MISA is a SECT according to its own criteria! - ch. 7: III. COMMUNITY and MEMBERS 21 - 23

MISA is a SECT according to its own criteria! - ch. 7: III. COMMUNITY and MEMBERS 21 - 23


(continued from chapter 6)


21. The view on sexuality

Authors G.B. and M.D. says that in the case of sects, members' sexuality is addressed in extreme ways:

it is either dealt in a dogmatic manner through repression, which generates tension and frustration, or it is out of control.

The YOGA system proposes a sacred vision based on love, on transfiguration, on integration into the divine harmony of sexuality:

either through freely chosen complete abstinence, or through sexual continence.

The authors conclude that in some sects, sexuality is repressed and others promote a so-called sexual freedom, unleashed,

devoid of love, sometimes associated with black magic rituals, such as in satanic sects.

Tantric sexual practices have been promoted since the first year courses in 1990 (course number 8).

After a few years, HIV/VDRL tests were required for trainees to attend yoga camps.

This showed that sexual practices do not take place within faithful couples but in temporary couples, although it was claimed

that the basis of deep love, transfiguration and aspiration to the divine should come first.

Although references to sexual continence are frequent, within the yoga course it is only general information.

Detailed tantric love practices are not taught in the yoga class but are learned from the articles, books printed by MISA

or from private meetings with those who know such techniques ("the initiates").

Traditional yoga practices became the basis for sexual practices, in which have been integrated.

This tendency is imposed by the leader of MISA who, as he confesses, originally believed that traditional yoga was the Way,

then he "discovered" the tantric path.

Sexual practices are promoted from the very first beginner's courses, although tantric texts state that in order to tread this path,

special prior preparation is required!

Bivolaru himself states in an interview that Tantra is like"walking on a razor's edge, requiring almost absolute concentration

which is often quite difficult to approach", but then declares that "there can be no danger when the TANTRA procedures

are practiced according to the indications of a true connoisseur, because some of these ways can only be learned through a gradual initiation

offered by a Spiritual Guide, certain exercises can be dangerous only outside this context."

But as it was shown, the students from the beginning of MISA learned tantric techniques from books, not from the classroom.

No mention of "guidance", everyone applied as they understood.

First, the MISA leader changed the traditional path to the tantric path:


"I started practicing YOGA many years ago.

I followed the usual traditional path, the one that it was indicated by the great sages of the East:

fasting, vegetarianism and renunciation of sexuality.

Oriental spirituality was revealed to me as being related to sexuality and thus I understood the need to curb it or even to suppress it

in the case of abstinence, to sublimate it.

For a certain period of time I thought this was the Way.

I got to know a very little-known female in France, a true female Tantric Spiritual Guide, who endeavored to make me acquainted

with certain esoteric aspects of TANTRA YOGA as they had been accessible to her in an initiation center in India,

she gave me certain secret keys and pointed me to the sources of Tantric thought."

Later, it seems that he also deviated from the tantric tradition because, in a conference on the "Secrets of tickling", he talks about

"approaching the erotic amorous positions which you know following a secret initiation [...], which were revealed

for the first time in the world within this esoteric spiritual school of yoga [...], combining rapid spiritual transformation

with experiencing states of pleasure".

MISA assumed the planetary spiritual mission of the "new erotic revolution", which it has registered as its own trademark:


"Amorous sexual continence is the most intelligent and advanced way to make love.

It represents the true love sexual revolution and it is the merit of the MISA yoga school that it revived in the West the secret tradition,

promoting it widely.

Amorous sexual continence is the sexuality of the future."

Under the guidance of the MISA leader, the tantric sexual practices (which are learned by the students privately!)

have surpassed in interest and importance the techniques of Hatha yoga taught within the lessons, which thus become

a support for tantric procedures and rituals.

Love practices are the magnet and binder that sustain MISA®.

Hatha yoga techniques are the packaging, and Tantra techniques are the bait.


"Only the implementation of this truly spiritual, transfiguring, sacred vision of eros, which is also based on the perfect loving continence,

it can lead to the great fusion with the Divine.

