MODULE - Cryptoeconomic ecosystem on a decentralized file storage network

MODULE - Cryptoeconomic ecosystem on a decentralized file storage network

What is a Module?

The module develops a platform that will allow users to rent backup memory on their computers or other devices - including smartphones and tablets - which can be used as part of the blockchain, for the purpose of storing any data.

The company's innovative software hopes to overcome the problems inherent in existing blockchain services - excessive power consumption and hidden centralization - by allowing even users with low-powered hardware to host part of the blockchain as part of the cloud system. The company also released its own cryptocurrency, MODL token, which will be needed to access the platform.

The module is a blockchain-based platform designed to take advantage of free storage from smartphones, PCs, servers, etc. As an asset. Using the MODULE platform, someone will be able to participate in mining even from a smartphone. Servers and companies can also participate in mining.


PCSN (P2P Cloud Storage Network), which allows client-side encryption, allows users to send and share data without having to rely on third-party storage space. Removal of central control can reduce problems such as traditional data errors and power outages, while significantly increasing data security, privacy and control. Previously, P2P networks were not suitable to build storage systems. With this system, we solve the inherent problem by applying direct payments (suggested solutions) - (A method similar to the response verification system).

This will allow authenticity of data to be regularly checked, and compensation to be 

paid for data stored in PEER. This module also proposes address access and independence models in this system, as well as the ability for nodes to aggregate.

Module Features


Internal testing will start from October 2018. The beta version will be distributed to users in December, after completing testing. Official releases on Google Play and the App Store are scheduled for January.


One feature of our project is that the holder = MODL user. The beta version of the MODL application will be distributed to users who buy MODL tokens during ICO. The more activity in the application, the more MODL values ​​will be distributed. Influencers will be used to spread the Application and get users. Press releases will start in Asia starting August 2018.


Our goal is to develop content where users can participate, such as advertising and crowdfunding models. The release of unique content will increase user satisfaction.


MODL EXPANSION will expand user content and bring the platform to the world, thereby obtaining a commercial module area.

How the Cloud Storage Network Blockchain Data Module Works

The module's main product is a blockchain-based data storage platform that allows anyone to act as a "miner" (data host) using their computer's backup memory. This system is not always intended for end users, but rather for software developers who can use it to handle back-end for a variety of applications.

In their whitepaper, the Module estimates that billions of gigabytes will easily be used on smartphones and other devices around the world; while most blockchain services rely on computers that are very powerful to verify transactions and store data, the Module otherwise shows that all of this unused memory must be utilized.

All data stored on the Module platform is fully encrypted, keeping it protected from even colleagues whose devices are stored, but it is easily accessible even if the host device is offline because multiple copies are available.

Platform developers claim that they are one of the most viable alternatives proposed to the most widely used blockchain verification architecture, because the proof-of-work algorithm requires enormous power consumption, and the stock proof method is vulnerable to quiet centralization.

Platform algorithms are designed to offer truly decentralized systems that will not have problems operating on a large scale, even in the future as memory hardware requirements and computer programs continue to grow.

Modules allow miners to set their own prices for their hosting services, which the company hopes will stimulate fair competition and allow users to only buy the storage capacity they need for their intended use. Accessing services will require payment in a MODL token, which is used to compensate host users for maintaining services.

Development of the Module platform began in May 2018, although the company's roadmap shows that the beta version will not be released until the end of the year. The company hopes to release a comfortable smartphone application through Google Play and the App Store in early 2019.

Details of ICO Tokens

Token Name: MODUL

Token Symbol: MODL Token 

Price: 0.008 USD

Platform: ERC-20

Currency Received: ** ETH ** 

Hard Stamp: 30 Million

Soft Cap: 5 Million


May 2018

Sales management 

Participation tokens at Consensus 2018 

Start development of the Module platform 

Start MODL Application development

July 16, 2018

Presale opening

July 31, 2018

End of presale

August 1, 2018

Opening of the ICO

September 30, 2018

End of ICO

September 2018

Register in exchange 

Start developing Secret Sharing services

October 2018

Build a mining server 

Test the MODL App beta

November 2018

Test the Module platform

December 2018


the MODL App beta version distribution platform operation

January 2019

MODL application on Google Play and App Store



For more details, please follow the link below:




Twitter: https: // twitter .com / MODULE_Project



Bitcointalk Username: Portalfia

Profil Bitcointalk:;u=2268660

ETH Address: 0x30b6fEE77876B463317B01E1AdA46E4dbDe7Cb9C

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