Luna The Dragon Farting

Luna The Dragon Farting


Luna The Dragon Farting
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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · # 2080401
Yep, friendship is gassy in this fic, and a lunar princess is about to make herself gassy.
Created: April 5th, 2016 at 12:01 am
Modified: May 13th, 2016 at 10:38 pm

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Luna Dragons Published: Jun 27, 2013
Introducing two new dragons to Fort Dream Drifter. Elara and Regulus. I put a bit more thought into the names as I wanted them to sound kind of... Space-y as, y'know, they are Luna Dragons. Breed: Cosmic dragons Rarity: Luna / Common You can adopt one of your own from / DreamDrifter91 (mother dragon) Elara - Named after the pretty badass elven mercenary from one of my favourite video games Hunted: The Demon's Forge . Ahem. I mean, she's been given the name of the eight largest moon of the planet Jupiter 8) (the young dragon) Regulus - Named after a star in the Leo constellation. Latin for 'prince' or 'little king'. Regulus was known to Persian astrologers as the Royal star Venant, Watcher of the North. No one probably reads my rant-like descriptions so I'm just talking to my self like a cray-zay person
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A few weeks had passed since Princess Celestia last journeyed to the Everfree Forest, and she still reeked of skunk. Her sister, Princess Luna, was highly tolerant of the smell, and even admitedly enjoyed it, but she hated to see Celestia suffer. Finally, Luna decided enough was enough, and set out for the Everfree Forest to find the skunk pony responsible. After a few minutes, Luna began to smell a familier stench-- the same stench Princess Celestia currently wore. She then started to look around for one of the skunk ponies, specifically the one known as Queen Putressa. Her search didn't take long. as she soon ran into exactly waht she was looking for, except it wasn't the queen. "Hello there, Darling," the skunk pony said, sounding similar to Rarity. "Hello," Luna responded. "Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of your queen. "Oh my," said the skunk pony, genuinely surprised. "Even for an alicorn you must be quite brave to be looking for Queen Putressa. I can tell you where she is, but first, would you like a sample of my special perfume?" Since Luna knew this was a skunk pony, it was obvious what she meant by "perfume". Still, she decided to humor the skunk pony anyway. "That actually sounds wonderful," said Luna. "Go ahead and give me a dose." "Perfect," the skunk pony replied. "My name's Fetid Fumes, by the way. Now close your eyes and take a big sniff." Luna did as she was told as Fetid turned around and lifted her tail, spraying her infamous odor all over the princess. "That is quite a lovely scent you have there," Luna said, sniffing and fully enjoying the stink. "I'm glad you like it," said Fetid, "because I'm about to give you a lot more of it." Luna started to say something, but then noticed that everything around her seemed to be growing, including Fetid Fumes herself. She quickly realized that she was actually shrinking. "Excuse me," Luna said in an angry, yet high-pitched voice, "You said you'd bring me to your Queen. Explain yourself." "Relax, Darling," Fetid answered. "I'll make good on my promise. I simply wish to have a bit of fun with you first. After all, it's not everyday we get to skunk an alicorn." She then proceeded to sit herself down on Luna, trapping the princess between her skunky cheeks. "I suggest you get comfortable," said Fetid. "You're going to be shrunk for some time, and I'm not letting you go until you grow back." With no other option, (at this size, her magic's not powerful enough to teleport or fight back) Luna laid back and enjoyed the foul stench that came with her prison as much as she could until she could once again continue her search for Queen Putressa.

As the rest of Ponyville celebrates Heart's Warming, a Skunk Pony from the local den also looks to get into the spirt, partaking on one of the holiday's oldest traditions, but with a skunky twist. She ties some mistletoe to the end of her tail and heads into town looking for somepony or somecreature that will take the tradition seriously enough to give her rancid flank a smooch...
STINKY WOLF. (Warning, fart and scat)

Delex was walking down the street thinking about what he was gonna do when he got home. He was 16, a gray wolf, and had brown eyes. While he was walking however, a foul stench hit his nose. "EWW what is that smell" he said. A skunk, a Pretty skunk walked toward him. "Youre in the stink neighborhood" she said, lifting her tail. "WAIT PLZ DONT SPRAY"! Delex shouted. But when he tried to turn back, two very muscular skunks grabbed him. Delex Knew they were Athletes cuz of the strong b.o.
"Eww...shower much?".
"Your gonna be our new slave little wolf". one of the skunks said, smirking. The female skunk lifte
“Hello! Welcome to my story! I really home you guys like it! It’s going to be amazing and I cannot wait to-” He was cut off by a hand being placed on his mouth.

“Brighton? What are you doing?” A very tall mare was standing over the young man. She had black fur with two parallel stripes on her back and very large tail. Her mane was in the style of Applejack’s and was black with two stripes through it. She was wearing a white tank top and blue jeans. She was rather muscular but a bit curvy in body style. When she was ready for Brighton to speak, she lifted her hand off of his mouth.

“I was getting rea
The day was starting off like any other day. It was a warm, sunny and pleasant day in Equestria. The sun was shining onto a building that towered over the landscape. It was the high school and as this day started a young stallion walked into the structure. His name was Britt.

Britt set his stuff in his locker. The thing about this young stallion is that he was a hybrid. He was half wolf and half pony. He looked like a stallion for the most part, but his ears and teeth were more canine-like. This made things a bit difficult for him as he was the subject of plenty of teasing that bordered on bullying. He stuck it out as best he could as he rea
This is a request for superdude2075, and a sequel to "Celestia Gets Skunked". 
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Artwork (Digital) / My Little Pony / Brony


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Luna has gotten herself into a very dangerous situation and the most unlikely (And fetish fueled) turn of events comes into save the day.

This was a request I managed to scrape together in my spare time. This will be the last request I take until I start using SFM which should be next week.


Category Artwork (Digital) / My Little Pony / Brony


Scared it off? SCARED IT OFF?!?! You freaking KILLED that dragon, Luna! There's no way a dragon could survive a fire-fart like that!


She didn't mean to do that, she just had a bit more junk in the trunk than she thought.


New weapon unlocked! Moon-butt Flamethrower!


Level 75 Flamethrower
+100% Fire damage
+100% Adorable
+100% Ammo consumption
+100% Stink



Fart gas + fire = exstened flames of the flamethrower...

Pyro crab: hey you blue f**** princess don't copycat me you insane alicorn!!! When i get my claws on you i swear you won't go to the Halloween festival for that night until you return next year got that!!!???

Luna: one; it's nightmare night... And two; sorry somehow i got a bet gassy for some what that make no since... Last but not least three; who put a campfire out here...

Pyro crab: good point who left it out here?

TD: eew i not cooking here!

Pyro crab & luna: uh *turn and look at TD*

TD: i think i better find a better spot where no farting ponys come here... T_T


Here's a tip:

Don't play cards with Luna, especially if you hear her belly gurgling. She'll never admit it was her.

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