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To browse Academia. Skip to main content. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Log In Sign Up. Add Social Profiles Facebook, Twitter, etc. Unfollow Follow Unblock. Other Affiliations:. Voinovich, a Russian-Jewish prose anthology, and others. Her In a Maelstrom. The history of the Russian-Jewish prose , in English: was the first concise monograph on the topic. These cross-national literary links, some of which can be followed up to this day, are living proof that Russian-Jewish literature may be justly considered a particular tradition within world literature and one that is important in its own right. The simultaneity of the external and internal viewpoints combining his Jewish and Soviet identity, the ambiguity of deeply felt affection on the one hand and the viewpoint of the reserved, critical outsider on the other—this tension is evident in Red Cavalry, The Tales of Odessa, and many of his other short stories. Western European exhibitions held to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution painted a surprisingly positive picture of early revolutionary and later social-realist art, and the 21th-century public welcomed the monumental works. The first part of this study seeks to explain the reasons behind the enthusiastic reception of the Russian avant-garde in Western Europe and Hungary since the s. The second part explores its antecedents in the works of Deineka and Mukhina, the Russian artists presented in the Russian pavilion of the World Exhibition Paris DOI: Corrected abstract Jewish religion, culture, and identity, while suffering in the crisis of assimilation from within since the 19th century, was subject to an aggressive external elimination during the antireligious campaign of the Corrected abstract Jewish religion, culture, and identity, while suffering in the crisis of assimilation from within since the 19th century, was subject to an aggressive external elimination during the antireligious campaign of the early Soviet years and the aim of the state anti-Semitism under Stalin. Political changes and events were reflected not directly in Jewish literature in Russian. This period was the last, fourth one in Russian-Jewish literature — when the decline was detected in different ways by writers. The article offers, on a general historical survey as a background, a panorama of Russian-Jewish prose works of s, such as Isaak Babel, Lev Lunts, Andrei Sobol, Mikhail Kozakov, and Semion Gekht, along with an analysis of their methods, central psychological and sociological categories. And, mainly, what new methods of narration are applied in the s to solve an old and difficult question in literature while handling the delicate subject of anti-Semitism? A list of categories and fields open to further research is given in the text. Volume: Philosophy and Linguistics. Isaac Babel. Fatal Hearts of the s. Publication Date: Philosophy and Grossman. In a Maelstrom more. Multiculturalism , Literature , and Judaism. Publication Date: Oct 21, History , Narrative , and Judaism. Patterns of literary name-giving strategy and the uncertainties of identity more. Rhetoric , Narrative , Music and identity , Ambivalence , and Aside. I argue that Nabokov reconceives and expands his biologically determined binary letter-with-color synesthetic associations in a cross- and self-referential system of motifs permeating the whole oeuvre. Consciously controlling his personal experience of his synesthetic mind, Nabokov extrapolates it by adding images and objects and how in this artistic method he attaches symbolic or emblematic notions to letters through color- and object-associations. This complex meaning of letters can be unfolded from supporting codes, metaphors and motifs that trigger adequate contextual interpretations. His prose invites the same meticulous text-decoding methodology demanded by Symbolist and avant-garde prose art that helps to discover a similar segment in the theory of art of these two literary tendencies reputed as antithetical. Vladimir Khazan. Boston: Academic Studies Press, Group readings were also successfully picked up by the Futurists, whose performative debt to symbolism Stone notes. Unfortunately, there are a few issues in translations of the Unfortunately, there are a few issues in translations of the poetry cited, though the examples are well chosen and thoughtfully analyzed, along with their role as elements of larger interactive wholes. The book is enhanced by a number of black and white illustrations, as accompanying text explains the original colors. Taking up the frames of the symbolist book, the carefully cultivated symbolist reader, and the symbolist publishing house, The Institutions of Russian Modernism is a valuable study of the topic. Stone foregrounds elements of poetic activity that have often not been central in the education of poetry scholars and offers a new angle from which to approach the canon of Russian Modernism. Professional Dilemmas of a Researcher of Russian Literature more. Neproshedshee proshloie- Sochinenia Shimona Markisha 2. Erazm i ego vremia more. The confessionary twin-lectures with similar titles overview the history of Erasmus-studies of Soviet times. They are mentioned in the article on Janus Pannonius re-translated from Hungarian for this book. Philosophy and Humanities. Vladimir Nabokov in Context. David M. Bethea and Siggy Frank. Cambridge, Eng. Pages: xv, pp. History , Slavic , Literary studies , and Historical Studies. Роковые сердца х more. The ambivalent Идея в образах, абстрактное в визуальном. Фигуры-образы Исаака Бабеля more. Russian Literature , Philosophy , and