MFCOIN / POS on OCCE exchange

MFCOIN / POS on OCCE exchange

Mykola Mazur (Open Cryptocurrency Exchange) is a young Ukrainian crypto exchange where the MFCoin was listed in October 2019.

You can find KRB (Karbowanec), BTC, MFC (MFCoin), DOGE, UNI (Universe), BRO (BitRadio) cryptocurrencies there. Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) is also available on this exchange. Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) is also available on this exchange.

OCCE supports POS mining for MFC, meaning if you store your coins on this exchange they (coins) will participate in mining and automatically bring you reward.

An example of an email notification about staking. Sagleft have few coins on the balance , so the amount is small.

Also, the exchange declares that there is currently no commission for trading. Therefore, you can safely start trading on without fear of losing funds on commissions.

Thanks to @AuraInstitoris for the information collected.

MFC-address for support: McDRUsZvUrdf9hdhRn7fpdJ5XXMMvQydE2

Subscribe to MFCoin news resources on social networks to keep abreast of the latest coin news:

  1. Telegram channel
  2. Telegram chat
  3. Group on VK
  4. News on twitter
  5. Twitter for developers

Useful links:

  1. The official website of MFCoin
  2. The Freeland Project
  3. MFCoin Bounty - earn your first MFC
  4. Project forum
  5. Download MFCoin Wallet

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