M Videos Com

M Videos Com


M Videos Com

Video.js 7.1 and 6.11: Autoplay and Fullscreen changes

Autoplay Best Practices with Video.js

In-band Captions Support with videojs-http-streaming

Video.js 7.4

Bugpost: Disconnects and Reconnects

Introducing Video.js HTTP Streaming (VHS)

Video.js 7.3: Responsive Layout, Fill Mode, createLogger

I’m happy to announce that Video.js 7 is now out! It brings to Video.js support for HLS and experimental DASH support via the Video.js HTTP Streaming (VHS) project. Video.js 7 also drops support for some older Internet Explorer browsers only keeping support for IE11.
While it’s out, it’s still in pre-release for a short while and only available under the next tag on npm. Some time next week, we’ll flip the switch and make it latest.
changes for removing IE8 code This release is pretty exciting because it means we were able to remove a bunch of code for old browsers and we can now start using newer web platform features that we had previously been avoiding like the :not() css selector. It’ll also free us to look forward at new features and not be held back by needing to support old browsers like IE8.
Video.js will be bundling VHS by default for ease of use for new users. However, some people don’t want VHS or are using another plugin. For this, we have a separate build of Video.js which doesn’t include VHS.
You can get it from our CDN or another CDN
Finally, expect a more detailed post about VHS in the weeks to come.
Video.js hasn’t really had a roadmap for a long time. With this release, we think it’s time to take a step back and create a roadmap.
The roadmap will take into account currently open issues and internal and external feature requests. In addition, we’re going to look at currently available features and see if it’s worth refactoring them with the more modern web in-mind.
Later down the line, we’d also want to make a roadmap for a Video.js 8. Given that this release only adds VHS and removes old browsers, there’re plenty of already deprecated features that it’s time to remove.
As of this release, Video.js 5.x is now officially deprecated. This means that we will no longer work on it or back-port fixes to it but it’s still available for usage if you’re still using it. We do urge you to update to the latest 5.x, or better yet, upgrade to 6.x or 7.
In the roadmap post, we talked about potentially switching to webpack from Rollup for better support of importing VHS into Video.js. However, while doing this work , we found out that the filesize of Video.js will increase by about 20%, which isn’t a trivial amount, not to mention that the filesize is already going to increase from the default inclusion of VHS.
Eventually, after much work, we were able to figure out how to bundle VHS using Rollup as well and we are continuing to use Rollup for our builds.
Video.js 7’s CDN builds will no longer send any data to Google Analytics via our stripped down pixel tracking.
Video.js 6 and below CDN builds will continue sending data, unless you opt out with window.HELP_IMPROVE_VIDEOJS = false , but versions 6.8 and above will honor the Do Not Track option that users can set in their headers before sending the data.
We are continuing to investigate our options for collecting our CDN logs in an open manner and will post updates when we have any.
https://vjs.zencdn.net/7.0.0/video.min.js https://vjs.zencdn.net/7.0.0/video-js.css
https://unpkg.com/video.js@7.0.0/dist/video.min.js https://unpkg.com/video.js@7.0.0/dist/video-js.css
https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/video.js/7.0.0/video.min.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/video.js/7.0.0/video-js.css

