Gary Springer

Newcastle university how to give a good presentation (Otsego) she took my strength by minutes she took my life by hours she drained me like a fevered moon that saps the spinning world the days went by allowed shall I was the minutes wheeled like stars she took the pity from my heart made it into smiles wish she was a hunk she was a hunk of sculptors clay my secret thoughts were like fingers they flew behind her pensive brow and lined it deep with pain they SAT the lips they sacked the cheeks they drooped the eye with sorrow my soul had entered the clay fighting like seven devils it was not mine it was not urns she held it but it struggles modeled a face she hated and a face I feared to see I beat the windows I shook the bolts I I hit me in a corner and then she died and haunted me and hunted me for life Fulton-Montgomery Community College.

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