Luo Hui-ning’s grand annunciation: Time to implement “One Country, One System”. 

Luo Hui-ning’s grand annunciation: Time to implement “One Country, One System”. 

By Chan Kwok-kuen, translated by Guardians of Hong Kong

By Chan Kwok Kuen

Director of the Liaison Office, Luo Hui-ning

Editor’s note: The author, Chan Kwok Kuen, is Director of the Publication Department at the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union. In this commentary, he ponders the demise of Hong Kong’s “One Country, Two Systems”, highlighting recent comments by Luo Hui-ning, the current Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, and pro-establishment government officials. Disclosing the not-so-hidden agenda of the Central Committee of the Party, Chan believes that Hong Kong people are now left with no choice but to accept a war of “mutual destruction” between those who support the Chinese Communist Party and pro-democracy supporters

The “Two Systems” wrapping on the “One Country, Two Systems” package has been torn off. The “high degree” in the so-called “high degree of autonomy” was never higher than that pole holding the Chinese Communist Party's flag. The “unchanged” in the “unchanged for 50 years” was just an unrealistic promise that has faded away long ago. The nameplate of “Hong Kong Special Administration Region” has worn off and it will be renewed in this historic moment! Now, the “great, brilliant and righteous” Central Committee of the Party has expedited the renewal of “Hong Kong SAR” by 27 years. Party Secretary Luo has solemnly announced: Implement “One Country, One System”, the city of Hong Kong is formally founded!

Recently, the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council in the mainland and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have released their statements. In their typical tone, the Central Committee of the Party has said “you’ve been warned”. The obliging officials of the Hong Kong government and politicians echoed in unity and began to carry out their duties. Although the documents are still black and white in front of their eyes, the explanations from officials multiple times in the past can still be heard - on the premise of “political need”, definitions have to change. The Central Committee gets to make the final call. Once the Party Secretary has made his annunciation, all those puppets have to speak along the party lines as a show of unity, even if that means re-interpreting Article 22 of the Basic Law. As Carrie Lam declared, instruction with “care and concern” is “natural and reasonable” rather than “interference”.

According to Regina Ip, “support, assist, comment, instruct and supervise” do not mean “interference”. The so-called “department set up by the Central Committee” and “special organisation authorised by the Central Committee” were not fully understood by those incapable officials and hence the incorrect interpretation of the Basic Law. In the end, official statements issued by the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau were revised and revised again but the correct interpretation was still not clear. Finally, the Secretary for the Bureau had to admit he was wrong and offered his most sincere apologies.

Recently, the Central Committee of the Party has been acting out of desperation more frequently. It is willing to go so far as to disrupt the established order, breaking the norms and regulations. It has long ignored the reactions of Hong Kongers and now, even neglects the concerns and warnings from the international community. Just like an unscrupulous thug who is used to making his living in a mobsters’ world, there is no need to hide behind a mask. The two Liaison Offices have taken the liberty to downgrade Hong Kong’s status from a Special Administrative Region to the "City of Hong Kong". Director Luo has been promoted to the Party Secretary of the "City of Hong Kong". “One Country, Two Systems” is now officially certified dead. “One Country, One System” can now be implemented in broad daylight.

After all, “only what I say counts and is right” according to the “Chinese Communist logic”. To its advantage, the Chinese government utilizes its “centralized power over the nation” to confound right and wrong. Furthermore, with tensions rising in the international political arena, Hong Kong is a strategic chess piece clutched tightly by the Central Committee. Under the influence of extreme leftist ideology, they may be tempted to take risks in order to break out of their defensive position, but Hong Kong people must still obey and abide by the "politically correct" line of Chinese socialism. Therefore, whether it is the vengeful arrests of pro-democrats; the shameless disqualification of candidates to gain advantage over the democrats in the LegCo elections; or the use of dirty tactics to clear the path for Article 23, this is all part of the war of “mutual destruction” that has to happen in Hong Kong. 

Not to mention that Hong Kong has long been entangled in the Sino-American negotiations and the debate over the future of Taiwan, swirling in the vortex of the ideological fight between universal values and rule by dictatorship. For Hong Kongers, there is no other option but to accept this inevitable, large scale “political fight at all costs”.

I feel that Hong Kongers must be clear-eyed and face this new situation in this new era in Hong Kong. The core administrative triad of the “City of Hong Kong” has formed — Party Secretary Luo, Mayor Carrie Lam and Head of Public Security P.K.Tang . They will follow the wise instructions from the Central Committee and fulfill their duties by any means necessary. They will definitely rule Hong Kong with an iron fist. Under the oppressive atmosphere of white terror and persecution, Hong Kongers must stay alert and be cautious!

Source : The Stand News, April 2020駱書記隆重宣布-落實-一國一制-香港市正式成立/#.Xp_CBB7MJTZ.facebook

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