

MenaPay is an ambitious task that tries to replace customary installment strategies in the everyday living of its clients utilizing the blockchain as a use. For pertinence to the everyday living of clients, it must explain two noteworthy difficulties – security of assets and straightforwardness. This it means to accomplish through its digital money installment portal that is set to run exchanges at uncommon dimensions never come to by any undertaking now. 

It is the main Islamic-upheld digital money venture that is gone for clients from the Middle-East and North Africa. The acknowledgment of this task by numerous as of now demonstrates that the Muslim world is winding up progressively mindful of cryptographic forms of money, its advantages and gigantic reception is expected to pursue. 

It very well may be reviewed that a few governments in North Africa were unwilling to having decentralized esteem frameworks and were not opposed to say as much. With the acknowledgment of this task, things are going to change. 

The constraints expressed above and the moderate economies of the regions being referred to may have been touted as inconveniences which MenaPay is set to explain dependent on data in its one-pager. With this interesting target gathering of people and the establishing of the framework of acknowledgment for the task, the sky is by all accounts the start. 


MenaPay intends to end up the most regularly utilized cryptographic money in the MENA locale. Concentrating on 18 nations and 441 million individuals, MenaPay conveys the mission of turning into the biggest non-bank installment arrangement by utilizing blockchain innovation while creating huge returns for the speculators. 


Single Payment Method for Online Shopping 

Because of the poor keeping money framework and absence of appropriate utilizations of Islamic back, the best way to shop online is utilizing the most widely recognized strategy; money down (CoD). In any case, it likewise brings some different dangers and issues, for example, staggering expenses and uncharged conveyances. Likewise, CoD strategy must be utilized for physical merchandise. Legitimate adaptation of advanced merchandise and enterprises is as yet a major test. Menapay presents completely Islamic back consistent computerized installment framework to clients alongside its steady Currency MenaCash. 

Commitment of Carrying Cash 

The commitment of conveying money is one of the most serious issues of customary disconnected installment frameworks in MENA. 

Aside from security issues, this conveys gloom to clients since this installment technique is the main way. Individuals are not upbeat to convey a lot of money but rather they adore shopping. There is no arrangement if the client loses the high measure of cash while in transit to purchase an important decent. One of the objectives of MenaPay is to dispose of money without any difficulty of advanced installments and security of blockchain innovation. Menapay brings an advanced, single and stable money to the district which individuals can convey inside their cell phones. 

Cross-Border Money Transaction 

Because of the extraordinary change rates of banks, it is expensive to make cross fringe exchanges or online installments in different monetary standards. MenaPay plans to make this procedure as simple as communicating something specific on any online stage. In the wake of finishing the KYC procedure that MenaPay requires from the clients, cash exchange between nations will take seconds, as it is a need of the advanced age we live in. 

Subordinate Central Authorities 

Since there are trust issues and high expansion dangers, individuals generally don't want to hold their cash in the national banks of their nations. Blockchain innovation, takes care of any trust or reliance issues that may happen by its tendency. All reserve funds are recorded on the blockchain and can't be changed by anybody. The MenaPay stage additionally has a place with the network, it's intended to continue for eternity.

Fake Money Problem 

Fake cash is a significant issue particularly in North Africa and the north piece of the Middle East, where individuals have bounty worries about extortion. Digitalized and stable cash MenaCash of the MenaPay Platform will likewise be an answer for this normal concern. 

How It Works? 

We are Creating a New standart in Crypto industry for the dimension of participatory return, past the normal motivating forces for clients and speculators. 

P2P Transactions 

P2M Peer to Merchant Payments 

M2F Merchant to Foundation 

Green Mining 

MENAPAY means to make another standard of installment strategies that would bring more returns and motivating forces to the two clients and shippers with a lesser exchange expenses through the selection of blockchain innovation. 

Favorable circumstances of the Platform 

Shared(P2P) exchanges 

Individuals from everywhere throughout the world will have the capacity to trade MenaPay as type of installment for merchandise and enterprises through shared technique. 


This will be use by traders from all aspects of the world to make money out from MenaPay establishment MenaCash will equivalents to $1. 

Companion to traders (P2M) 

Through this companions from all aspects of the world can associate with wide scope of vendors from all aspects of the world for frictionless and reliable exchange. 

Traders to establishment 

All the income that is been created from the charges of P2P ( distributed) and P2M (friend to dealers) exchanges will be put into the establishment. 

Green mining 

All exchanges on MenaCash that is made between companion to traders might be granted by MenaPay token. 


Menacash is an unflinching propelled money upheld by US dollars and works through a private blockchain compose. The motivation driving why it is backd by USD, is to engage the stage to eradicate the issue of critical worth trickiness and abnormalities which cryptocurrrency include is known for everything considered. It wll moreover work through private sparing with Menapay tokens.

Token and ICO Details

The Menapay token (MPay) is an ERC20 token as it is currently built on the Ethereum platform. Indeed, the project will build its own Blockchain for ease of use, posting of its public sales and transference of tokens to investors.

Token Details

Ticker: MPay

Total supply: 400,000,000 MPay

Type: ERC-20

Price: 1MPay = $0.165

Soft Cap: $5m

Hard Cap: $25m

Payments Method Accepted: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, WAVES, USD, EURO, WON

Token Allocation

Public Contributor — 64%

Advisors and Partnership — 11%

Founders and Team — 10%

Bounty and Airdrops — 10%

Mining Reserve — 5%

Use of Funds

Marketing — 40%

Development and Infrastructure — 30%

Operations and Administrations — 15%

Business Development — 10%

Legal — 5%

Road Map


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