🍄 Shaman 🪴


Rules and schedule for taking microdoses of psilocybin mushrooms.

✅ Micro-doses should be taken 1 time in 3 days, i.e. We accept 1 day and skip 2 days:

The classic dosage regimen of psilocybin mushrooms

The microdosing scheme may undergo some amendments: for example, taking microdoses every other day or once every 4-5 days. Adjustment regarding the physical and psychological state of the patient.

✅ The duration of the course is from 1 to 6 months (according to the individual choice and according to the individual state of the microdosing one).

✅ After the course, you need a break of 1-3 months.

✅ Mushrooms should only be taken in the morning, because they activate the cerebral cortex. An evening reception can cause sleep problems.

✅ Eating food (breakfast) no earlier than 1-2 hours after taking a microdose.

⛔️ DO NOT take micro doses daily and do not increase your micro dose! This will no longer be a microdose, but stimulation. As a result, energy loss, concentration and cognitive decline are possible.

How to determine your psilocybin microdose?

A microdose is the maximum dose of psilocybin mushrooms, when taken, there is no change in consciousness, or a change in perception (including visual, sound, taste, smell or tactile sensations).

An individual microdose depends on many factors: tolerance to psilocybin, metabolism, hormonal levels, on the variety of mushrooms and their shelf life. The patient's body weight does not affect the size of the microdose.

Before the course, you should calibrate your individual mushroom dose.

✅ In the morning on an empty stomach, take only 0.1-0.3 g of dry mushroom powder with water. A clean gastrointestinal tract will allow you to immediately calibrate the required dose and determine the tolerance.

How to determine the ideal microdose? It should not cause any changes in perception and consciousness.

📉 Reduction circuit: 0.3> 0.25> 0.2> 0.15> 0.1

If you feel any side effects (drowsiness, dizziness, drunkenness, visual effects, fractals, color spots, increased sounds, changes in tactile sensations), then with each subsequent intake, reduce the portion in 0.05 g increments until these effects will not disappear.

So, for example, if at 0.3 g there are some unusual sensations, then adjust the next micro dose and take 0.25 g 2 days after the first dose.

If a change in perception is also observed at 0.25 g, then reduce the microdose to 0.2 g. Reduce the dose until the effects or side effects disappear.

📈 Boost circuit: 0.3> 0.35> 0.4> 0.45> 0.5> 0.55

If, when using 0.3 g, there are no sensations, then you can go according to the scheme of increasing the microdose. Increase by 0.05 g until you feel the effects of entry. As soon as you feel any changes in sensations, then the microdose should be lowered by 0.05 g. When the microdose is increased, we stop at the dosage at which there are no changes in perception.

So, a microdose can be 0.1 g, and sometimes reach 0.8 g.

The found microdose, which does not cause any changes in consciousness and perception at all, is considered individual for you and does not change until the end of the course. This dosage is calibrated only for this portion of mushrooms (this package, this variety).

For your next bag of mushrooms, a new crop and a new variety of mushrooms, you will have to calibrate your micro dose again. Because the psilocybin content will vary.

From 1 g to 5.5 g (on average, 3 g) of dried mushrooms will be sufficient for 1 month of microdosing.

Practical tips for microdosing

❇️ The first micro dose is best taken on a weekend so that you can track your feelings. And if you have a urge to go to the toilet or roll over the "entry syndrome", then you can take your time, be alone with yourself, calmly accept what is happening and take time for yourself and your feelings.

❇️ On the day of taking the first microdose, do not drive a car.

❇️ We recommend keeping a microdosing diary, where you should write down all your feelings (physical and psycho-emotional) on a daily basis, note any qualitative changes in the state (mood, activity, emotions, etc.)

The beneficial effects of microdosing

1) The manifestation of empathy for the people around and nature. A person becomes more social, open, easier to make contact with people.

2) Reduced aggression, irritability, fears, obsessions. Liberation from feelings of anxiety, danger, inevitability, guilt.

3) Microdosers begin to notice the beauty around them.

4) Increasing the productivity of the brain, creative and creative thinking.

5) Energizing effect, improving mood and vitality, which lasts 6-10 hours after administration. This is followed by a pleasant relaxation, which is felt in the muscles and in the brain (but not drowsiness).

6) Improving balance, strength, focus in sports.

7) Quitting bad habits (in particular, alcohol). Microdosers report that they begin to see the absurdity in their addictions and easily abandon them.

8) Eating behavior is improving. Lack of overeating, excessive appetite. A healthy and balanced diet is preferred.

9) Improvement of cognitive functions: memory, speech, communication skills, the ability to concentrate, the ability to recognize objects (by sight, by hearing, by touch, the ability to make purposeful movements.

10) Improved sleep quality and pleasant dreams.

11) Help in self-discovery and discovering your hidden talents.

12) Establishing balance and harmony within yourself.

When you feel the charm of at least 1-2 points from the above, then the temptation is great to start taking more and more.

❌ DO NOT try to start taking micro doses every day!

❌ DO NOT increase or change your dose during the entire microdosing course!

⛔️ "More" and "more often" will lead to a state of limbo (the state of "neither there - nor here" - between entering a trip and being sober) and will stimulate the brain. As a result, you will get the opposite effect - a loss of energy, a state of fatigue, a decrease in concentration, a deterioration in cognitive functions.

Effects to watch out for

🔴 1-1.5 hours after taking a microdose, there may be soft stools. This is especially common if low-quality food predominates in your diet (fast food, semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, etc.). Do not be afraid, thus the mushroom cleans the body. This is a sign to pay attention to the quality of the food in your diet.

🔴 In the first month of taking microdoses, "entry syndrome" is possible, which occurs 15-30 minutes after taking a microdose. Nausea, a feeling of coldness, profuse salivation, gastrointestinal cramps, dizziness, headache. Such conditions are not observed in everyone and quickly disappear within 15-30 minutes.

🔴 When taking microdoses, pupil dilation is not observed. The person is fully functional without any visible changes or deviations.

🔴 With microdosing, there is no risk of "bad trip" or strong psychedelic effects that cannot be controlled. Microdoses are the ideal way to safely and comfortably enter the psychedelic world.

When should you stop taking microdoses?

⛔️ If the "entry syndrome" (nausea, a feeling of coldness, profuse salivation, gastrointestinal cramps, dizziness, headache) lasts a longer time (1 hour or more) during the first 3-4 weeks of taking.

⛔️ If the "entry syndrome" does not disappear and does not decrease after 1 month of taking microdoses.

⛔️ Decrease in energy and general activity, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, headache, increase or decrease in blood pressure on the days of taking microdoses.

⛔️ Decreased cognitive function.

⛔️ For any negative manifestations of the body (physical and psycho-emotional).

Contraindications to microdosing

❌For fun.

❌Without any task and preparation.

❌Age under 18. Pregnancy. Breastfeeding period.

❌Mixing microdoses with alcohol and other drugs.

❌Microdosing in parallel with the use of antidepressants, tranquilizers.

❌The period of rehabilitation after injuries and surgical operations.

❌For chronic heart problems (arrhythmia, tachycarbia, brachycardia, sinus rhythm

❌disturbance, heart failure, etc.).

❌During the period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcer, ulcerative

❌colitis, acute gastritis, intestinal obstruction, intestinal adhesions and others).

❌In states of extreme stress or panic attack. In states of acute mental disorders.

Microdosing is a responsible process that must be approached with proper preparation and awareness. First of all, answer yourself the question "Why did I decide to microdose?"

Observe your individual dosage throughout the entire microdosing period and do not interfere with the frequency of dosing.

Listen to yourself and your feelings.

All goodness and good health 🙏



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