Literary studies. Publisher: Akademiai Kiado Zrt. Заметки к параллельному чтению Набокова и Пастернака more. Art , Literature , Linguistics , and Reading Process. Коллективный труд, подготовленный Отделом истории культуры славянских народов Института славяноведения РАН с привлечением отечественных и зарубежных ученых, посвящен исследованию мистификации как феномена культуры. На широком материале На широком материале белорусской, украинской, польской, чешской, сербской, хорватской, словенской, а также русской литературы и искусства рассмотрены поэтика и прагматика мистификации в ее разнообразных формах с XVIII века вплоть до наших дней — от псевдо-авторства и поддельных текстов до авангардных практик. Будучи универсальным явлением, мистификация в рассматриваемых регионах имеет свои отличительные особенности, помогающие глубже понять специфику культуры Центральной Европы и России, а затронутые проблемы расширяют представления о культуре в целом. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг гуманитариев. Hetenyi Zsuzsa Ekphrasis Ekfraza Lausanne more. This is a very short and usefully clear theoretical paper from the times when the term ekphrasis needed a definition. In Russian. Publication Date: Publication Name: Ekfraza o dvukh kontsakh. Hetenyi Bartok Mandarin more. Translating self-translation and the units of the translation: the case of Nabokov more. As several of his novels were As several of his novels were self-translated, the two original versions represent a double authenticity. Translating Nabokov into a third language raises a number of practical problems. The paper also challenges the notion of the minimal and the maximal unity as well as the axiomatic question of equivalence. Прах и промах. Белый и В. Набоков: полигенетизм, параллель, пародия more. В статье проводится анализ концовки двух романов двух авторов, «Серебряного голубя» А. Белого и «Отчаяния» В. Набокова с целью раскрыть, каким образом последний отвечает на традицию символизма и на его эмблематического Набокова с целью раскрыть, каким образом последний отвечает на традицию символизма и на его эмблематического автора-теоретика. Влияние А. Белого на В. Набокова рассмотрено в статье как многоплановое явление, не только как следование по стопам принятого наследия или его отрицание. Это скорее внимание ученика к мастеру поэтической формы, рождающее стилистические параллели, с одной стороны, а с дру-гой стороны — это отношение к преодолеваемому литературному предшественнику, выражающееся в сложных трансформациях. Тончайшим жанром второго типа отношения является амбивалентная по натуре пародия, касающаяся и критики идейного и мировоззренческого плана. Исходя из этих тезисов, статья, впервые в набоковедении, предлагает определить «Отчаяние» В. Набокова по жанру как роман философский. Роман опровергает прежде всего символистскую теорию жизнетворчества, отвечая не только Ada: Liber libidonis, ad liberiora. Амор и мораль, либертинаж и дендизм в Аде Набокова more. Abstract Libertinism has to be understood as it was from the beginning, liberty of thinking in philosophy and liberty of body in erotics at the same time. The opposition of the socially accepted behaviour and the individual cultivation of The opposition of the socially accepted behaviour and the individual cultivation of pleasure was a choice from the times of antiquity. Libertinism positioned itself for epatage in order to be different from the masses stay outside and for forming an elite over the masses outstand. His Anglophile family with his father a liberal aristocrat gave him a solid background to outstand in both senses. In his oeuvre, French and British intertextual patterns played an important role for the constant presence of the libertine and dandy concept. Еврейская Библия - закон, традиция или Лев Лунц: Родина more. Zsuzsa Hetenyi, La Bible juive : loi, tradition ou Rodina de Lev Lune Les doubles constructions — le parallelisme entre les villes, Les doubles constructions — le parallelisme entre les villes, Saint-Petersbourg et Babylone, la forme du dialogue-debat entre les heros, qui sont les doubles des ecrivains, Lev Lunc et Venia- min Kaverin — montrent que la dualite est a la base non seulement du contenu du poeme mais aussi de sa forme. Le chapitre central, retour dans le passe, represente non seulement une autre couche temporelle mais aussi la profondeur de la conscience, dans laquelle les heros descendent, de la conscience collective de la communaute juive qui, a Babylone comme a Saint-Petersbourg, est en exil. Enciklopedija otricanija: «Hulio Hurenito» Ilji Erenburga more. Sociology , History and archaeology , and Language Culture and Communication. Привал Очарованных Охотников в Лолите В. Набокова и Остров Цирцеи у Гомера и Джойса. Полигенетические параллели и образы оборотня, cвиньи и собаки more. Russian Literature , Philosophy , Literary studies , and Transfer. Пасынки России мотивы маргинальности в произведениях Ф. Горенштейна more. Historical Studies. Эссе-минутки о том, что может быть абсурдом more. Russian-Jewish cultural continuity in the diaspora in the twentieth century : Literary self-perceptions more. Finkin, J. Russian-Jewish cultural continuity in the diaspora in the twentieth century: literary self-perceptions. East European Jewish affairs, 38 2 , pp. Full text not available from this repository. I focus on works ranging up to in order to give also an impression of what limited image of Hungarian Jewish literature readers had before the fall of the socialist regime. Hetenyi Lolita Goddess Mythological Intertexts 12 more. Hetenyi Zsuzsa Pogromy goda v russko-evreiskoi proze. Would be appropriate to Would be appropriate to translate it now