MINDSYNC - Machine Learning Competitions To Help Solve Business Tasks and a Marketplace for AI Services

MINDSYNC - Machine Learning Competitions To Help Solve Business Tasks and a Marketplace for AI Services



Mindsync is A new platform in the access of data and speed up to created a solution in the global market. This platform that aims to solve the problem of customers in a set of data.

Mindsync project aims to provide the best solution and easily accessed, cheaper and more easily in access so it can be speed up and created a solution in the market global. Mindsync is a new project in the cryptocurrency world that has the mission is to unite the experts and hackers artificial intelligence, scientists data, the developer learning machine, the data and suppliers of the computing, investors, volunteer in one place who intend to solve the problem in the field of marketing. Experts here is necessary because it can help the customers in give a solution to what they do for getting the task of given by this project that will get in repayment return. In repayment will be accepted by customers in accordance with the rules that there will be accepted and automatic by customers.

The Customers in Mindsync project can make the competition or a challenge where the developer in the community will participate. The developer to create a solution got in repaynent and customers could use a solution.

Token Mindsync is token utility ERC-20. The number of token limited. Token Mindsync set to walk on the technology blockchain that decentralization, make sure transparency and security all the financial transactions. Mindsync is a platform single offer handling the real world applied, repay or for free. Mindsync provide solutions that contains the technology AI. and develop with a complete tested and launched on the platform. As well as on business integrated and customers successful will get Token MindSync that can be used to all the operation payment in between the platform.


Mindsync is a platform for completing customer tasks with AI technology competition and markets for solutions and training data sets. Our mission is to bring together the best artificial intelligence and hacking experts, data scientists, machine learning developers, big data, and computing power suppliers, investors, volunteers in one place to make AI solutions better available, cheaper, simpler for various customers , accelerating its development and creating a world market for AI solutions.

The Platform

Customers post orders or assignments in the form of challenges on the https://mindsync.aiplatform, with detailed requirements, data sets, deadlines. Prizes will be shared among several platform participants.

Experts help customers prepare tasks, competition rules, examine solutions for tasks and get rewarded for such work.

DS / ML developers work on shared or group assignments. The competitive nature of their work maximizes the speed of development, quality and significantly reduces the cost of solutions for customers. The accepted solution developer automatically receives the award in accordance with the rules.

All datasets and kernels (task solutions) are hashed. Hash is stored on the blockchain to check integrity and protect against changes. Solution expert reviews, developer rankings and teams are written and stored on the blockchain (for additional security from ranking forgery).

Customers get the best solution for their tasks – algorithms, and data along with expert reviews. Customers can postpaid solutions on our platform to receive additional revenue from sales.

To find a solution, developers use the miner’s computing power, fog supercomputer projects, cloud providers or exchange resources. This process, provided by the mindync.ai platform, is transparent to developers and they can focus solely on the task. Computing power suppliers receive payments immediately after the use of their resources.

Communities can also post their own algorithms and data for free or for sale at https://mindsync.ai/ Investors can become sponsors of challenges and teams, pay prize funds and earn income from selling solutions. Investors can also receive part of the prize fund if they function as sponsors for teams that take part in the challenge.

MindSync tokens can be used for all payment operations among platform participants



Offering a single platform handling real-world problems, paid or free. The solution is made by the AI, DS, ML community: You place orders for solutions that contain AI technology; developed by members of our community, a complete test and launch on our platform. It is also possible to integrate it into an existing business or other areas.

The Use

Customers can order a completely new AI solution or use one of the ready-enterprise solutions from our repository which is ranked by Mindsync community experts who save a lot of time and also apply it to other more complicated challenges on the platform.

AIaaS APIMindsync Platform

It is possible to run a production-ready solution internally and make a request for it to use the API without applying it on an external server, that is on your side. This makes it possible to create scalable applications using AI with unlimited theoretical computing power for any device.

How This Product Works

On the MindSync platform, customers can request the creation of specific solutions to their business problems, by creating challenges. This challenge will be seen by all community members. Experts interested in the platform will register their participation in the challenge after accepting the terms and conditions that govern it. Experts (individuals or teams) who succeed in creating their solutions for reviewing customers and other experts in the community. After a successful review, customer purchases can easily be integrated into their business processes.MindSync will also be a storage place for AI readymade solutions and training data sets that can be searched by customers.

MindSync will allow ready-made solutions on the platform and make requests through the API without implementing them on an external server, which is on your side. This makes it possible to make applications use AI for any device that is connected to the Internet.

Interaction Platform

Members — MindSync provides free registration to anyone via the web or mobile application by creating a MindSync account. Providing a benefit platform can only be accessed through a MindSync account. Members can be Experts / Developers or Customers or both. Experts define the problems given by customers. They help formulate and adjust problems. They collect rankings and values ​​by participating in competitions and projects.Each platform member has a track record and verified rating that allows to evaluate contributions to the platform.There is also an optional ability to pass KYC verification. Personal information provided hashed.

Hash is saved by the blockchain platform. Regarding this personal data, interactions between experts and customers are more reliable and transparent. For example. NDA singing while members get to know each other makes more sense. This platform allows customers to place tasks by competing. The competition format provides the most efficient way of solving problems.

Organizations / Groups — Members can create organizations. This brings together memebers into the group and provides a more comfortable way to collaborate. Organizations can also be customers who start a competition.Organizations provide privacy and restrictions on access to datasets.

Community — Basically, all members and organizations are community platforms. Knowledge that was successfully shared among the Community. Community is a collection of experts who can participate in completing and defining tasks. One of the main projects of MindSync’s goal is the creation and elaboration of the DS / ML community which consists of highly skilled experts and developers.

Platform — The role of the platform is technical support from ecosystem projects . This attracts members and describes the community. The platform is involved in maintaining project economics, market models and in development instruments for the community. The role of the platform is assumed by the MindSync team before the development of the DAO.

Dataset — A set of data sets in the MindSync system, available to process through executable code. Data sets can be private and public, accessible to all communities or in individuals (s)


Competition is a way to get strong solutions to problems in a relatively short time. The advantage of the competition is that a large number of people who are competent at work, who successfully test a large number of hypotheses. As a result, customers receive a working algorithm and, often more important, the knowledge that the results obtained cannot be increased at a low cost.

In other words, the decisions obtained as a result of the contest are estimates for the upper limit of the possible quality of the ML model.

This situation makes competition very effective in applications where even a relatively small increase in the quality of the forecast is in demand by businesses. To understand, to get results similar to competition, and to examine a number of comparable hypotheses, you need several (tens) years of work.

Benefits of using the MindSync platform:

  • For participants — experience, knowledge, contributions to community, gifts, rankings.
  • For customers — solutions to their problems, insights about their specific data.
  • For platforms — community development, increased involvement, developing market models.


Token Flow

Mindsync offers a single platform handling of real-world problems that are applied, paid for or free. The solution made by the AI ​​/ DS / ML community: customers place orders for solutions containing AI technology; members of our community began to develop it and that was finished tested and launched on our platform. It is also possible to integrate solutions into existing businesses or platforms.

Customized or Reused Orders

Customers can order truly new AI solutions or use one of the ready-enterprise solutions from our repository that has been assessed by Mindsync community experts leading to time savings. To order new solutions, customers can create competitions or challenges where developers in the community will participate. Developers who succeed in creating solutions are rewarded and customers can use that solution.


The AIaaS Mindsync platform (AI as a Service) makes it possible to run production-ready solutions internally and make requests for it to use the API without implementing it on an external server, namely on the customer side. This makes it possible to create scalable applications using AI with unlimited theoretical computing power for any device.


MindSync token is designed to access AI solutions and to reward participants such as machine learning developers, experts, volunteers and researchers, computing power and big data providers. MindSync token is a ERC-20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. MindSync token is set to run on decentralized blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of all financial transactions.

  • Name: Mindsync
  • Price: $ 0.14
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Total possible tokens: 1,000,000,000
  • Symbol: MAI
  • The total token is distributed to the public: 500,000,000
  • Type: ERC20
  • Purchase method: ETH, BTC, LTC

Team tokens are locked in order to ensure our contributors that we have the best intention and maintain a long-term vision for the project. These tokens are secured via smart contract and will be paid out to MindSync team quarterly (July 2019, October 2019, January 2020, April 2020).




Website: https://mindsync.ai/

Technical Review: https://mindsync.ai/docs/whitepaper.pdf

OnePager: https://mindsync.ai/docs/onepager.pdf

Telegram: http://t.me / mindsync_ai

Facebook: https://fb.me/mindsync.ai.official

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mind_sync

Author: BrainerdPaul

BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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