Herb Kubista

Cv ingenieros uni (Montgomery) [Music] alright guys I'm like here in my classroom is about 9:25 I'm going to get started to teach my fashion and sewing class at CCS for the summer one week at a time program and I'm going to be dealing with around the ages of 12 to 14 flight the preteens or the teenagers so not to mention I've already took my adrenal support from the tragic so yeah I'm going to need it because as you guys know I've had somewhat of a stressful couple of weeks and I think it's just best to continue with my health to stay stress-free as much as I possibly can life is prayer and just no excuses I gotta stay on my diet and everything so yes still meal prepping no excuse for that usually around this time I will be doing like fast at cardio but I won't be doing that I'll probably be doing some work out of something after I finished class so I'm calling Adam who's escaped but yeah I want to get ready for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy.

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