into English, and read those literary works which are mentioned in it. Hetenyi Zsuzsa Conversio es orosz zsido identitas more. Hetenyi Zsuzsa abszurd elmelete Orkeny megjelent more. Konferencia helye, ideje: Budapest , First page with abstract and appendix from the article 'From guest-motif to lost homeland and re-found exile: the development of a paradigmatic motif in the assimilatory process in Russian-Jewish literature'. Hetenyi Zsuzsa Good and bad dogs - Sobaka dobraia i zlaia v literature i Nabokov-min. Actes du colloque de Lausanne Звери и их репрезентации в русской культуре. Book Reviews. Жужа Хетени. Узоры прозы Nабокоvа. English below В книгу вошли интерпретации, предлагающие альтернативное прочтение текстов Набокова, ищущие в микроструктурах мотивов-узлов-узоров целостность мастерства писателя. Концепция эротекста, соединяя блаженство текстуального и сексуального отрывает анализы от прочтения литературы как копии жизни. Тропинки инициации Набокова ведут читателя к преодолению границ: граней Эго и мнимых норм, пределов пространства и времени, к порогу потусторонности — к экстазу. Писатель-полиглот смаковал слова, знал их физику и музыку, визуализировал словоформы, смешал гибриды-языки. Предаваясь ассоциациям, он оживлял вещи, и разоблачал пошлость клоунов-коммунацистов. Сдвиги раскрывают скрытые слои, поддерживают напряжение, и создают новые качества. Под таким сдвигом можно понимать кризис идентичности в изгнании, полиглоссию и синестетизм автора, провокацию в сфере этики и эротики, зеркальные размножения и сны, и расшатывание роли автора. В сдвигах основ нормативности обнаруживается Набоков, предшественник постмодерна. The concept of the erotext, combining the bliss of the textual and the sexual, detaches analyses from reading literature as a copy of life. The polyglot and synesthete writer savored words, knew their physics and music, visualized word forms, and blended hybrid languages. By indulging in associations, he brought things to life and exposed the vulgarity of communazist clowns. Shifts reveal hidden layers, maintain tensions, and create new qualities. This shift can be understood in terms of the identity in the crisis of exile, the polyglotism and synesthesia of the author, the provocation of ethics and eroticism, mirroring multiplications and dreams, and the loosening of the role of the author. In the shifts shattering the foundations of normativity Nabokov, the forerunner of Postmodernism is revealed. American Literature , Comparative Literature , Literature , 20th Century Russian Literature , Vladimir Nabokov , and 3 more Russian language and literature , Nabokov studies , and Russian emigration Russian language and literature , Nabokov studies , and Russian emigration. American Literature , Russian Literature , Vladimir Nabokov , Nabokov studies , Nabokov , and 5 more Lolita , русская литература , Владимир Набоков , деконструкция русская литература толстой чехов бунин набоков , and Russian Emigre Literature Lolita , русская литература , Владимир Набоков , деконструкция русская литература толстой чехов бунин набоков , and Russian Emigre Literature. Hetenyi Zsuzsa publications March publ titles more. My list of publication, with a little introductory note -- enjoy! I did all of them :. Contents Sh. Markish Sobranie Sochinenii more. Непрошедшее прошлое. Cобрание сочинений Шимона Маркиша 5. Русско-еврейская литература Часть 3. Примеры и выборы. ХХ век. Бабель, В. Гроссман, И. Эренбург, В. Жаботинский more. Непрошедшее прошлое Cобрание сочинений Шимона Маркиша 4. Русско-еврейская литература Часть 2. Читая «Восход» more. In the fourth volume of 'The Unvanished Past: Collected Works of Shimon Markish', the central material is the most extensive of the three series broadcasted on the 'Radio Liberty' channel after This series of programs of , Volume 4 also includes two texts adjoining the topic of journals, and a scientific article on the significance of the journal itself given here as a foreword of the author. Читая «Восход». Непрошедшее прошлое Cобрание сочинений Шимона Маркиша 3. Русско-еврейская литература Часть 1. Три отца-основателя: О. Рабинович, Л. Леванда, Г. Богров more. The third volume of 'The Unvanished Past: Collected Works of Shimon Markish', includes his longest articles on Russian-Jewish literature of the 19th century about three writers, whom he called the founding fathers of this movement. These three studies look at the entire creative oeuvre of the three writers, who can be considered as three different models of Jewish assimilation. Три отца-основателя. Непрошедшее прошлое Cобрание сочинений Шимона Маркиша 2. Эразм и его время more. This edition is launched for commemorating the 90th birthday of Shimon Markish March 6, 1—December 5, The volumes of the series include also archival materials that have never been published or only in other languages; and the full version of those texts that were shortened by editors as well. The first volume of the Works of Shimon Markish in Russian , 'The Unfinished Past' includes two books, his two 'retellings' and eight of his important texts — forewords, afterwords, and theoretical essays, organically adjacent to the The volume ends with his latest article but about a most ancient text : his preface to the new translation of the Psalms. Собрание сочинений 1. First chapters of my book , by the permission of the publisher CEU Press, openacces coronavirus quarantine. Related Authors David Seamon. Catriona Kelly. Sasha Senderovich. Александр Бобров Aleksandr Bobrov. Viacheslav Kuleshov. Titika Dimitroulia. Maria Boletsi. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up.

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