MP3 Jiu Jiu, Vol. 3 by Touya Tobina online kindle ios shop offline

MP3 Jiu Jiu, Vol. 3 by Touya Tobina online kindle ios shop offline

MP3 Jiu Jiu, Vol. 3 by Touya Tobina online kindle ios shop offline

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Book description
Werewolves at the door...and in the houseBorn into a family of “Hunters,” Takamichi’s destiny is to pursue and slay demons. When her twin brother is killed, she is saved from despair by a pair of Jiu Jiu—shape-shifting familiars—in the form of two wolf pups named Snow and Night. Now Takamichi is in high school and an active Hunter. Snow and Night can’t wait to attend school in their human form to “protect” her. But are they ready to go off leash...?Takamichi’s Jiu Jiu Obedience Training Goals 1. Don’t run away before a critical meeting of the Hunter Clans. (If only there were leash laws for Jiu Jiu...) 2. Speak now or forever hold your peace. 3. Get along with other shape-shifting familiars, little doggies. Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for teen plus audiences.
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