in America recently but can usually be found in Berlin, Germany. This international beauty is a fan of comics and cartoons. Check out his massive wardrobe in the picture. If he were living in our closet, maybe we'd still be in there. Why not send drzoidberg a message today?
Say hello to this weeks MeetTheRomeo it’s bloped from Brussels in Belgium. His smile is dazzling, but he can often be seen posing with a grim pout. Both smile and grimace are irresistible. Wonder which look he had when Trump met the Belgian Royals? Think bloped is the Belgian for you? Why not send him a message today?
Say hello to this weeks MeetTheRomeo it’s IAmCris98 from Sfântu Gheorghe in Romania. This cute young Romanian just loves his rainbow color umbrella and as it's almost Pride season we wanted to share this pretty pic with all of you. Is he the guy for you? There's only one way to find out. Send Cris a message today and see whats at the end of his rainbow.
Say hello to this weeks MeetTheRomeo it’s JavoArg from Buenos Aires in gay friendly Argentina. This bearded beauty has a cheeky grin and eyes that say ‘come to bed with me’ #hostia. The 32-year-old Latino is a fan of foreign tongues and speaks three languages, but is he the linguist for you?
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s BeardMuscle from Budapest in Hungary. This Hungarian hunk likes Crossfit and Olympic weightlifting. Oh and he's also looking for a man to share his life with. Blue eyes, a full beard, and a hairy chest, how is this guy single? Think BeardMuscle is the one for you? Send him a message now and get this party moving!!
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s Day_dreamer from Scarborough in Canada. The poet prince has prepared his own words for you – “An Indian demisexual guy....who has already fallen in love with dogs...the second most common living beauty I dream about … to find my prince...holding his hands one day.” Think Day_dreamer is the one for you? Why not send him a message today?
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s stabiliboss21 originally from Barcelona, but now living in Switzerland. In his own words, "Hello everyone, I am Alberto, and I'm here to live new experiences. I like reading, traveling, growing as a person, accomplishing my purpose and creating change in the society. What about you?" Why not send stabiliboss21 a message today?
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s malfoy88 , from Riga, Latvia. This cutie has mastered the sweet but sexy selfie and has lips so lush they demand to be kissed. Are you heading to Riga? Drop malfoy88 a message and raise the temperature in Latvia this summer.
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s Oxy_Moron from Bamberg, Germany. The 23-year-old German is a nice and kind guy, looking for the same. He has a cuddle pig called Gerhard. Want to find out what this actually means? Then reach out and touch or message sexy Oxy_Moron on PLANETROMEO today. Wunderbar.
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s boyfiu22 from Budapest, Hungary. This handsome 24-year-old likes a nice smile, sincere guys and he loves a great sense of humor. Check out his profile to enjoy a whole selection of this Hungarian babes photos. Think boyfiu22 is the one for you? Why not send him a message today?
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s sas1976 from Vienna, Austria. This handsome guy loves to travel and meet other Romeo’s from all over the world. He also loves cycling, running, and spending time with animals. If you fancy a hike in Austria this summer, maybe sas1976 can show you around his favorite summit. Why not reach out and touch his Vienna today?
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo it’s Monster1984 from Rotterdam in The Netherlands. His profile is Monster1984 but you can call this handsome guy Mario. He likes sex, but it’s not the only thing on his mind. Why not send Mario a message now and find out what he means when he says Monster!
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo it’s Obsidian- from Herrenberg, Germany. This handsome young man is a fan of tattoos, books, and black clothes. He's an active guy who enjoys nights out with friends and weekends hiking in nature. Finding a partner to travel the world with, that’s his real dream. Why not send Obsidian- a message today and see if he’s the one!
Say hello to this week's MeetTheRomeo, it's rodj88 from Beirut in Lebanon. This handsome man speaks 5 languages; imagine what else he can do with that tongue. Well traveled and a fan of all kinds of food, this guy is an ideal date. Lebanese cuisine is famously tasty, so why not dip your carrot in rodj88’s hummus to taste for yourself? Send him a message now to get things started.
Say hello to our Valentine’s MeetTheRomeo its ebhykal from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He’s a romantic guy and he’s in great shape so if you are looking for a love that can last ebhykal could be the one for you. Of course, not everything’s about meat, but check out those abs! #mercy
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo its rara2100 from Dakar in Senegal. This 24-year-old lover is a fan of fashion and looks great in electric pink. He’s a yoga guy and loves a good stretch. Wanna warm up with rara2100? Send him a message and get downward on his dawg!
