MEGA Promotion Community Project Rules.

MEGA Promotion Community Project Rules.

MEGA Promotion Community
Rules for participating in the mega community MEGA Promotion Community:

Project chat rules:

  1. Mega chats allow free communication.
  2. Insults, humiliation and other offensive things are forbidden.
  3. Do not advertise anything in the chat without the approval of the administrator (if someone asked you to link to your channel, then the publication of the link will not be considered advertising).
  4. Do not start a fight without weighty arguments. However, constructive criticism is welcome.
  5. If the admin contacted you with a mention, and you did not give an answer within 24 hours, but you were online, you can be excluded and your applications canceled.

Filtering channels to participate in mega:

At the moment, the project has the theme of promoting anime and about anime, geek channels with regular content. Related topics are at the discretion of the administration.

The following restrictions are associated with the need to maintain the attractiveness of mega for potential subscribers:

  1. Only channels older than 7 days with at least 3 publications per day are allowed to participate.
  2. It is unacceptable for all participants to promote stores, casinos and other things related to direct profit, hacking, insults and other illegal things in your channels, chats or any projects, rp.
  3. It’s unacceptable to deceive your subscribers to develop your channel. This is uncivilized, respect your audience.
  4. Your channel should have attractive content and have artistic value (ask the admins for details).
  5. Publish at least 3 non-advertising posts daily, in accordance with the theme of the channel. There may be exceptions, for example, you are an artist, and you create content yourself or you publish content that requires a lot of time to watch (AMV for example. And yes, on average, a subscriber spends no more than a certain time watching a channel, depending on how much he likes this channel so too much content per day is also not the best solution).
  6. Do not clog the channel with megs, collections, and more. Your channel is not a garbage dump, we advise you to limit yourself to no more than 2 megs and 1 VP, but not in a row. It’s unpleasant for your subscribers to see a lot of ads and not see the content for which they subscribe to your channel.
How to apply?

The most convenient and simple way that works well for all channels is to add @KaedeChanBot to the admins of your channel with the rights to publish and delete messages, and set up auto-feed in the bot’s personal messages. In this case, the bot will publish and delete the mega on your channel.

If it is difficult for you to deal with the bot yourself, watch the video, or write mega in the chat, they will definitely help you.

Remember! If a mega bot is published on your channel, you do not need to touch it, Kaede knows what it is doing and will remove the mega in time.

If for some reason you do not want to use mega auto-publishing through the bot, you can manually apply for mega chat while the bid campaign is in progress: from 10:00 Moscow time to 17:50 Moscow time.

Application format: [🐾Neko ~ Chan](

At your disposal is one line in the mega, no more than 25 characters, emoticons are considered 2 characters. Also, your profile must be open, or @KaedeChanBot is marked in the exception, otherwise your application will be invisible to the bot (restriction of api bots).

If you do not add a bot to your channel, you need to publish mega yourself. For this you need:

  1. Publish only one mega that Kaeda pointed out (not the one where your channel is), no later than 3 hours after it was rolled out in the chat in which the application was submitted.
  2. Delete mega not earlier than the next opening of the collection.

If you add @KaedeChanBot to the admins of your channel, with the rights to publish and delete messages, then it will independently post and delete the mega on your channel if your channel is public (restrict api bots).

In our project there are no rules for keeping mega in the top, you can publish content whenever you want, but without fanaticism. So you can participate in any other promotions along with ours.

A little more information in the format of a question - solution:

“I don’t see my channel in mega” - An error has been made in the application or you have a closed account (you need to allow forwarding of your messages to everyone in the Telegram settings).

"What is a banchan?" - This is a condition of channel blocking in the ecosystem of community projects, that is, a complete ban on participation at all levels.

“Break out my channel, I will be good” - If the channel is in the banchane, there is a good reason, and the lock cannot be lifted unless the change of ownership of the channel or other significant reason is proved.

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