Luke Reading Guide

Luke Reading Guide


Luke 1

Many events prepare the way for Jesus to be born, including: John the Baptist’s unique conception and calling, announcement to Mary, Mary visits Elizabeth, Mary’s song of praise, John the Baptist’s birth and his father (Zacharias)’s prophecy.
What happened when Mary visited Elizabeth?

Luke 2

Jesus born in Bethlehem, attended by shepherds; the boy presented in the Temple and prophesied about by Simeon & Anna. He journeys to Jerusalem at 12.
What was the promise to Simeon?

Luke 3

John the Baptist proclaimed that God’s salvation of Israel promised in Isaiah had drawn near in the Messiah, so people should turn to God for forgiveness, be baptized, and live a life worthy of God.
Why was Adam called "a son of God"?

Luke 4

Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. Afterwards, He announces His mission in the synagogue at Nazareth. Rejected, He hints at the reception of the Gentiles. Devils are cast out and many are healed.
Why did the people become angry at Jesus?

Luke 5

Simon became a disciple of Jesus by trusting and obeying him, acknowledging his own unworthiness, changing his way of life, and following Jesus to share in his work of drawing people to God.
Why did Jesus send the leper to the priest after healing Him?

Luke 6

Jesus confronts the religious leaders conception of the Sabbath. He chooses the 12, heals many, and preaches the Sermon on the Mount.
What will God do when you give to others?

Luke 7

Jesus shows compassion through many acts of healing. John’s disciples come to Jesus with questions. He tells them to consider the evidence & then praises John’s ministry to the people.
Why is the least one in the kingdom of heaven greater than John the Baptist?

Luke 8

Jesus preaches through the cities and villages. He calms the storm showing His power over nature. He delivers a man in Gadara; they people respond by asking Jesus to leave.
What does the seed represent in the Parable of the Sower?

Luke 9

The Twelve are sent out to preach and do miracles. A crowd of 5,000 comes to Jesus and He feeds them. Peter makes a clear confession of his faith. Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John. Jesus casts out a demon the disciples could not. Jesus warns the disciples of his betrayal. They try to decide who will be the greatest.
What miracle did Jesus do the next day after coming down from the mountain?

Luke 10

As Jesus’ ministry continues, he sends out seventy. This shows that one need not be part of the Twelve to be Jesus’ disciple. Moreover, this passage teaches Jesus’ disciples not only how to fulfill their mission but also how to deal with rejection.
What did Jesus caution these workers of when they returned?

Luke 11

Jesus teaches the disciples to pray. Crowds, Pharisees, and lawyers questioned Jesus’s authority and teaching because they failed to discern the divine source of his authority to cast out evil. They also prioritized external appearances at the expense of inward disposition of heart.
What was Jesus' response to the blessing of his mother?

Luke 12

Followers of Jesus should not be afraid of confessing faith in him when persecuted and threatened with death, since Jesus promised the Spirit would enable their witness and, ultimately, they would be vindicated by God. Jesus taught that accumulating material wealth before all else resulted in a false confidence.
What is the difference between being worried and being watchful?

Luke 13

All are sinners facing judgment so all need to repent. A woman with an infirmity for 18 years was healed on the Sabbath. Jesus rebukes His rebukers. Jesus is warned that Herod will kill Him.
Why will some be lost who thought they were of the kingdom of God?

Luke 14

The religious leaders are continually confronted through Jesu's action and words. Jesus rebukes their pride over seating arrangements & dinner invitations. The kingdom is open to all, but many won’t come in because of their excuses.
What should we consider before we follow Jesus?

Luke 15

Jesus receives sinners over Pharisees and explains why in a series of stories: the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son.
Who rejoices in heaven when a sinner repents?

Luke 16

The lesson of the first part of this chapter seems to be about using our present resources for future spiritual benefit. Jesus rebukes the covetousness of the Pharisees. He tells the story of the rich man in hell and poor Lazarus in paradise.
What is highly esteemed among men but an abomination to God?

Luke 17

Forgiving an offender is not an act of great faith, it is our responsibility. The Pharisees demand when the kingdom will come - Jesus says it isn’t observable because it is internal. That does not mean the OT promises are void, but the earthly, visible kingdom is yet to come.
What is different about one of the lepers Jesus heals?

Luke 18

Two parables contrasting the proud religious leaders and the humble begin this chapter: one to teach persistent praying and the other directed to those who trust in themselves. Jesus receives the little children while rejecting the rich young ruler.
How do we receive the kingdom of God as children?

Luke 19

Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, is converted. Jesus teaches that the earthly kingdom is not going to be immediate. Positions in the kingdom belong to those who faithfully work for the King until He returns. The King provides all that is need to do His work in the interim. Christ triumphally enters Jerusalem, weeps over it, and purges the temple.
Why did Jesus rid the temple of the merchants?

Luke 20

While Jesus teaches in the Temple, the religious leaders repeatedly try to trap Jesus with questions. While they are unable to offer a question He cannot answer, Jesus gives them a question that leaves them speechless.
What is the punishment for the hypocrite?

Luke 21

The ruthlessness of the scribes (see 20:46-48) is illustrated by the widow's desperate situation. In spite of this, she honors the Lord by giving sacrificially. Jesus teaches concerning the time of the Temple's destruction and its relation to the coming kingdom.
What instructions did Jesus give to those who would face the things that were about to take place?

Luke 22

Judas prepares to betray Jesus, then the disciples prepare for the Passover with Jesus. After the Lord’s Supper is introduced the disciples argue about who should be the greatest. While in the garden, Jesus is betrayed and arrested.
What would Peter do before the night was over?

Luke 23

Jesus' trial before Pilate. The crowd desires Barabbas’ release over Jesus, so He is sent to be crucified. Christ pleads for forgiveness of the ignorance of the people and extends a promise to the repentant thief. After giving His life on the cross, Jesus’ body was laid to rest in Joseph’s tomb.
Why would the people weep for their children?

Luke 24

The empty tomb is discovered. Two angels announce the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy to raise from the dead. Jesus meets with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. After returning to Jerusalem, Jesus meets with them all. After reassuring them and commissioning them, He ascends to glory.
What happened when Jesus opened the Scriptures?

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