MMX - Official device list and status

MMX - Official device list and status

MMX Team
Mediatek devices will be never supported, don't ask for them!
If a device is not supported it means that we don't have a tester for it, so if you want the support you can become a tester, just tell us in the support group that you want to test for the device
alioth    | Weekly | 
andromeda | EOL    | 
apollo    | Stable | 
beryllium | EOL    | 
cas       | Stable | 
cepheus   | EOL    | 
chiron    | EOL    | 
clover    | EOL    | 
cmi       | Stable | 
courbet   | Stable | 
crux      | EOL    | 
cupid     | Stable | 
curtana   | EOL    | 
davinci   | EOL    | 
dipper    | EOL    | 
excalibur | EOL    | 
gauguin   | Weekly | 
ginkgo    | EOL    | 
grus      | EOL    | 
ingres    | Stable | 
joyeuse   | EOL    | 
lavender  | EOL    | 
lime      | EOL    | 
lisa      | EOL    | 
lmi       | Stable | 
mojito    | Stable | 
monet     | Stable | 
nitrogen  | EOL    | 
olive     | EOL    | 
onclite   | EOL    | 
perseus   | EOL    | 
phoenix   | Stable | 
picasso   | Stable | 
platina   | EOL    | 
polaris   | EOL    | 
psyche    | Weekly | 
pyxis     | EOL    | 
raphael   | EOL    | 
renoir    | Weekly | 
sagit     | EOL    | 
sakura    | EOL    | 
santoni   | EOL    | 
sirius    | EOL    | 
star      | Weekly | 
surya     | Stable | 
sweet     | Stable | 
thyme     | Stable | 
toco      | Stable | 
tucana    | Stable | 
tulip     | EOL    | 
umi       | Stable | 
vayu      | Stable | 
venus     | Weekly | 
vili      | Stable | 
violet    | EOL    | 
wayne     | EOL    | 
whyred    | EOL    | 
willow    | EOL    | 
zeus      | Stable | 


EOL = no more MMX roms for this device, don't ask for them

Stable = this device will receive stable updates

Weekly = this device will receive weekly and stable updates*

If a device need a tester we can't release - if you want to help us and be a stable tester for this device just let us know

*Devices in normal status follow the china beta status, so if a china beta is delayed or suspended even MiuiMiX is delayed or suspended

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