Arlen Lund

University assignment typeface (Schuyler County) hmm good morning guys it's Friday today we're just checking out the hotel then we're heading here from Los Angeles to San Francisco I think the truth roughly ten eleven hours in the car they were driving on highway highway 1 so it's very very scenic route yeah I don't know how much action that's going to be in this wrong but we'll see I wish I could skate but I'm just too scared of killing myself in the process it's hard with brain and I just keep climbing rocks and clothing we're in Santa Barbara but you see we're in Palm Springs bloody see so I ended up getting quite a lot of stick for my supreme review but that's fine I mean that's the beauty of YouTube if you don't like what I'm doing then feel free to leave a comment because it's good good feedback but I was tired of watching usual supreme reviews so I thought I'd do something different just arrived good night Sage College of Albany.

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