It is with great pleasure i sincerely wish to inform you about a project with the unique features to improve our ecosystem. Basically, as always, I would like to highlight out that my articles are never and in no way any financial advice and will be a guide to adequately inform the masses about a unique project.Nevertheless they represent solely my opinion on a project nothing more, and I have studied them extensively for my purpose. As with any decision in life, everyone has to self-responsible to get their own opinion based on research.

SUQA is one such new crypto project that comes with its own new proof of work mining algorithm called X22i that of course requires a new miner. The coins is a proof of work one, meaning that it can be mined with GPUs, although initially there was only an Nvidia CUDA miner available, there is now also an AMD OpenCL miner also available. SUQA has a block reward that goes down pretty fast initially, so it is apparently a good idea to join the mining early on with a higher block reward. There are also Time-Locked deposits with 5% regular APR, though for the first three months it is raised to 25% to drive early adoption. The most interesting thing about the X22i algorithm is the so called quantum resistant part in the algo chain called SWIFFTX and the promise that the project will remain FPGA and ASIC resistant.

SUQA is created for the mass community of GPU miners and the investors, not for the big hardware companies and whales. SUQA team has created a brand new algorithm that is ASIC, FPGA and also for the first time in crypto, a project that can prevent Post-Quantum Attacks.

SUQA is the fastest PoW (mineable) coin up to 533 transactions per second which is 75 times more scalable than Bitcoin with almost no fees.

SUQA had no ICO, no pre-mine and comes with a 9.09% founders fee from every block. The 2.5% of the founders fee goes directly to SUQA Foundation Ecosystem Platform Rewards to foster the growth of the Blockchain. 2.5% will go to the developers. The rest will be used for marketing, bounties, exchanges listing and for everything that will make SUQA grow its ecosystem.

SUQA currency can be used in any digital transaction where other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is being used. The major use of SUQA currency in a real world ecosystem is SUQA Foundation where no other cryptocurrency except SUQA can be used.

Currently there is an official open source ccminer fork for Nvidia GPUs, though it is significantly slower than the third-party option available. The zjazz experimental CUDA miner with SUQA support is up to about twice faster compared to the official one. It is however still an experimental release, a closed source miner and comes with a 2% developer fee built in. A couple of hours ago zjazz has also released an experimental version for AMD GPUs, so now you can use it to mine SUQA on AMD-based mining rigs as well. There are already a big number of pools supporting SUQA mining, so you have a lot of options to choose from. There is a mining calculator, though you can use it only for checking how much coins you can mine. The coin is already listed on two small exchanges with no trading volume in general, so you might want to wait for a more serious listing later on before starting to trade it.

Although the project is still new and being actively developed it has generated a lot of attention already, so you might want to check it out in more details if you are looking for something new and interesting to mine.

Suqa Foundation is a Decentralized Autonomous Philanthropist Organization that rewards everyone inside its ecosystem generously, securely and transparently without fees, to foster the growth of the Blockchain.

If you are mining SUQA on Nvidia GPUs, then it would be a wise idea to update from zjazz to the latest T-rex and continue mining it with significantly higher hashrate. If you are having stability issues with X22i mining you might try to decrease your overclock or play with the power limiter until you have the mining rig stable. Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed (the latest for CUDA 10 support) as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0.

There will be 3 microsites of SUQA Foundation Platform where the SUQA currency can be utilized. The platform will consist of Cryptolancers (anyone related to crypto), Blockchain Startup Companies and Charities.

For more details kindly access the links below

Author: Dulo Wegner

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