Say hello to this weeks ‘MeetTheRomeo’ its jrm68 from Mulhouse, France. 28-years-old, gorgeous, stylish, killer smile, this kid's got it all. Jrm68 speaks two languages, French and Body so feel free to send him a message in the language of love. Voulez vous coucher avec moi?
Say hello to this weeks MeetTheRomeo, it's estrildidae from Budapest, Hungary. This handsome hunk looks great in hiking gear (see profile) and has bags of sex appeal. He’s got eyes you could get lost in and lips that demand to be kissed. If you visit Budapest this year, make sure you send estrildidae a message. If you're already there why not contact him right now?
Happy New Year and say hello to the first MeetTheRomeo of 2017, it’s the super cute and squeaky-clean antanancho from Bulgaria. This week’s Romeo is a fun and positive guy. He loves to travel and experience new cultures. Like all the best millennials, antanancho loves taking selfies for social media. Start the New Year right by sending a message to this handsome Bulgarian now.

Say, hello, to our Christmas Day MeetTheRomeo, aquaruis . The 30-year-old handsome traveler, lives in Warsaw right now, but loves to travel all over Europe. He’s happy to meet new people and likes to socialize. Here’s his message for the holidays -
Happy New Year all, Love wins.
Why not log onto PLANETROMEO now and leave aquaruis a festive footprint?

Say Hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo it’s Kamikazeee from Lisbon, Portugal. Kamikazeee enjoys sports, from biking to rugby and he describes himself as a guy with a big heart. The 23-year-old athlete is looking for someone with a nice smile, kiss and dream to share his bed. Fancy an outdoor adventure with this Romeo? Send him a message today.
Say hey to this weeks gorgeous MeetTheRomeo it’s Arkanum from Salzburg, Austria. Arkanum loves to surround himself in colors that bring light and meditation into his life. The best kind of colors are people and the best kind of drug is a hug. Is Arkanum for you? Reach out and message him now!
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo, it’s breakthrough_artist . You can find this handsome writer in Berlin. He’s a fun guy, who enjoys nightlife, meeting friends and going to bars. He also loves the vibe of Berlin and its creativity. Want to write yourself into his story? Send breakthrough_artist a message today.
Say hello to this week’s MeetTheRomeo its JustFunNow from Düsseldorf, Germany. This tall, handsome German is an open-minded Romeo, looking for fun. He has some really sexy jockstraps and wrestling outfits, but also looks really hot in a decent shirt. Want to check out his equipment? Why not send him a message today?
Say hello to a Romeo from Salzburg, Austria, it’s loveandothers . This 24-year-old guy is the whole package, an art lover, who can celebrate life like the best of us, but who also appreciates the quiet moments in life. His wishes for the future are to travel, spend time with good friends and to meet a great man in life. If you fancy a date with a hot Austrian, loveandothers is the guy for you. Don’t waste anymore time, send him a message.
Say hello to another MeetTheRomeo, its cityBitch from Berlin. The 22-year-old Romeo has brown eyes you could drown in. At this point in his life, he's ready for love and would like to meet someone special. Think you fit the bill? Send cityBitch a message today.
Say hello to this week’s Romeo, its 33-year-old Cig-smoker from The Philipines. As an artist working mainly in photography and writing, Cig-smoker appreciates beauty. He is looking for a guy who can give him the respect he deserves. A guy who will treat him with the level of kindness and support that he knows he can give back. Is this the guy for you? Send a him a message today and find out.
Say hello to this athletic and hairy Romeo from Germany. –fuchs- is into leather and sportsgear. He describes himself as just a normal guy who likes sport, music and good cooking. He likes to keep it simple and is attracted to guys with beards. Are you the man for him? If so drop him a line to arrange a date!
Meet this week's Romeo living in Sofia, Bulgaria! Nephrithos likes tall, hairy, positive and open-minded guys. He loves pizza, gaming and watching animé. Volleyball is his passion but he also enjoys hiking and photography. Think he's the guy for you? Send him a message!
Say hello to this friendly Romeo, alejolatinobelgium , from Belgium. L and uncut, this Cuban Venezulean hottie has lived in Europe for years. He is a friendly and positive with a high sex drive. In fact he is hot all the time. Do you think you can help Alejandro to satisfy his urges? Why not send him and message and connect now on PLANETROMEO?
