Luca and the Long, Hard Summer Ch. 07

Luca and the Long, Hard Summer Ch. 07

Luca woke up with his back tucked snugly against Thomas' chest. From the level of the light on the annex, it looked to be barely past dawn. One of his friend's hands was resting low on his hip, trapped between his skin and the mattress, and the other was curled up underneath his shirt, fingernails scraping delicately against his nipple every time he drew breath. Needless to say, despite their midnight adventures, he was hard and leaking from the stimulation. He could feel Thomas' answering stiffness pressing insistently against the small of his back. He could hardly believe that night had even happened, and apparently, twice hadn't been enough for either of them. 

Luca shifted backwards to rub against Thomas, wanting to feel his friend's need as closely as his own. Thomas shuffled and stretched along the length of his back, his hips rolling upwards in a slow, unconscious thrust as his fingers curled against Luca's over-stimulated nipple. He barely bit back a groan as he felt his erection flex inside his pyjamas. A breathy yawn warmed the back of his neck, as Thomas shuffled his hips away. This time, Luca did groan, immediately chasing Thomas' touch backwards into the mattress. 

"Don't," came the quiet warning, and Luca paused, stricken. Fuck. Thomas regretted it. He knew this would happen. Luca began to pull away until he felt Thomas' fingers clench on his hip. "I'm really fucking horny again, and this isn't helping." 

"Oh," Luca breathed in relief. "I thought maybe you'd changed your mind." He heard Thomas give a huff and felt the press of a weary head between his shoulder blades. 

"Nope," came the reply. "Just really need to bust one out. Besides, I don't think we could take back last night, even if we wanted to."

Luca angled his chest subtly so that Thomas fingers dragged over his sensitive flesh again. His groin tightened deliciously as he felt a slick of precum dampen his glans. "I don't want to forget it," he said with finality. 

After a second, Thomas' arms tightened around him, pulling him flush against his chest. The swell of emotion he felt at the silent agreement almost distracted him from the throb of Thomas' erection against his back, or the sharpness of his fingernails against his chest. His body buzzed with arousal and some other, more tender emotion. 

"Fuck," came the quiet oath from behind him, and the felt Thomas' hips cant upwards in a shallow thrust. "Sorry."

Luca gave his own length a squeeze and rolled over to face his friend. Black hair stuck out at every angle, and chapped lips worried at themselves in the soft morning light. Luca couldn't keep the smile from his face as he leant forward to press the barest of kisses to them. Within a second, Thomas had leant forward to take his lower lips between his own. 

"Think you can keep quiet?" Luca whispered when he pulled back for breath. The gaze he got in reply was scorching. 

"I'll try my best, if you will," Thomas' tongue wetted his lips as he leant forward to kiss him again. It was all the reply Luca needed, and within seconds, his hands had slipped beneath the waistband of Thomas' pyjama pants and encircled the heated flesh. Thomas breathed in sharply, then pressed his lips together. His eyes closed and his nose scrunched in concentration as Luca quietly pumped Thomas' cock under the cover of the sleeping bag. 

He was beautiful. 

Luca felt the sudden urge to devour the pale neck stretched taut in front of him, and so without much more thought, he leaned forward and grazed his teeth against Thomas' skin. Thomas' body grew rictus and his face screwed up in pleasure. His hips bucked in uncoordinated thrusts against Luca's grip, and his fingers met a sudden wetness as Thomas breathed out shaky lungfuls of air. After a second more, his head dropped forward against Luca's shoulder, and Luca withdrew his hand. Thomas had cum in less than a minute, despite having orgasmed twice during the night. Incredible. 

His own neglected cock throbbed with jealous need. He closed his hand around it and almost cried out at the feeling, but Thomas had already leaned in to steal the breath from his lungs with a searing kiss. Luca stroked his hand up and down frantically, feeling the pressure build with astounding speed. A coldness spread across his chest as his shirt was pushed up, and soon, a hot mouth was pressed over his nipple. It was the same one Thomas had been unconsciously teasing all night, and the press of a tongue sent shock waves of ecstasy directly to his straining cock. He could feel the need to moan clawing at his throat, but he fought it back as his pleasure neared its peak.

A rustling sounded from inside the caravan, and Luca immediately froze, one hand still on his yearning cock, and the other squeezing Thomas' shoulder in alarm. Thomas raised his head with a question in his eyes, but Luca held a finger to his lips. They waited breathlessly through a few seconds of silence, where Luca hoped against hope that it was just someone turning over in their sleep. But then he heard a yawn. When they heard the sound of feet hitting the floor of the caravan, Luca shared a panicked look with Thomas. In seconds, Luca had pulled his shirt down and had turned to put his back to Thomas, his hand pressing his erection flat against his stomach. Thomas turned away too, putting a bit of distance between them. 

Half a minute later, a sleepy Nim and Luca's mum opened the door into the annex, and pulled some shoes on. Luca closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, suddenly uncomfortably conscious of the way his hand was resting on the underside of his cock. If anyone pulled the blanket back, they would see everything. The tip of his erection was peeking out from the top of his pyjamas, shiny with fluids and burning with need as he pressed it firmly against his stomach. His pants were probably messy and damp with the amount of precum he'd leaked. But after last night's relief, his arousal backed away from the edge fairly quickly. 

He felt a sudden burst of irritation as he heard the zip to the annex open, and two pairs of feet step outside. Why was it so fucking hard to find ten minutes to themselves? He was so sick of being surrounded by people who would walk in at the worst moment.

After the zipper closed behind his mum and his sister, Luca felt the press of skin from behind, and the quiet shush of the sleeping bag moving. Thomas had turned to face him again, and was snaking his hand around his waist. 

"Think you can cum before they get back?" he whispered headily. Despite his annoyance, Luca couldn't help the spike of lust that shot through him at the words. 

"Fuck, Thomas," he swore. "Please." 

Thomas was already nudging his hand aside under the blanket and squeezing the flesh there. Luca felt the pulsing all the way down to his toes. At any moment, they could be interrupted again. His cock grew harder at the thought, and Luca thrust into Thomas' hand. "Quickly," he breathed. "I need to cum so bad." Thomas obliged, his hand vibrating in small, fast strokes over his extra-sensitive glans. 

Luca felt his orgasm start to build again, and tensed the muscles around his groin to speed up the process. Pressure gathered at the base of his cock and he could feel his balls draw up tight against his body. It was coming up on him hard and fast. He felt the ghost of a tongue flick up and over his ear. Luca tucked his chin into his chest and breathed shakily through his nose as he fought to suppress his cries. 

Then he heard the crunch of feet against stones. Thomas' hands kept moving at their frenzied pace right up until the zipper of the annex slid upwards. His friend pulled away suddenly, his movement covered by the noise of the zip.

Luca's cock strained desperately under the covers as he struggled to keep himself under control. But his pleasure was brushing the knife edge of ecstasy, and he was just a hair from falling off the edge. He let his hair fall over his face as he heard footsteps scrape against the tarp. He kept his breathing as quiet as he could, but his main focus was on the pulsating crescendo that was threatening to explode just beneath the blankets. It tightened further and further despite the lack of contact, and he breathed in small, desperate pants as he tried to keep silent. 

The door to the caravan opened and the footsteps paused for a second as shoes were removed. Against his stomach, his cock was bowing upwards with incredible tension as the pressure knotted and clenched in exquisite agony at the base. He swallowed a sob and tried desperately to remain utterly still. He held his breath against the tidal wave of pleasure that threatened to crash over him. It was too much. He couldn't hold it back.

As he heard the footsteps creak on the caravan steps, his cock brushed once against the blanket, and he broke. His cock twitched and erupted with explosive force over the inside of the blanket. He wanted to grab himself and thrust wildly into his hand until he was fully satisfied, but there was nothing he could do. 

His cock pulsed pitifully as it emptied itself into his bed. He needed to move his hips. He needed to touch himself. His cock needed stimulation, any kind of stimulation, and it needed it right now. But all he could do was lay still with whole body as tightly coiled as a spring and try not to make a sound as waves of ecstatic pleasure warred with the desperate desire to thrust his cock into any available object. He felt a tear track down his cheek as his senses railed at the lack. 

A second later, and he heard the door to the caravan close. He flicked his eyes open to confirm there was no one there. 

There was no one. Luca immediately let out the breath that he'd been holding, and gripped his cock tightly. He pumped hard and fast through the last aftershocks, and bit back a groan. But rather than recede, his pleasure spiked again. The pressure built with fierce intensity that between one heart beat and the next, he exploded again, this time with such violence he almost choked. Stars danced in his vision as he emptied himself in a surge of euphoric relief. Another tear joined the first as bliss overcame his every sense.

Behind him, Thomas shifted to drape an arm over his waist. