Lymphatic Drainage and Massage

Lymphatic Drainage and Massage

If you're looking for methods to improve the lymphatic drainage of your body, you've likely heard about simple lymphatic drainage (SLD). But what about MLD? In this article, we will discuss both, and how you can gain from each. SLD has many common benefits. To find out more learn more, keep reading! This article provides a basic overview of MLD. This article can help you choose the right treatment for you.

Simple lymphatic drainage (SLD)

Williams 2002 conducted a research study which compared MLD to an uninvolved lymphatic drainage control group. The MLD group had better emotional function as well as less dyspnea. However, the SLD group had no improvements. The MLD group also showed significant increases in the thickness of the dermis according to authors, but they didn't provide any numerical data. The simple lymphatic drain can be called self massage. It is a manual method of lymphatic drainage which makes use of hand movements to encourage the formation in lymphatic fluid.

It is generally performed with the fingers or on the flat part hands. The amount of pressure applied is important. It should be just enough to make the skin move but not push down or pinch the skin. If your skin is reddening or swelling, you may have to apply some pressure. The therapist will show you how to apply gentle pressure to surrounding area of the skin during SLD. If you do not have prior experience in SLD then consult with a lymphoedema specialist first.

Pre-aortic lymph nodes

The para-aortic lymph nodes (PANs) sit beneath and above the left renal vein. They're a primary source for lymphatic drainage. PAN can be reached via multiple ways. There isn't any known clinical pathological reason for the risk of lymphatic metastasis in PAN. Analyses of retrospective data have been limited due to selection biases and the contamination of surgically positive patients.

They are among the most prominent nodes. They also receive tributaries from the posterior abdominal wall of the paraspinal. They serve as intermediary group that flow to the Aortic lymph nodes that are lateral as well as to common iliac lymph nodes. They drain the same organs and tissues in the same way as aortic lymph nodes however they also get lymphatic fluid from GI tract, the liver, the pancreas, spleen and the lower extremities.

Inguinal lymph nodes

It's located beneath the abdominal wall and functions as the main lymphatic drainage system. It drains the inferior legs, genitalia, the posterior perineum, and an abdominal wall that runs down the lower part of it. There are three kinds of inguinal lymph nodes: superficial, deep, and para-aortic. The lymph nodes in the upper section of the canal are able to receive lymph from the buttocks and the scrotum. In addition, the inguinal lymph nodes drain the penis glans, liver, and the spleen.

Inguinal LNs can be classified into the superficial and deep. The superficial LN within the inguinal is the one that drains the anal canal, the skin below the umbilicus and in the upper extremity. They remove harmful substances that travel through the lymphatic system through the cortex of the lymphatic nodes. Inguinal lymphadenopathy can be an indication of sexually transmitted diseases, including Syphilis, chancroid, and lymphogranuloma venereum.


Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) can be described as a form of massage that encourages the body's natural process of removing waste materials by the skin. This method is based upon the notion that massages performed by hand will stimulate the lymphatic system to flush away substances that are causing tissue damage and bring them back to the heart. This is the reason why manual massage is so popular. The benefits of lymph drainage are evident throughout your body, including neck, face as well as the arms.

Manual lymphatic drainage, a safe and gentle method to treat the issue of lymphatic fluid retention has been in use across numerous countries for a long time. This technique was first developed in France through Emil Vodder as well as Estrid Voider in 1932. The MLD technique is now the most widely recognized hand-held lymph drainage method that is based on the principles of science to improve lymph flow. Both techniques aid in drainage and recovery. They have profound effects on the body's system. When performed by a qualified practitioner or by yourself can benefit from them both.


The benefits of SLD are many, but there are a few caveats. In particular, it's not advisable to perform SLD over a swelling area because it could cause more discomfort it. SLD is a treatment which can ease congestion, but not for lymphedema. Current research is not able to tackle this issue. If you want to know more, talk to a lymphoedema specialist.

Lymphoedema treatments vary depending on the severity of the condition. Certain people can require daily compression clothing but others will require regular or daily treatments. The frequency of treatments depends on the form of lymphedema as well as the requirements of the individual. The best treatment options for each patient is determined by a lymphoedema specialist. The specialist will consider the extent of swelling. In the event in swelling doctor may use multi-layered lymphoedema bandaging. 광명출장안마 An elastic bandage can be prescribed in cases where the patient isn't capable of using bandages. Following the procedure is completed, the specialist who treated you for lymphoedema will assess your progress.


Two types of lymphatic drainage contraindications exist: absolute and relative. A contraindication that is absolute cannot be possible to reverse by a doctor. It refers to two scenarios: chronic heart condition and congestive inflammation as a result of virus or bacteria. As the lymphatic system pushes substances through lymphatic channels, the toxins can get into the body. When this happens, it is best to wait a few days before undergoing lymphatic drainage.

A variety of medical conditions can be addressed with manual lymphatic drainage. It can be extremely beneficial in treating a vast spectrum of illnesses but there are a few warnings to disclose to your practitioner prior to the treatment. Certain medicines, and active cancers and autoimmune diseases can make MLD difficult or dangerous. Certain techniques might not work for specific conditions, such as HIV.

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