Happy Halloween, Meet this week’s 1st spooky Romeo, it’s colmofdublin . The 36-year-old Optician Gentleman lives in Dublin and is happy to make new friends. He already has a big friend network so, if you are visiting that city he’s the one to show you around. While not actually an undead Zombie monster, if colmofdublin were to cross the river Styx, he would do so in a Corpses bride dress to marry Hercules. Favorite scary movies include Death Becomes Her and Mean Girls. Dublin is full of Ghost stories and spooky churches so it’s the perfect Halloween destination. Why not send colmofdublin a message now to arrange a ghoulish date?
Meet this week’s 2nd spooky Romeo, movethat from Bonn, Germany. The 23-year-old web designer likes to jog to keep fit, get inspired and slay vampires. When not being a general hero slaughtering villainous ghouls and evil monsters, Movethat can be found singing and enjoying time with his mortal friends. He goes to the theatre and has decided not to kill the Phantom of the Opera, because the poor misunderstood creature is just a guy in a mask and not actually dangerous. When not training to be an even better vampire slayer, movethat can relax with a glass of white wine and Netflix. Would you like to go for a jog in Bonn with this handsome devil? Why not send him a physic message to arrange a date, or a digital one on PLANETROMEO now?
Meet this week’s 3rd Romeo, it’s polymorphic from Paderborn, Germany. The 33-year-old sex bomb is always happy to chat online but prefers to meet up in person. Pictures are one thing, but nothing beats a face-to-face meet. His own pictures show polymorphic is a bit of a shape-shifter and has many handsome faces. He loves to travel, especially through time so he could be popping up in your century or time zone any day now. The magic man describes himself as generally easygoing, cerebral, rational and a bit of a nerd, but can be a wild party boy from time to time. Think you can keep up with this love magician? Why not set up a date right now on PLANETROMEO?
Meet this week’s Romeo from, romantic Rome, Italy, it’s Dree39 . The 28-year-old computer scientist combines intelligence with beauty. His other profile pics show he is an out-doors kind of guy. He has done it all from hiking to kayaking and posing by picturesque waterfalls. Dree39, you have our attention. He is a well-adjusted normal gay guy, who appreciates alternative music, enjoys city breaks and is on a quest for adventure. To make it even better he can grow a seriously impressive beard. His personality is more introverted, he prefers small cliques over big groups. Is this the Romeo for you?
This week’s Romeo is africanhardsexx from Lagos, Nigeria. The optimistic 29 year old believes when a door closes a window opens. He is both adventurous and down to earth. When he is not out seeking new experiences, he can be found chilling at home with his buddies or cuddling on the couch with that special someone. Is africanhardsexx the Romeo for you? Why not send him a message and begin your own adventure?
Meet this week’s Romeo, Murat2408 . He's 34 years old and lives in Hagen, Germany. He has a designer beard, rugged good looks and eyes you could drown in. Always spontaneous, nice and funny, Murat2408 is looking for a man to love. He looks great in his denim shirt and baseball cap. If you want to see him in a more formal crisp white shirt check out his profile. Its full of even more gorgeous pics of this handsome guy. Do you think you might be the right guy for him? Send him a message!
Meet this weeks Romeo from Timișoara, Romania, it’s 2q2bstr8_tm . The 40 year-old beauty has so many gorgeous pictures on his PLANETROMEO but we had to go with this office chic look for the sexy silver wolf. His smile and those brown eyes are totally irresistible. He is not looking for someone to sleep with; he is looking for that special someone to wake up with. Can you see yourself spooning with this gorgeous guy? Look him up now and make the first step to a Romanian romance.
Introducing BastardBoy , from Mandaluyong in the Philippines. This 26-year-old hottie doesn’t really look as tough as his name; he’s too sweet and cute. Check out that face, its totally boyfriend material. BastardBoy loves role-playing-games RPG online from Japan and on tabletop at home. He also loves reading fantasy novels but could he be your fantasy boy? Send this beautiful man a message now and see if you can get into your own role-playing-game.
Say hello to this weeks Romeo, judasrm . This good-looking Italian has recently relocated to Berlin and wants to make friends. He loves animals, movies and of course people. The 33-year-old hottie does not like to party, he prefers to stay home and cuddle with a special guy. Could that guy be you? Send judasrm a message now and help him to stay warm over his first German winter.
