Macho Picchu

The time has come for an analysis of the way in which the ETHICAL and MORAL rules of the YOGA system (YAMA and NIYAMA) are approached, interpreted and applied at MISA. As is natural, the reporting will be done at the very sources of MISA: the dedicated page on the organization's website, as well as the 1st year courses.

MISA webpage:

These ten principles of conduct must be learned and observed by all aspirant yogis, be they beginners or advanced. They are the very foundation of our spiritual evolution.

Just as a lasting house needs a solid foundation, so our spiritual aspirations must be based, first of all, on compliance with these ethical and behavioral norms.

Negligence, indulgence in their application, or repeated violation of any of them exposes us to the risk of seeing our spiritual efforts thwarted, just as a house is in danger of collapsing if one of its supporting pillars is missing or weakened.

Most MISA students are well-intentioned and sincerely aspire to spiritual upliftment, renouncing comfort and material values, instead making special efforts, which are no longer found except among monks in monasteries.

But often unwittingly, unknowingly and - worst of all - without realizing it, they violate these ethical and moral principles and, because of this, they do not reach the heights of genuine spirituality, a fact demonstrated by the lack of results that can be objectively evaluated.

This perverting is caused even by the MISA leader and his henchmen, and the possibility of correcting this situation is undermined by the fact that participants in MISA courses and activities, although they sometimes sense that the limits are crossed, they immediately find justifications for the leaders' deviations.

Here is the explanation of the moral ruin that is MISA, in spite of the esoteric integral yoga practice.


moral rules that must always prevail in thought, speech and action in interaction with others

1) AHIMSA (non-violence or respect for life)

AHIMSA involves not harming or harming – in any form – any being. Neither by deeds or gestures, nor by words, tone or even thoughts.

No significant physical violence was observed in public at MISA.

Some rare, harsher interventions by security team at some activities have been recorded: for example forced evacuation made by the head of the "order" of an elderly woman who refused to present her ID, a fact that took place on the field of spirals, in a summer camp from Costinești, in the presence of hundreds of students. To the disgusted looks of the participants and the protests of some of them, the coordinator declared: The security team reports directly to Grig!

At MISA there is permanent psychological pressure. The security team behave with the students as if they are potential terrorists. Thorough body searches, sometimes with scanners for electronic devices, created an oppressive atmosphere of total surveillance where everyone felt like they are in a camp - even though they come to a spiritual gathering, on vacation - producing disgust for many students.

The reason is the "subtle presence and sublime inspiration” of the Spiritual Master”.

AnnouncementBag Check at the Healing Event

"In order to participate in the Event on... no electronic equipment of any kind is allowed (telephones, recorders, video cameras, electronic watches, electronic keys, etc.).

If the security team finds electronic devices of any kind on those who come, they will be removed immediately from the event. Also, at this event it will not be possible to take any kind of notes and therefore you cannot enter with any kind of writing instruments, writing paper."

Even at a healing session, access with something to record is not allowed, for fear that someone might steal the revelations of the Sent of God, the one who came to awaken all humanity... in secret!

Lately, the atmosphere has relaxed somewhat, but the Jedi Master's paranoia remains. Control has moved online, to channels and secret groups on Telegram and Zoom. And on the outside, they threaten copyright lawsuits, he - the ultimate plagiarist.

The absence of physical violence is however compensated by the increasingly frequent verbal violence of the MISA leader both in particular and (especially) in public. Almost every one of his lectures starts like this:

”The content of these conferences is not addressed to skeptical, obtuse, stupid human beings who will completely rush to think or even to maintain with a foolish, unshakable conviction that these are impossible.”

But that's just the warm-up. Here are the epithets full of elevated spirituality that came out of the guru's mouth recently (link): "human scumbag, hateful and spiteful brute, jerk, scoundrel, good-for-nothing, cretin with great impudence, big fool, hateful imbeciles manipulated by demons, human scum possessed by madness, crazy”.

conference: "Pope Francis - cunning vector for the implementation of sinister satanic plans"

"This madman, lost one, unconsciously slipped into a demonic state. In the case of this demented Pope, the insidious influence of the demons that possess him is hidden in some details that are obvious on the background of the immense demonic insolence that seized him, but also by his cretinous, crazy statements that he makes.

Pope Francis considers - in his imbecile madness - to be suicide the refusal of vaccination. This is what this demented and imbecile Pope said about vaccination... Here is another demented, cretinous statement by Pope Francis... The cretinism and insanity that appear from such statements are immense. The demonic drunkenness of power has already seized this cretinous, demented Pope...”

The most edifying, however, is the true psychological abuse that the "Blesser" perpetrates on women (press articleblog postingvideo 1video 2 or alternative).

As the Master is, so is the apprentice, so the violent language was learned and then "refined" by the Kashmiri Shivaite, N.C.:

The revelation of the truth is stronger than the abject slanders and hallucinatory scorns of the pathetic scandal-monger M.R. (November 26, 2011 - archive):

"the devil's advocate, hopelessly lack of intelligence, the anonymous rat, boundless stupidity, staunch opponent of this spiritual school which, in his madness, even thinks he will destroy, traitor (Judas) and notorious whistleblower.”

The ”sorcerer apprentice” didn't cool down with a single article, so he later spilled his accumulated pressure, emanating 7(!) new articles, in which he raised his level of "non-violence": The advo-cat disguised as a moralist wolf... or how the lawyer MR became the shrill trumpet of a "anonymous" rat

"Advo-cat shrill barking, together with the anonymous rat from the anonymity and darkness of the filthy hole in which he hides, from demonic doubts they have already slipped into the reservoir of demonic certainties, troglodyte with omniscient airs, the pretentious stupidity, this hypocrite, childish in thought, his own swampy perversity, the poor gang of "postacs", troglodytes, the barking advo-cat together with their gang mates, larval grudges, larvae full of hatred and malice, Pharisees".

Principle (yoga course):

A yogi knows that the best course of action in such situations is to love a person while fighting the evil in him.

Example 1 - G. Bivolaru (link):

”The devil (SATAN,THE DIVIDER/ DISUNITER) is present in any cunning and mean action which tries to disunite the state of unity and brotherhood of a spiritual group.

Whenever one or few deviated, demoniac and degenerate human being unite in evil in order to disunite a spiritual group, such human beings become the bitter and unconscious “tools” of the devils. In such situations, Satan is always present into their aura through the demons and he infuriates and tempt them continue their horrible attempt of tearing them out and turn them off the spiritual path.

Do not hesitate to unmask their intentions, so that they would be determined to expose publicly the aberrances and frames-up they are trying to poison your being with, seeding into you the cockle of evilness and of different demoniac doubts.

Then you will see their fury and fear (which is typical to coward “rats”) that will appear into their tormented being, through which they manifest their demons.  Doing like this each of you will help to the drainage and even to the clearness of this school of such poisonous “brushwood”.”

The current president of MISA excitedly announced the destruction of secret bases of the Occult, resulting in the killing of 60,000 people:

Example 2 - N.C. (link):

”we dare to affirm with all conviction that this passage which was identified through the secret code of the Bible refers to the moment when, within the MISA yoga school and under the guidance of her spiritual mentor, prayers began to be performed collectives that were addressed to God the Father and that were followed by certain extraordinary miraculous events that had an echo on a planetary scale!

We refer here primarily to everything that happened on planet Earth following the seventh collective prayer, when two secret bases of the satanic group of the so-called "enlightened" were destroyed by a divine miracle, by means of underground explosions.

On that occasion, more than 60,000 people who worked in those secret bases received the divine punishment they deserved.”

Better said, they got the "love" they deserved...

Example 3.

MISA leader G. Bivolaru criticized the action of a MISA student to collect aid for the population of Ukraine, considering it "strange and aberrant", then he expressed his approval of Russia's criminal aggression in Ukraine.

conference ”An urgent objective clarification, based on edifying, significant facts about Ukraine

”Please listen very carefully to this presentation, in order to discover what is the reality that is skillfully, cunningly hidden, beyond the appearances that deceive the ignorant, the stupid, the naive ones who allow themselves to be manipulated by an insidious propaganda, causing them not to notice what the real truth actually is.

After the Second World War, the Ukrainians were rewarded in a bizarre way by the annexation of some territories. The stupid and naive ones forget all this and end up lamenting the Ukrainians. Now we present you with a core question, I quote: what has Ukraine actually done? A clear, edifying answer is the following:

"Ukraine had itchiness where it shouldn't. Had itchiness – so to speak – in the ass!”

That is precisely why - through a lightning operation - Russia took back Crimea, Donbass and Luhansk".

Principle (yoga course):

”For a bad deed committed by others, people demand justice. For one made by themselves, they ask for mercy and forgiveness. The yogi, on the other hand, believes that an evil done by him must be judged, while for an evil done by others, he asks for forgiveness.”

Exemplification - G. Bivolaru: petition addressed to the President of Romania (link):

"I have complained several times about the numerous abuses, illegalities and injustices committed by the trial panel on the occasion of the trial of the case in which I am a defendant. I consider it extremely serious and inadmissible that until now the competent authorities have not taken any effective measures [...] for holding accountable those who are guilty of committing them. That is precisely why immediate, concrete and effective measures must be taken!"

Principle (yoga course):

EFFECTS: The constant practice of non-violence (AHIMSA) has the universal effect of uprooting feelings of hostility towards any being. Around the one in whom non-violence has taken root perfectly, all beings renounce hatred, antipathy, enmity.

Exemplification - yoga student:

”This comment will reach you only with the consent of our spiritual guide Grig.

My dear, doesn't anyone yell at you for wandering on the plains?  Please refrain from writing and presenting conferences for a while because if Grig asks me to comment on all of them  you're really putting me in a lot of trouble. Consider this comment a brotherly warning. Do you have so much courage to offend some people, not caring if one comes later and gives you, as you deserve, a beating? What amazes me the most is by what miracle did you manage to not get beaten up until now?

I would dare, in addition to the message I expect from Grig, to ask you to present us with at least two opinions - possibly anonymous - from two women who know you better. I am very attentive to the message that our spirit guide Grig will convey about this comment which required me more than a month to draft it."

The fish begins to rot and smell from its head...

CONCLUSION: Physical violence rarely occurs at MISA (here the lacto-vegetarian regime can be added, avoiding the meat which would require the killing of animals) but instead there is obvious VERBAL VIOLENCE towards those who do not share the views of the MISA leader and its management.

Also, there is a permanent oppressive atmosphere determined by strict supervision, which is justified by the leader by the danger represented by those who express opinions different from his, labeled as "demonic doubts".

The trend of control and surveillance, as well as the induction of a state of permanent alertness to the appearance and spread of "demonic doubts" is a form of PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE, which is the result of the MISA leaders' paranoid fear of getting the group out of control, a fear that stems from their obsession with imposing absolute control over grouping.

(the continuation here)

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