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by Charlie Smith on February 3rd, 2010 at 3:26 PM
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Graham Brown on rockin' the Telecaster, taking no prisoners, and sharing a gig with his old band Jr. Gone Wild


Michael Bublé plays Vancouver on October 1


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The readers have spoken and, er, fantasized. Survey says: you’d do Lady Gaga, you got laid in a convent—and you’re twisted.
Power can be sexy, but not in all cases, judging by the results of the fifth annual Georgia Straight sex survey. In this year’s questionnaire, which was available on in late December and early January, women and men were asked which politician they would like to have sex with.
For women, two men dominated the pack: U.S. president Barack Obama and Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson. Obama collected a quarter of the votes from females who answered the question. Our city’s Olympic mayor was cited by more than 15 percent of women, which could be taken as an indication that Robertson won’t have difficulty getting reelected.
Trailing far behind was former U.S. president Bill Clinton. Even after the Monica Lewinsky scandal and all his other bimbo eruptions, there are plenty of women who still find him charming. Women also voted for NDP Leader Jack Layton, Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, former British prime minister Tony Blair, Defence Minister Peter MacKay, Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, and Vancouver–West End NDP MLA Spencer Herbert.
Former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin led among male respondents. This, no doubt, gives more ammunition to all those women who think men are shallow. The guys’ second-favourite female bedmate from the world of politics was Belinda Stronach, who hasn’t sat in Parliament since 2008. There was a tie for third place between Vancouver–Mount Pleasant NDP MLA Jenny Kwan and Italian sexpot Mara Carfagna. If you’ve never heard of Carfagna, look her up on the Internet and you’ll understand why men expressed a desire to, ahem, spend time with her.
Several men also expressed an interest in having sex with Surrey mayor Dianne Watts, former B.C. finance minister Carole Taylor, secretary of state Hillary Clinton, former prime minister Kim Campbell, Gov. Gen. Michaí«lle Jean, Public Works Minister Rona Ambrose, and Liberal MP Ruby Dhalla, as well as Obama and Herbert.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper was the most loathed by both male and female respondents, topping the list of politicians people would never have sex with. However, one woman stated that she might reconsider if he put on a fuzzy sweater.
There was a dead heat for the sexiest female actor. Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie, and Scarlett Johansson have repeatedly appeared in the top three in our annual surveys, but this was the first time they each attracted the same number of votes from men selecting the actor they would most like to have sex with. Women chose Johnny Depp for the fifth consecutive year as the male actor they would most like to take to bed. According to the survey, large numbers of women and men have no desire to have sex with either Tom Cruise or Mick Jagger—repeating the results of previous years.
Even though there were more than 25,000 answers to individual questions, we don’t claim that the results have any scientific validity because respondents weren’t chosen randomly. People chose to fill out the questionnaire anonymously, and the results don’t include the views of those who have no interest in answering a bunch of questions about their sex lives. Also note that with some questions, percentages don’t add up to 100 because of rounding.
Nevertheless, the survey delivered some intriguing data. This year, for the first time, no women reported having paid for sex, which suggests that the global economic downturn has harmed the prospects of local gigolos. Among those who responded to a question about infidelity, 22 percent of married women and 28 percent of married men reported having sex outside their regular relationship in the past year. And 13 percent of married female respondents and 11 percent of married male respondents admitted to having unprotected sex with someone who wasn’t their spouse.
Some of the most entertaining answers involved locations where people had sex. One woman claimed she did it in the kitchen of a church. Another woman reported getting it on in a convent. Two other women revealed that they had each played with a partner in a cemetery. One guy cited a monastery as his most unusual location, while another said he did the deed on the steps of an unnamed Kitsilano church. Is nothing sacred anymore?
Perhaps those responses weren’t as peculiar as that of a woman who said she had sex on the front lawn of City Hall. There was also a lot of bathroom sex reported in a breathtaking array of locations, including a Wendy’s restaurant, the Westin Bayshore, and the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. One woman said she did it in the Denman Cinema men’s washroom. A guy reported having sex in a bathroom in a private suite at GM Place. There were also claims of sex in the bathrooms at the Amsterdam airport, a youth hostel in Taipei, the Odyssey nightclub, the Vancouver Convention Centre, and the Richmond Olympic Oval.
But the strangest location of all came from the guy who confessed to having sex underneath the bus ticketing desk on the ferry from Victoria to Vancouver. Another guy claimed that he made out in the clock tower at Lonsdale Quay. The most surprising female response came from a woman who did it in a glass elevator at a Seattle public market.
Then there were the “unusual desires”. One woman reported that she was attracted to the idea of “dressing straight boys up in my clothing”. Another woman wanted to be paid for sex in shoes and clothes. (Some men might not find that unusual.) Another expressed a wish to have anal sex with a man while describing it to a woman underneath her. Yet another respondent said she has thought about getting it on in a tree.
Our favourite? A young woman who declared: “One time I stepped into a music store for the first time in a long while and got totally excited in the pants.” Hmmm. We never thought shelves of CDs could have this effect.
It’s generally acknowledged that men are more sexually twisted than women. In this regard, a couple of the male respondents didn’t disappoint. Under the category of unusual desires, one cited a wish to fart in someone’s mouth. Another wanted to be penetrated by a dog. We’re not making this up.
The Georgia Straight sex survey isn’t going to change the world, but perhaps it’ll make us reflect on some of the choices we make. We hope that it also makes us more accepting of our sexual differences and helps us feel a little less guilty about our fantasies—so long as they don’t involve animals!
Charlie Smith has been editor of the Georgia Straight since 2005. Before that, he was the paper's news editor.
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Today » 17°C Wed 20°C Thurs 20°C Fri 21°C
by Charlie Smith on February 7th, 2013 at 3:25 AM
Who’s the hottest in Hollywood? Scarlett Johansson (left) nudged out Anne Hathaway (right) among guy survey respondents, whereas Ryan Gosling caused the most women to have a serious need for drool bibs.
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Graham Brown on rockin' the Telecaster, taking no prisoners, and sharing a gig with his old band Jr. Gone Wild