Only this traditional vision, which belongs to the millennial tradition of TANTRA YOGA, leads to these pinnacle achievements,

to the great flight in the enigmatic bosom of GOD THE FATHER."

But, in order for the yogic practice at MISA not to appear as exclusively oriented towards sexuality, it must be "dressed"

in a few rows of pure clothes:

- transfiguring love


"If there is no love in this couple relationship, then it means that this relationship is not an amorous one,

because it lacks the fundamental bond: the mysterious energy of love."

- the sacred eros, the divine Attribute of Pure Eros

However, these attitudes trumpeted at MISA are contradicted by the methods "revealed for the first time":

love positionslove ritualslove in grouplove between womenpolyamorylove games with urine.

What do love and God (deeply spiritual aspects) have to do with ”techniques”?

When you need artifices like positions, aphrodisiacs and rituals, there is no pure love there ("the state of being in love, soul mates"),

but only insatiable desire for carnal pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

Carnal desire appears towards many human beings, the "love of life" manifests itself towards only one.

It is obvious why the leader of MISA introduced all these artifices:

the probability of meeting the soul mate precisely in the rather limited framework of the yoga class in the locality is insignificant,

so that the idea is subtly induced that there is no point in missing out on your "spiritual evolution" by endlessly waiting

for the "love of your life", and the soul unfulfillment must somehow be compensated, with auxiliary "sweets".

Within group love (a man with several women) there cannot be complete love, for the same reasons why

"you cannot be a servant to two masters, for you will love one more and another less."

Group love at MISA is not recognized and is even vehemently publicly denied (vezi videobetween moments 1min:38sec - 2min:09sec):


MS: ”When we talk about sex and group, we already associate some things that are not compatible with a moral and spiritual life.

AS: It seems to me something out of the ordinary and something unnatural. No, we weren't interested in that.

Rep: Group sex is not practiced within MISA, that would be the idea.

AS: Yes, by no means and personally I have never heard of such at MISA."

In reality, group love is recommended in secret conferences even by the great "Tantric Master", in a conference titled

"Answer to a question about homosexuality" - 2015


"Indra, Krishna, Shiva, these gods are and remain for all of us formidable models of multiple, parallel love relationships.

The number of their girlfriends is huge. Krishna is said to have over ten thousand mistresses in his harem."

In the sixth conference on "Fundamental Esoteric Revelations Concerning Tickling", the "Guide" admits that

"in the case of love fusions in three or four with excellent erotic amorous continence, states of overwhelming erotic effervescence

are experienced and feed on certain divine spiritual ideals and thus become a formidable invincible occult force."

conference G. Bivolaru: - Answer to a question about homosexuality - 2015

"The tantric treatises mention that... two or even more women can unite intimately, amorously, sexually erotically with another man,

they can even make love to each other in various postures which are classical, but those who have knowledge

of the secret Principle of Multiplication know very well why this is done, what its meaning is and what huge, rapid mysterious effects it triggers."

Details can be found in the post "SYNTHESIS about MISA® - ch. 3 "SEXUAL REVOLUTION" from August 11, 2022, from this blog.

In the case of love between women (see here MISA Conferences and workshops), the polarization, attraction

and unification of opposites is missing.

In polyamory, when certain conditions are met (at least one partner from each zodiac sign), it cannot be true spontaneous and unconditional love.

If the amorous encounter involves the mutual consumption of urine and sexual secretions (kalas), the interaction takes place

on a biochemical level.

Mutual consumption of urine during lovemaking is a practice invented by Bivolaru

(see here, the post SYNTHESIS about MISA® - ch.6 PLAGIARISM ”enriched” with FAKE from August 30, 2022,

sub-chapter FALSE BOOKS - how the book "The Mystic Lady" was forged, from this blog).

MISA is designed as a harem for the leaders of the group.

The recent testimonies (link) of a young Australian woman show how the "MISA yoga school" works.

While studying in England, while looking for a yoga class, she was drawn to an online course and then she was invited to a yoga camp

on the shores of the Black Sea, in Romania.

She was made to swear that she would not reveal anything of what she sawshe was made to undress to be photographed,

received free of charge in an "initiation" program that included sexual practices and "urine games",

finally arriving in Paris before the guru of the sect, at which point he refused to participate and left the group.

Although the young woman did not reveal what this grouping was, the facts pointed in a clear direction.

The organization Tara Yoga Center (MISA's UK branch) published an open letter in response.

Realizing the blunder committed and the fact that they were self-incriminating ("self-incriminating") without being named,

they later retracted the letter, but it had already been archived (too late!) (link).

Meanwhile, the young Australian victim responded point by point to this open letter (video), thus confirming that

it is about the MISA branch.

For details, see the English section of this post, titled

October 31, 2021 - Ashleigh Freckleton șterge pe jos cu secta MISA - o adevărată Shakti în acțiune!

MISA leader promotes promiscuous sexuality.

Since the beginning of MISA, during the holiday camps, so-called "erotic" movies have been suggested to the students to watch,

movies that actually expose pornography of the lowest kind.

Sick and disgusted with these kinds of films, the students ended up rejecting them, prompting the leader's furious reaction,

which lamented the huge fluctuations in viewings, despite efforts made to secure the special program for adults,

consisting of selections from over 1000 films which, in specialized shops, cost between 45 and 60 euros each.

The leader announced that, starting next year, participation will only be possible for a fee even for people who benefit from free of charge,

and if the number of interested people decreases, this program will be eliminated forever.

Besides, low-quality pornographic films were made at MISA.

A former MISA instructor sent a letter to the International Yoga Federation IYF denouncing the production of pornographic films by MISA.

The signatory of the letter shows that in these films that she purchased from the profile market, even the leader of NATHA

(MISA branch in Scandinavia) appears.

She also accused that MISA leader G. Bivolaru invites female students to initiate them in sexual techniques.

Following the evidence presented, IYF expelled MISA and its subsidiaries from its ranks.

Although MISA spokeswomen admitted the production of these films, claiming that it is only about

"erotic films with an educational character",

 these films ended up being distributed on the niche market.

The leader of MISA denied that pornographic films were produced at MISA with the aim of being sold and accused the prosecutors

that they would have seized these films during the raids on 18 March 2004 and sold them on the market.

There were some justifications at MISA (see part 1part 2 and part 3), but only after the IYF scandal broke.

In reality, as can be seen from this list of details and links, the films were produced long before the 2004 raids,

one of them (Ex...tasy Water) even participating in a high-profile festival in 2003, where it won several awards,

being promoted even by MISA students at its own stand.

Other films about urinary orgasm were distributed before 2004, consisting of sequences filmed for the secret test of the Miss Shakti contests

and intended to be viewed only by the MISA leader.

Thus it is clearly demonstrated that these films were produced and put on sale by MISA itself with the consent of its leader.

22. The vision about money

Authors G.B. and M.D. states that in the case of sects, money is their primary concern, even if they don't admit it.

Money offers multiple possibilities for sect expansion, but also for manipulation or attracting new members.

The members of the sects are forced to work many hours a day but, nevertheless, they live on the edge of poverty.

In the case of YOGA schools with ASHRAMs that must be maintained to ensure both accommodation and meals

for yogis hosted free of charge, money - necessary for expenses related to both subsistence and maintenance -

is not seen as an end in itself, [...] but means that must always be used with complete detachment, with wisdom,

to provide the minimum material security and a minimum comfort that will also represent an adequate basis for our spiritual practice.

The authors conclude that in the case of sects, there is an almost permanent preoccupation with getting as much money as possible,

which are not used to improve the living conditions of the sect members, as is natural.

In YOGA, money is not a taboo subject, but neither is it considered an purpose in itself.

It was shown in sub-chapter 18 - "Voluntary work" of this series that some members of the MISA leadership urge voluntary actions

- under the name of Karma yoga - after which they also benefit from some of their results, in exchange for some light activities.