This is documentation for Vime 1.x , which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (5.x).
Vime is an open-sourced library focused on giving users and developers the best possible media player
experience on the web. The idea behind Vime is we want you to control the player, not the other way around .
We built all of Vime with that in mind. Thus, we focus on normalizing cross-browser and provider differences,
all powered by an reactive/eventful store, modular design, powerful plugin system and much more.
The following is a brief summary of what packages Vime contains and what they can offer. Please
keep in mind that this is super simplified and each package is full of treats.
Vime is focused on supporting the last 2 versions of all modern browsers and IE 11.
The main issue with alternative solutions like Videojs and Plyr is:
They are not modular/treeshakable and come with too many built-in features that most users simply don't need. This
bloats the package size and the final bundle includes useless code.
Poor plugin ecosystem or none at all. Plyr doesn't have a plugin system which makes it difficult
for the community or devs to extend the player. Videojs has mostly basic plugins and a majority are outdated
or not actively maintained.
Poor multi-provider support. Plyr only supports Vimeo and YouTube at this time and there
is no simple way to add a custom provider. Videojs supports multiple providers through custom Tech
but there is technically none supported out of the box. The community plugins
that add support for them are outdated and don't work (see videojs-youtube
and videojs-vimeo ).
Both libraries use Player SDKs to integrate each provider which causes additional bloat. Each SDK is
repeating mostly the same code for mounting and building the iframe , cleaning event listeners etc.
Each can weigh as much as ~10 kB. Thus, after adding only 3 providers such as YouTube, Dailymotion and
Vimeo you'll incur an additional 25 - 30 kB overhead.
Poor documentation . This is mostly directed at Videojs, their documentation feels clunky and
difficult to navigate and understand.
Lack of testing . Videojs has a good set of unit tests but no e2e tests, and Plyr has no tests at all.
This makes both libraries vulnerable to breakage. I'll admit Vime has no tests just yet either,
but it is one of our highest priorities.
They are not built with modern UI framework capabilities. We've learnt a lot about building user interfaces
over the last decade. It's best to not reinvent the wheel and use existing frameworks. Most importantly, they help with
providing structure, solutions to common problems, code reusability, improved development experience
and a quicker time-to-contribute (time it takes a dev to understand a new codebase and contribute). Plyr and
Videojs are completely Vanilla JS. This was likely a conscious decision to make sure the libraries are interoperable between
JS frameworks. However, a new wave of compile-time frameworks
like Svelte , Stencil and Ember
are reducing the costs of choosing to use a framework. Two examples of how not using a framework affects Videojs and Plyr is:
Videojs decided to design its own Component class
for managing UI state. Besides the fact that it's 1700 lines of code, it's hard to build anything meaningful with it.
If you're intending on building complex UI components/plugins for your player, then you simply need to find your own recipe for
making it happen.
The codebase for Plyr is a jungle with logic tangled up all over the place. For example, understanding
1700 lines of code for just the controls
is simply too much.
Think I got something wrong or you can improve what's been said? Create a PR over at our GitHub .
Responsive Design. The player and all our plugins are designed for mobile, touch and larger screens.
Accessible. All controls and menus are built with accessibility in mind, and VTT captions are supported.
Options. There is an option for whatever your use case. Thumbnails preview, lite player embed, standard
player for a normalized experience, and a complete system with plugins and all.
Lightweight. 0 external dependencies, modular, treeshakable, no additional SDK's loaded for embeds, and compiled with
Svelte to have the smallest footprint possible. Sizes ranging from 5.5 kB (min + gzip) up to everything
included at 54 kB (min + gzip).
Avoid browser inconsistencies. Browsers each approach new API's differently and this can be quite
a headache. Vime handles it all so you don't. Enjoy fullscreen, picture-in-picture and more without
any pain.
Multi-provider support. Don't bother learning a new SDK everytime, just use Vime!
Reactive/eventful store. Behind the scences, all properties are a store. Subscribe to anything you
like and receive updates in realtime.
I18n. Internationalization is built right in. Easy to add, extend and change as needed. English
is provided out of the box and more languages to come.
Portable. The final bundle is Vanilla JS, use it anywhere you like. For an even better experience
we'll be building framework intergations starting with React and Vue.
Lazy loading. All players are loaded lazily as soon as they are almost in view.
Preconnections. Thanks to rel='preconnect' we can establish a network connection
early to increase rendering speed of embedded media by up to 224x .
Design . A minimalistic, modern and sleek design which you can customize with your own icons and theme. See
screenshots above for our base design.
Modular Design + Plugin System. Include only the parts you need and benefit from treeshaking to remove the
waste. Outside of the core, everything is built as a plugin so you can integrate only what you need. There are
plugins for Keyboard shortcuts, Controls, Tooltips, Settings and much more. There is even a handy Boot plugin, if you want
to use everything with no additional setup required. The plugin system utilizes svelte:component so you can extend
the player with the full power of Svelte.
Built with Svelte. Enjoy great performance and smaller bundles thanks to Svelte. If you're using
Vime inside a Svelte project, we've provided a svelte key so you can compile the player yourself
and share the same Svelte internals. This will reduce the overhead cost of Vime, and you get all the
benefits of auto-subscriptions since all props are powered by a store.
Complete control . Remember, we want you to control the player, not the other way around. We've
built all of Vime with that in mind. Pick what you want, extend what you want, interact with what you want,
pretty much do whatever you want easily.
If you're looking for something that has battled the test of time and is reliable today in a large production app,
then Vime is not for you. You should go ahead and
checkout Videojs and Plyr .
IE 11 has not been tested at all. There will definitely be bugs. If this is important to you, then don't use
Vime in production just yet.
If you have a question then feel free to raise an issue over at our GitHub and you can
start the title with Question: .