Michael Bublé plays Vancouver on October 1


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Our seventh annual sex survey reveals that not everyone uses a toothbrush to clean their teeth
We’ve all had embarrassing moments in the bedroom. But it’s rare that people will fess up to them publicly—unless they have anonymity, a keyboard, and a list of 80 questions on . Then the floodgates will open, as demonstrated in the eighth annual Georgia Straight sex survey.
When asked for the best “walk of shame” story, a Vancouver man revealed that after he was caught having sex in a hotel hot tub, a security guard escorted him back to his room in the nude. Then there was the Okanagan-area guy who recalled waking up in a woman’s bed after a one-night stand. That’s when he noticed her eight- or nine-year-old daughter “staring at us and disgustedly saying to her mom ‘Not again!’ ”
A Surrey resident admitted that while returning items to a girlfriend after a breakup, he accidentally handed over earrings belonging to the new woman in his life. A Vancouver man described how he asked a woman “to write down her contact information the next morning so I could find out her name”.
Meanwhile, a Vancouver woman confessed to riding the bus home in sexy lingerie “after a particularly debauched night at Sin City”. Another Vancouver woman asked a male friend to retrieve the video from a guy’s place where she was filmed having sex. A third Vancouver woman stated that she had sex with four different guys on four dates over the course of one day and evening—and none of them knew about the others. “But not much shame in that, really,” she added.
Then there were revelations about the craziest places people had had sexual liaisons. The list included Home Depot, the Burrard Bridge, Station Square Pub, on a False Creek ferry, outside the downtown Vancouver courthouse, and in a portable toilet in a Burnaby park.
Some of the oddest comments came in response to the question, “Other than body parts and sex toys, what else have you put up your ass?”
A woman who lives in the Burnaby–New Westminster area said she had inserted a crayon. Another in the Tri-Cities reported shoving a flashlight and a razor handle into her butt. A third in Vancouver mentioned “a garden gnome’s nose (it was long)”.
Several men admitted to pushing fruits and vegetables into their rectums, including four mentions of carrots. And the guy who chose an organic zucchini let us know that he covered it with a condom.
Another guy said he inserted a vibrating toothbrush, emphasizing that it was “immediately disposed of afterward”. Computer joysticks, a hammer, a broomstick, and the leg of a chair were also on the list.
Perhaps the smartest comment of all came from a woman whose sister is a paramedic. “The things that people stick up their asses is scary!” she declared. “If it breaks easily, don’t insert!!” Good advice.
Our survey also revealed which actors, musicians, and politicians our readers want to take to bed. Last year, Johnny Depp was dethroned after six straight years as the most fuckable male actor in the eyes of female respondents. This year, he didn’t even crack the top-three male thespians, a sure sign that he’s past his best-before date.
However, Tom Cruise maintained his place at the top of the list of actors people never want to have sex with. Maypo, as Cruise was called in high school, should take this as a compliment. It means people still care enough to hate him.
Charlie Smith has been editor of the Georgia Straight since 2005. Before that, he was the paper's news editor.
OK. So I'm a mostly hetero guy. But why does the cover always have to present a hetero couple as the default couple? Time for two lusty dykes on the cover! Or a 3ouple! Enough already with the heteronormativity!
Grammar problem: "back to his room in the nude" is a misplaced modifier. Was the security guard nude or was it the dude? Now a nude security guard--that could be really hot or really gross--a nude dude, well that's pretty vanilla. I can see that off certain trails in Stanley Park any lovely summer day.
Johnny Depp is still the most fuckable male actor for me,he is delicious 4ever!
Completely worthless survey. Leftist Georgia Straight readers are in no way representative of the general population.
As House always said "People lie all the time."
I and a lovely lady once did it in a swimming pool and a woman who watched reported it to a female lifeguard. That lifeguard was always very friendly with me thereafter. Strange as it may seem I was too shy to ever make a move on her even though I found her very attractive.
I agree with the hetero-normative comment. BORING! Though sex always sells, there never seems to be anything interesting printed anymore about it. Can't tell if I've been desensitized by the internet, or if nobody has any imagination anymore. Yeah yeah....Another young hetero couple fucking in a parking lot *yawn*
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Dockside Restaurant is known as one of Vancouver’s best culinary spots. Offering an impressive...
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