Mbah tyo

good night crypto lovers, see you again,

in this post I will provide information about the MINDSYNC project.

join me and follow MINDSYNC.

To run its ecosystem efficiently and determine the most respected members and be involved in the Mindync platform, there are assessment systems that are implemented and they consist of three components that are examined to see the level of participation or involvement of members in the AI system.

  1. The first way is through active participation of members in the solutions given to customers who are present in the ecosystem and how far members contribute to the task and that is what is called the competition component for the ranking system.
  2. In this ecosystem, discussions and many seminars will be created or designed where all members are allowed to take part in them. The amount of discussion or involvement of members in such activities is also measured as part of the ranking component. This adds to the ranking feature and members of this record will have a reasonable number of ratings on the mindync platform.
  3. In addition to the level of social interaction and the help of members in providing AI solutions, there is a third ranking method, namely through the level of reputation achieved and the amount shared with other members in the ecosystem. Often members with high reputation levels help other people to improve their rankings or rank in mindync.

This project is a platform centric AI that is able to solve all the problems or difficulties of its clients through special interventions from its community of members who have gained so much knowledge and experience about AI and how to help others in their distress. This will make AI solutions available in the market and lead to the growth of many organizations that buy into their operating models. Through the help of this project, clients will be able to obtain all forms of artificial intelligence-based solutions and that will help improve their business. Mindsync will also create many forms of competition in the ecosystem that make lots and lots of solutions present for anyone who is looking for a way out of any problem related to any business.

This project is a platform centric AI that is able to solve all the problems or difficulties of its clients through special interventions from its community of members who have gained so much knowledge and experience about AI and how to help others in their distress. This will make AI solutions available in the market and lead to the growth of many organizations that buy into their operating models. Through the help of this project, clients will be able to obtain all forms of artificial intelligence-based solutions and that will help improve their business. Mindsync will also create many forms of competition in the ecosystem that make lots and lots of solutions present for anyone who is looking for a way out of any problem related to any business.

Companies that face certain problems can post on the Mindsync platform as a challenge for all community members, and everyone who is an expert and interested in the platform must register in the challenge after accepting the terms. Professional or individual teams that create solutions to problems sending jobs for review by customers who need help or other specialists in the community. And if the review is successful, the customer buys the solution. However, for someone to become a member of the community, he must create a Mindsync account that is completely free and has all the benefits associated with the platform. The more competitors and the more members you participate in the project, the more rankings and values ​​you get on the platform. Knowledge The process of identifying customers helps build trust and transparency on the platform. Members can also choose to create groups that can easily collaborate and provide personal information to access the data set. This collection of data can be in the form of packages that can be in the form of images or letters stored in the platform block chain, and can be published or published. This is not official if the conditions in which other participants can utilize information about the data are determined correctly. When customers interact with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and getting rewarded by working hard with money. Members can also choose to create groups that can easily collaborate and provide personal information to access the data set. This collection of data can be in the form of packages that can be in the form of images or letters stored in the platform block chain, and can be published or published. This is not official if the conditions in which other participants can utilize information about the data are determined correctly. When customers interact with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and getting rewarded by working hard with money. Members can also choose to create groups that can easily collaborate and provide personal information to access the data set. This collection of data can be in the form of packages that can be in the form of images or letters stored in the platform block chain, and can be published or published. This is not official if the conditions in which other participants can utilize information about the data are determined correctly. When customers interact with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and getting rewarded by working hard with money. This data set can be in the form of packages that can be in the form of pictures or written words stored in the chain block platform and can be made public or private in some cases, but conditions where other participants can use the data information determined correctly. When customers interact with community, they get knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and getting rewarded by working hard with money. This data set can be in the form of packages that can be in the form of pictures or written words stored in the platform block chain and can be made public or private in some cases, but conditions where other participants can use the data information correctly. When customers interact with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and getting rewarded by working hard with money.


Mindsync is a platform to fulfill customer duties in competition with AI and market technologies for training solutions and records. Our mission is to bring together the best experts in artificial intelligence and hacking, data scientists, machine learning developers, big data and computing utilities, investors and volunteers in one place to make AI solutions more accessible, cheaper and more accessible to different customers Making it faster accelerates its development and creates a global market for AI solutions.


Mindsync is leaning towards adopting artificial intelligence technology and pioneering user-friendly block chain platforms with improved security systems at lower costs. You get all the benefits of getting the knowledge, experience, and rewards of money to use the platform for your customers, where they can get solutions to their problems and get more insight into specific data, and even benefit from the platform itself. You will get. The community is growing and more people are becoming more likely to join the community. We hire you to read this article carefully and become part of this great community. We also enjoy all the benefits.


Nama: Mindsync

Price: $ 0.14

Platform: Ethereum

Marker total: 1,000,000,000

Symbol: MAI

All tokens are distributed to the public: 500,000,000

Type: ERC20

Results: ETH, BTC, LTC






12/2018 - Sales in advance

02/2019 - General sales

Q3 / 2019 - Alfa

Q4 / 2019 - Beta

Website: https://mindsync.ai/

White paper: https://mindsync.ai/

Telegram: http://t.me/mindsync_ai

Facebook: https://fb.me/mindsync.ai.official

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mind_sync

Author: Mbah Tyo



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