Today, I’m excited to announce the roadmap to Video.js 7! While this is a major version update, there is very little that is…
November 17th marked the pre-release of Video.js 6.5.0. It comes shortly after the release of 6.4.0 , which has now been promoted to latest! This is a pretty exciting release because we finally got our own element! I like to call it the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Custom Elements because it…
Hello everyone, it’s been a while! Yesterday, I pre-released Video.js 6.4.0. It’s a pretty big release with 27 merged Pull Requests from 13 authors and 7 of them were contributors! I’d like to thank everyone who contributed but particularly those seven. Six of them made their first PRs…

Video.js Documentation





The current aspect ratio of the Player when getting.
- undefined when setting




The current crossOrigin value of the Player when getting.
- undefined when setting



the current time in seconds when getting




true if defaultMuted is on and getting
- false if defaultMuted is off and getting
- A reference to the current player when setting




The default playback rate when getting or 1.0
- the player when setting



The duration of the video in seconds when getting




The value of fluid when getting.
- undefined when setting.



true if flexbox is supported
- false if flexbox is not supported




The value of fluid when getting.
- undefined when setting.




The value of the attribute that was asked for.
- Can be an empty string on some browsers if the attribute does not exist
or has no value
- Most browsers will return null if the attibute does not exist or has
no value.





True if the Component has the class.
- False if the Component does not have the class`



true if fullscreen is on and getting
- false if fullscreen is off and getting



true if Picture-in-Picture is on and getting
- false if Picture-in-Picture is off and getting



true if mute is on and getting
- false if mute is off and getting



false: if the media is currently playing
- true: if media is not currently playing




the current value of playsinline
- the player when setting

resize-manager.js ,
line 108

An instance of the Player class is created when any of the Video.js setup methods
are used to initialize a video.
After an instance has been created it can be accessed globally in two ways:
The original video DOM element used for configuring options.
The keys are the player IDs and the values are either the Player
instance or null for disposed players.
Get or set the Player 's crossorigin option. For the HTML5 player, this
sets the crossOrigin property on the tag to control the CORS
An object containing all of the settings
for a player tag
Find a single DOM element matching a selector . This can be within the Component s
contentEl() or another custom context.
A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to querySelector .
A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in
which case the first matching element will get used as context. If
missing this.contentEl() gets used. If this.contentEl() returns
nothing it falls back to document .
the dom element that was found, or null
Finds all DOM element matching a selector . This can be within the Component s
contentEl() or another custom context.
A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to querySelectorAll .
A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in
which case the first matching element will get used as context. If
missing this.contentEl() gets used. If this.contentEl() returns
nothing it falls back to document .
a list of dom elements that were found
Add a child Component inside the current Component .
The name or instance of a child to add.
The key/value store of options that will get passed to children of
the child.
The index to attempt to add a child into.
The Component that gets added as a child. When using a string the
Component will get created by this process.
Add a CSS class name to the Component s element.
Create a remote TextTrack and an HTMLTrackElement .
When manualCleanup is set to false, the track will be automatically removed
on source changes.
Options to pass to HTMLTrackElement during creation. See
HTMLTrackElement for object properties that you should use.
if set to false, the TextTrack will be
removed on a source change
the HTMLTrackElement that was created and added
to the HtmlTrackElementList and the remote
A helper method for adding a TextTrack to our
TextTrackList .
In addition to the W3C settings we allow adding additional info through options.
the kind of TextTrack you are adding
the label to give the TextTrack label
the language to set on the TextTrack
the TextTrack that was added or undefined
if there is no tech
A getter/setter for the Player 's aspect ratio.
The value to set the Player 's aspect ratio to.
Get the current audioOnlyMode state or set audioOnlyMode to true or false.
Setting this to true will hide all player components except the control bar,
as well as control bar components needed only for video.
A Promise is returned when setting the state, and a boolean when getting
the present state
Get the current audioPosterMode state or set audioPosterMode to true or false
The value to set audioPosterMode to.
A Promise is returned when setting the state, and a boolean when getting
the present state
Get or set the autoplay option. When this is a boolean it will
modify the attribute on the tech. When this is a string the attribute on
the tech will be removed and Player will handle autoplay on loadstarts.
The current value of autoplay when getting
Remove the focus from this component
Get or set breakpoints on the player.
Calling this method with an object or true will remove any previous
custom breakpoints and start from the defaults again.
If an object is given, it can be used to provide custom
breakpoints. If true is given, will set default breakpoints.
If this argument is not given, will simply return the current
The maximum width for the "vjs-layout-tiny" class.
The maximum width for the "vjs-layout-x-small" class.
The maximum width for the "vjs-layout-small" class.
The maximum width for the "vjs-layout-medium" class.
The maximum width for the "vjs-layout-large" class.
The maximum width for the "vjs-la
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