Volunteering means working EXCLUSIVELY for OTHERS, without benefiting in any way from the results of your own actions!

How can you claim to be detached from the material means produced by others, when you have them for your own benefit?

So, voluntary work disguised as karma yoga benefits even those who encourage it, thus violating the spirit of this form of yoga.

The leader of the group creates and promotes all kinds of miraculous recipes that he recommends to the students,

who can obtain them from the a company close to MISA, "Steaua Divina - The Divine Star".

First it started with a promo: the prophylactic remedies "Lightning" and "aromatic Lightning" for the prevention of getting sick with Covid

(and for healing, if the prophylaxis didn't work! 😀)

For the students, these "remedies" were distributed free of charge in quantities that would cover their daily needs,

but for additional quantities or for requests from "relatives, acquaintances and friends", they can be purchased for a fee,

together with other products of the same kind.

Then the Cosmic Doctor released the anti-vaccine remedy "Prophylactic V" which protects from contamination

those who have touched vaccinated people (only for a fee).

Finally, the "Trance Strong" powder for special spiritual achievements.

Let's not talk about the "healing" recipes received in particular by the students, for which they must also call on the "Divine Star".

Of course, all these "miraculous recipes" are not found at all in the official nomenclature of the company "Divine Star"

with products authorized for sale!

More recently, the leader of the group himself became a commercial agent of the companies of some of the students

(see this article or the message about the "Ananda Clinic" office).

Also, MISA's registration of its own trademarks is also an aspect of financial interests.

Even simple students don't behave differently. As the leader of the group recently admitted in the conference in the "Morals and Bad Habits" series,

there are students who are active on video chats (of a pornographic nature, according to the law) and who, in some cases, even live in MISA ashrams.

If those students pay a fee because they live in buildings belonging to MISA, then MISA also profits from these activities.

If they do not pay any tax, the question arises how MISA allows them to live for free while carrying out such "productive" activities

in his buildings?

In both cases, there is at least a moral responsability on the part of MISA, especially since those who conduct video chat activities in this way

violate its own principles which include sexual continence,

because it is clear that those who are customers of these video chats access them for sexual stimulation and discharge

(as the former vice-president of MISA, C.T. drew attention earlier in an open letter which is analyzed in this post,

titled ”SYNTHESIS about MISA® - ch.4. VIDEOCHATS and ”GOLDEN ELIXIR””).

In any case, the money resulting from the activity of erotic video chat violates the ethical and moral rules of YAMA and NYAMA

which are the basis of the YOGA spiritual path.

23. Relations with the society

Authors G.B. and M.D. states that sects are most often antisocial as a protest reaction and, more often than not, manifests itself against society.

That is why they are refuges for mediocre, phantasmagoric and maladapted people.

At the same time, the sectarians arrogate to themselves a false superiority over the "fallen society" and, therefore,

they completely isolates himself from it, at the same time carrying out a determined activity of converting - through preaching -

as many people as possible to their beliefs.

YOGA practice awakens and amplifies charisma, increases intelligence, confers irresistible magnetism that facilitates social integration.

Even if the one who practices YOGA is no longer impressionable, standardized and banal (like the vast majority of human beings,

which are simple products of a consumer society), he is never antisocial.

On the contrary, he advances quite quickly on certain steps of the social sphere and is promoted, being appreciated for his qualities.

He who really wants to transform society must begin this transformation with himself first.

Although the feeling of belonging to a spiritual group is very strong, this does not make them isolate themselves from society

nor does it cause them to pose in a hostile or antagonistic group towards society.

The authors conclude that sects are antisocial by their very nature.

They oppose the society or want to transform it through a stupid and ridiculous propaganda, without their members being able to transform themselves.

Due to ignorance and naivety, many human beings allow themselves to be drawn into the nets of various sects, often being hypnotized

of the mirage they paint.

It has previously been shown that many of MISA's posts or conferences shows a deep superiority and contempt

for those who do not share the group's ideology.