Meet ronsaturn from Tel Aviv, Israel. This handsome Israeli describes himself as a fun nerdy guy who enjoys sport, movies and traveling. He also likes making new friends, listening to music and trying to enjoy his life to the full. As he travels so much you never know, Ronsaturn could be passing through your city soon. Why not send him a message and see where he is today?
Meet Ackles99 from Bali, Indonesia. This 25 year old has a great sense of humor and is looking to meet new friends and a boyfriend. He is into men with beards and is also turned on by armpits. We think he is really cute, just look at that smile. Interested? Why not send him a message now to say hello?
Meet cognitive_state from Maastricht, The Netherlands. This spontaneous Romeo is 33 years old and is keen on meeting interesting people. He has a fascination for music, cinema, theater and dancing. He also loves nature and traveling. Do you share any of his passions? Then get in touch with him today!
Meet this week’s Romeo, Corky_Bliss. He's 31 years old living in Berlin. He describes himself as film and photo savvy, with an interesting preference for neon and palm trees. This masculine guy is ready to find love, whether for a couple of days or a whole summer long. ;) Do you think you might be the right guy for him? Send him a message!
Say hi to this sporty Romeo from Denmark! XL-Versatile loves city trips, but also doesn't shy away from a more adventurous expedition. You may run into this athletic guy while jogging or find him at a restaurant enjoying exotic food. Don't hesitate to reach out to him if you want to join this spontaneous viking for a drink in Copenhagen!
Meet this week's Romeo living in London! OriginalOldLove describes himself as a romantic, funny and educated guy looking for someone similar. He's a student with a wide range of interests, including literature, politics and film. Think he's the guy for you? Send him a message!
Say hello to this adventurous and romantic Romeo from Italy. ChristopherBlake18 is into biking and climbing and, if he's got energy left, you might find him enjoying electronic music at a club in Rome. He’s looking for friends and ready to find love so drop him a line if you want to find out more!
Our brand new Romeo of the Week is aesclap21 from Köln! This athletic guy enjoys singing, reading, writing and going to parties. He describes himself as an optimist who has a romantic side - could he be your dream guy? Get in touch to find out!
Meet anglxphilie, our Romeo of the week! He lives in Frankfurt, Germany, is interested in minimalist photography and is getting ready to start a course in Motion Pictures. Anglxphilie describes himself as a sensitive guy with an extroverted side. Think you could sweep him off his feet? Send him a message!
Meet Bjornar from Sweden! This blond Romeo likes to swim, paint and make art - as well as go to parties. He's looking for friends, fun and a relationship, so if you think you're right for him - send him a message!
You'll find this handsome Romeo in sunny Santa Marta in Colombia. Tayrona- describes himself as a relaxed, chilled-out guy who loves going to the beach and travelling the world. He's looking for friends and a relationship, so get in touch if you think you're the guy for him!
Say hello to krazybilly from Switzlerand! This cultured Romeo is a dental technician who attends a dance school and is a member of the Zürich Opera House. Krazybilly describes himself as an open-minded and creative guy, but if you want to find out more, send him a message!
Say hello to Adam1018! This smiley guy can be found in Amsterdam, and he's looking for friends, dates or a relationship. Adam1018 likes clean-shaven guys with a good sense of humour - and a good kisser is a plus too. Want to find out more? Send him a message!
Meet Perihel in beautiful Berlin! This gorgeous guy enjoys working out in the gym, going to bars and meeting new guys. And guess what? He's on the market and looking for love! Perihel likes outdoorsy guys who are athletic, cultured and have a good sense of humour. Think you're the right guy for him? Send him a message!
-CHHB- is a self-confessed geek with a love of video games, Peter Pan and Star Wars. He lives in Berlin, and describes himself as boyfriend material - but be warned that he has a dark sense of humour! -CHHB- loves jocks, guys who wear caps, men with stubble and guys who enjoy a glass of white wine. Think you're his type? Get in touch!
Say hello to _NO_REGRETS_ in Italy. This athletic Romeo is a self-confessed party animal and can speak an impressive four languages! Aside from parties, he loves Latin music, going to the cinema and drinking beer. Think you've got something in common? Send him a message!
Say hello to KeWINmyheart! Originally from Mumbai, India, this Romeo is currently studying in Fairfax, USA. An engineering graduate, KeWINmyheart is also a trained actor, though he has lots of different ambitions, including travelling the world, setting up a restaura
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