MFC mining via ccminer (Nvidia)

MFC mining via ccminer (Nvidia)

Mikhail Mikhailov

ATTENTION! This manual will only help owners of Nvidia video-cards.


1. Wallet installation

To start mining you need to download the wallet (choose MFCoin-qt.exe for Windows).


After the wallet has been installed, wait till it downloads the blocks (this process is shown in the left bottom part of the screen).


2. Settings and getting the wallet number

After the installation is finished you should encrypt the wallet so that in case the file wallet.dat with all the keys is stolen, no one can use your coins.


Choose “Settings” – “Encrypt the wallet”.


Think of a really solid passphrase that you will not forget.



Then choose “Receive coins” and click on “New address”. Type in the label name and click “OK”. You will see a new line with the address and the label. You will need the address for the pool to send coins to your wallet.


3. Installation of the miner 

Now you need to download and install the mining program itself. It is called ccminer and is available here (x86) and here (x64). If you do not know the version of your OS, download x86.


After the installation is completed, you need to create a text document in the folder with the program.



Open it and type:

for x86

ccminer-x86 -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u адрес -p 123456


for x64

ccminer-x64 -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u адрес -p 123456


Instead of the word “address” you should type the address of your wallet. The mining will happen in the official pool but you can change it if you want by changing the line stratum+tcp:// to the address of the other pool.


Then click “Save As”.



In the popped-up window type “start.bat” and save the file.


Start the file that just appeared in the folder (the one you created).


You will see the following panel:


The program will take 2 minutes to pick the right configuration for your video-card and then the mining process will start. 


Then you will see a line with “yes!” in the end. It means that your share has been sent to the pool and you started mining! If the program closed immediately, there might have been an error. Please contact this Telegram channel for help. 


4. Try-out of the miner

Go to the pool website and find your address in the list of the miners.


If the installation was completed, you will see your address in the list. Wait for the currency to come in! In my case I got my first coins only 10 hours after I started mining. You will be paid for each block the pool solved with your help. The amount is subject to a number of factors and may vary. At the moment of writing the manual, GTX 770 earned 0.01-0.02 MFC per block, but once I earned 0.07.


P.S For advanced settings check the file readme.txt in English.

P.P.S If you want to support the author, here is my wallet address: MptUBtg6UrgjCnYXVE1h1KYVFWPmj7NxZi

Good luck with mining and see you in Freeland

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