Thus, the "uninitiated" and "profane" are congratulated with all kinds of epithets:

Message at the end of the 2021 summer camp - G. Bivolaru:

"The extraordinary revelations regarding the mystery of the Divine Attributes will be and will continue to be very disturbing indeed.

Taking into account the general situation, the emergence and perpetuation of a state of collective hysteria, the stupidity is even greater,

rampant, obsessive propaganda wreaks havoc on the consciences of naive human beings, gullible, stupid, ignorant, superficial.

We, who know these initiatory secrets, can instantly branch out to capture, to accumulate in our being, in our aura,

the sublime subtle energies of certain Divine Attributes with which we have affinities."

conference G. Bivolaru - "The Secrets of Tickling"


"It should be emphasized that all these disclosures are addressed to and will be accessible only to intelligent human beings.

For stupid, superficial, skeptical human beings, but also for human beings who host demonic doubts or who have already fixed themselves

in demonic certainties, all these revelations will even be rejected with contempt, with vehemence, being cataloged on the other hand

as nonsense, as impossible and uncertain."

Therefore, by promoting a certain ideology that is different from that of the other members of society, MISA exercises on the students

a psychological pressure to maintain connections especially with people inside the "school".

In addition, those outside the group could induce in the minds of the students certain "demonic doubts",

which would thus make them abandon the "spiritual path" and to permanently lose any chance of salvation.

The isolation tendency is greatly amplified by the exclusive adoption of tantric sexual continence, as well as the techniques

of group love or polyamory, the students having to maintain intimate relationships exclusively with people participating in these courses

and who are "initiated" in the various tantric sexual procedures.

In his conferences, the MISA leader applauded the "picturesque visit" of Trump supporters at the Capitol ("carolers"),

(in conference "President Trump's recent, heroic, courageous actions" in 4 parts), supported and justified Russia's actions in Ukraine

in a conference entitled "An urgent objective clarification, based on edifying facts regarding Ukraine",

denied the Bucha massacre and even criticized the action of a student to collect aid for the Ukrainian people!

Recently, the leader of MISA initiated a series of "spiritual actions" to "manifest an intense state of justified beneficial rebellion

which will encompass the masses of human beings on this planet, thus pushing them to move as is intelligent, even necessary."

Then, he initiated an "action in support of the Recognized Hero"(?) in which the message is vague and interpretable.

As can be seen, with the amplification of the MISA leader's paranoia and frustrations, he incites increasingly radical actions.


MISA is a fanatical and orgiastic messianic apocalyptic sect founded on conspiracy theories and false prophecies modified by the sect leader, who has the habit of altering or even distort the spiritual tradition.

The sect leader promotes the idea that the world is threatened by satanic occult groups and seeks to inoculate faith and hope in the saving intervention of beneficent extraterrestrial civilizations.

MISA was expelled from the international yoga federations, which it later repudiated and created its own federation, consisting only of its international subsidiaries.

The reason for the expulsion was that MISA has nothing to do with YOGA but uses it, violating its principles for the vulgar sex business.

The leader of the sect, Gregorian Bivolaru, claims to receive revelations directly from God, and followers consider him a messenger of God, exhibiting a cult of personality without limits.

MISA claims descent from a traditional spiritual lineage, without being able to show who his masters are on this line.

At the same time, the cult leader claims to be the source of numerous planetary first revelations, some of which are fraudulently introduced innovations in texts belonging to other authors.

Although it claims to promote the values of sacred spirituality, the basic methods are those based on sexual continence, manifested both in a couple and in a group or in polyamory.

At MISA, erotic and pornographic films are produced for commercialization under the pretext of education, and some students are active on erotic video chats or porn, facts recognized even by its leaders.

The leader of the sect warns of the lethal danger of vaccination and promotes ”life-saving prophylactic remedies with certain effects”.

MISA has frequently been involved in politics and recently, at the urging of its leader, MISA makes pro-Russian propaganda and promotes the idea of righteous rebellion as well as general disobedience.


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