Richie Modesty



It involves not accumulating material goods that we do not really need (the strictly necessary), refraining from accumulating unnecessary material objects ("consumerism").

MISA course first year - APARIGRAHA

This is therefore another deeper aspect of the rule of not stealing or lack of greed.

Not to steal means not to take what does not belong to you; not accumulating means not gathering what you don't need. It's not about what we have, but how we use what we have. We must not make obtaining things a purpose in itself, but use them without becoming dependent on them.

It involves rejecting favors and gifts that other people give us in conventional relationships. A gift brings obligations to the one who receives it, which creates a series of debts that cannot always be compensated.

It implies poverty - in the sense of modesty, of austerity - detachment from earthly goods, elimination of excessive desires for property, which transforms objects from means to purposes.


In general, MISA students do not show particular material desires, they do not aspire to become rich. They are satisfied with the bare necessities and, from this point of view, show less material desires than ordinary people who are envious, greedy for money and valuables, with which they later boast.

Among them, however, there are also some who have shown the desire to accumulate spiritual achievements and, seeking to be as much as possible in the attention of the leader, to enter as much as possible in his graces (sometimes through flattery), they have become faithful and "people of trust", acquiring important positions within the Movement.

Once they achieved these important positions, they began to take advantage of their status to obtain the most comfortable living conditions possible, sometimes without having to get a job.

Gradually their desire for spiritual favors turned into material desires and they became attached to their position, which they sought to keep by all kinds of maneuvers.

Some have developed businesses within the courses - particularly in the naturist and health sector - having MISA students as their customers. Some businessmen claim that their business "have the support of Grieg", a fact that disturbed the Great Detached:

"It is urgently necessary to sound the alarm about some people studying in this esoteric spiritual school of integral yoga, who indulge themselves in all kinds of business - some of them bizarre, dubious - but they have the immense arrogance to affirm - to fool the suckers - that they supposedly have our support, although we have never offered it nor even knew about such strange business. prevent your spoliation, your deception, your insidious plundering, so that afterwards - when you will eventually be lured to be finally deceived - you may revolt and unjustly say: "Here's what our spiritual Guide got us into! Our money was taken! We've all been scammed because he backed this business we got into and now we've lost all the money we invested, it's his fault”.

Considering these dubious aspects and which may involve legal or even criminal aspects, we hereby announce that we do not and will never provide any endorsement for this dubious business. We note that this is not the only scam that has been perpetrated within this esoteric spiritual school of integral yoga.”

The ”honest MISA businessmen” can be recognized by using the Guide as a commercial agent, who then gives them a well-deserved advertisement.

On the MisaTV channel, real advertising spots of the Guide were broadcast for beekeeping products, naturist clinics and especially for the house company "Steaua Divină" (”the Divine Star”), which produces, among others, the prophylactic anti-Covid remedies that the Guide promotes.

MISA built or renovated a number of buildings with the help of students' voluntary work (karma yoga). Under the pretext of avoiding a possible confiscation of them by the authorities of the malicious state, some buildings were registered in the name of some MISA leaders (link):


"They refuse to return the properties that were formally registered in their name, only because at that time there was talk of outlawing MISA and, as a direct result, the entire MISA patrimony could have been improperly confiscated."

In some of these buildings, dubious activities are carried out, such as erotic or pornographic video chats, a fact recognized by former MISA members, current VIPs (link) and even by the Guide himself!

MISA collects fees from all kinds of courses, camps and even "extracurricular activities" that are presented as free:

Selection registrations Theophanic Charismatic Movement

"Each person will submit a guarantee of 100 Ron (20 Euros) upon registration. For the people who will be selected, the guarantee will be returned after 5 consecutive years of participation in MCT conferences. For people who will not be selected, the guarantee will be returned immediately after the communication of the results of that selection."

Often no receipts or tax receipts are issued for these collections.

Judging by the financial situation of MISA published by ANAF (tax office), the revenues received from non-patrimonial activities in 2021 (donations and contributions of members) amount to 647,785 Ron. Dividing the amount by the monthly course fee (Ron 120) and the 11 months of the "yogi course year", there are approximately 500 paying students.

If we take into account the fact that the camp fees should also be included (300 Ron for the spring camp and 700 Ron for the summer camp, the number should be even lower than that (or it may be tax evasion)! Instead, MISA always announces 35,000 students and sympathizers.

The MISA leader always posed as the spiritually elevated sage and detached from worldly possessions and desires, ostentatiously refusing gifts or physical symbols of spiritual recognition (e.g. garlands traditionally offered to yogi masters, wearing orange robes).

But he did not reject the eulogies that often presented him as the greatest spiritually accomplished master in the history of the planet and a messenger of God for the salvation of mankind; on the contrary, the most modest of the modest supported them indirectly through various statements.

Statements of the modest leader of the modest organization modestly titled the Spiritual Integration Movement in ABSOLUTE:

A happy perspective on a certain victory (link)

”In a close correlation with the prophecies of Sundar Singh, this spiritual school will be the most important school on this planet, and with the direct guidance of GOD and the direct guidance of the angels will prepare a new, fast, easy and efficient path to discover GOD and to become one with Him, each of us will no longer need any intermediary.

In light of the subtle manifestations that have appeared on this planet since this mysterious victory, this spiritual school will become the highest and most powerful divine flame on this planet.”

Message at the end of the camp:

"Until the time when the good God gave this amazing revelation within this esoteric spiritual school, it was never clearly mentioned anywhere. Never before has this revelation been given to us humans on this planet. Thus a new religion of a plurivalent, creative objective synthesis will become possible, this new divine religion will naturally make all other religions disappear."

An important and impressive excellent news that was sent to us recently by the good God:

"Recently, unexpectedly, the good God sent us a message and inspired us to make it known to all of you:

"He who in eternity Am and always Will be, I announce that the great mystery - which you call the Godly Attributes, a miracle that I gave you in these difficult times of balance for all of you, is exactly as it was for you announced and revealed (by G. Bivolaru - a/n).

... My revelation through what you call the Godly Attributes, which I have revealed to you and which I continue to reveal to you for the first time, as they are from the beginning of all beginnings.."

"In passing", so that there is no doubt, the Supreme Humble told us with his own mouth how modest he is:

Morals and Bad Habits" - the case of A.H.:

”In passing, we mention that there are many human beings within this esoteric spiritual school who, on the basis of the free prescriptions made available to them for cases of cancer in the various stages, have nevertheless managed to heal themselves by personally procuring herbs and treating himself with the help of appropriate and obviously effective phytotherapeutic mixtures, without paying huge sums to receive a "miracle" treatment prepared by A.H. The difference between the two ways can be easily detected by sufficiently intelligent lucid human beings endowed with common sense and who have amplified their spiritual intuition. Unlike A.H., however, we have never paid attention to the healing of such human beings, because modesty has characterized us. However, such cases do exist and, at the appropriate time, they will be presented in the Encyclopaedia of Fruits, when the corresponding volumes come to see the light of print."

"We're so modest we'll publish a book in order to brag!"

The pinnacle of modesty is reached in "Messages about the so-called healer Bernhard - P1":

”Bernhard has a lot to learn, and if he is willing to learn - which he has a unique chance to do - if he is able to understand and implement for at least seven months these aspects that I have pointed out, it will be possible he then convinces himself of the indisputable reality of these revelations which can be of immense use to him.

Given the modesty and humility that characterize us, we do not consider it necessary to go into details about our interventions which we achieve only with the immense help that comes from the good God in our pose of a beggar who, however, has - so to speak - a pipeline of great caliber in and through which the good God manifests in our pose of the channel, so that it appears really great results."

The most recent result - and the biggest - was even sending the president of MISA directly to the Kingdom of God.

And The Humble One still has plenty of modesty left on his high caliber pipeline.

G. Bivolaru often uses the "the plural of Majesty (the Royal WE") when referring to his august person.

For example, in the conference mentioned before, speaking about him, G. Bivolaru alternates the use of the singular and plural:

"Currently, we have an impressive number of Godly Attributes that the good God has revealed to us, one by one. On the occasion of this news that the good God decided to convey to all of us, I later had a great revelation: I realized the existence of a shocking truth.

As a result of this news that the good God gave uswe had this revelation afterwards that we decided to share it with you. Shortly after this news, like an echo, appeared in our inner universe this revelation which previously it did not exist in the microcosm of our being.”

If in the first sentences, the plural refers to a group ("God decided to pass it on to all of us"), in the last sentence (”our inner universe, the microcosm of our being”) it is only about him - Bivolaru - for he is the one who relates about his personal revelation "for the first time on the planet".

Such modesty calls for appropriate hosannas:


"Grieg is one of the greatest masters of this planet, of this universe and of other universes. He is the greatest spiritual Master who has appeared on this planet since Jesus until now. He is one of my dearest children whom I have sent to help you and to help this planet overcome its impasse. Only such an exceptional spirit can do something, that is, it can bring light to this world of darkness.

He is the spiritual Model, the Example to which each of you must relate and identify with. Be aware that you have before you a Model of divine Perfection, an exceptional spirit who came to this Earth out of great love and immense compassion.

A Master in all spiritual sciences heard of on your planet, an ocean of grace through which I manifest Myself fully, but this would not have been possible without his immense sacrifice. Appreciate properly My gift for you, which is Grieg itself."

The tens of thousands of testimonials of yogis are a proof of the authenticity of this yoga school (a flattering student):

"Each of these spiritual exemplifications is, indirectly, a clear proof of the authenticity of Grieg's spiritual achievement. Such examples also highlight that, beyond the modesty that characterizes him, Grieg is an authentic spiritual guide.

Our spiritual guide Gregorian Bivolaru has always affirmed, with great humility and modesty, that he manages to achieve each of these exemplification with the immense help that comes primarily from God the Father.

He publicly admitted, countless times, that without this help that God the Father provides, he could not do (or succeed in) such spiritual achievements. Each of these spiritual exemplifications is therefore an inestimable gift, which God offers us through Grieg, which is always the "channel" through which these exemplifications are accessible to us.

These spiritual exemplifications are living proof of a certain spiritual achievement that very few contemporary spiritual guides have. The very fact that the YOGA school is currently the only one in the world where such paranormal spiritual exemplifications are carried out should make us think: why aren't other current spiritual guides on this planet also doing such paranormal spiritual exemplifications?

The answer is simple: because they are not capable of such a performance, because they have not reached the level of spiritual realization that could allow them to do so.

The fact that Grieg is able to paranormally perform various spiritual exemplifications is a clear proof that he belongs, as a spiritual achievement, to the highest category of spiritual Guides (masters)."

The Biblical Code predicts the spiritual actions initiated on a planetary level by MISA (the same flattering student - link):

"a passage identified by the secret code of the Bible designates an exceptional being - a "sent of God on Earth" - who will actually carry out the process of transformation of destiny, thanks to the New Covenant... what was written over 3000 years ago in the secret code of the Bible is being fulfilled here and now, "without false modesty", through the MISA yoga school, under the brilliant guidance of yoga teacher Bivolaru."


As the leader's desire to receive planetary recognition grew, so did his desire to shepherd as many disciples as possible.

When MISA suffered its first serious schism, a number of important disciples and instructors left it or were expelled, taking more students with them and founded their own schools which - in the paranoid mind of the MISA leader - became "satanic counter-initiating cores" that threatened the unity of MISA, luring students to their schools with the promise of presenting the same information as at MISA but in a time much shorter than the duration of a human life.


"The subject of this conference is the vile, Machiavellian manner in which the former yoga instructor from Greece, Z.C., behaves. It is necessary to state that this poor human being now uses the pompous name of Icha Shakti Ananda. This person shows a huge arrogance. She cheekily uses without ceasing the lessons from our Integral Esoteric Yoga courses, but also the lessons from the Tantra yoga course, she also offers initiations based on our structured materials.

Moreover, this person is making strenuous efforts to recruit, in various cunning ways, the students of our yoga school in Greece, and she is luring these students of ours with cunning, whispering to them that she is teaching these courses much faster and selects in a sensationalist manner various methods that are integrated in the upper years of the course, to lure them that, in this way, they make big savings and finish the course faster.”

Thus, the problem of maintaining existing students as well as attracting new students became the leader's main concern, and he began to promise "new revelations in planetary premiere" that could not be found at the other schools.

Long-time students of MISA suddenly found out that they were learning "Integral Esoteric Yoga" and even Esoteric Tantra.

To achieve his goals, the leader coveted maintaining a monopoly on information in the spiritual realm. The courses have been encrypted, and to receive the codes, oaths are taken like self-curses. This monopoly of information - unusual in the spiritual realm where, on the contrary, the idea is to share it freely with as many people as possible - demonstrates the POSSESSIVENESS of the MISA leader. 

”No man, when the light has been lighted, puts it in a secret place, or under a vessel, but on its table, so that those who come in may see the light” (Luke 11:33)

As always the subtle trends maintained and amplified for a long time eventually turn into actual manifestations in the physical world, currently at MISA it is an obvious mad rush for students and money. At every moment of the year there are new camps, new courses, new initiations, as more and more hungry mouths are to be satisfied. 

The registration of esoteric concepts as trademarks is the "spiritual austerity" certificate of MISA. 

(to be continued)

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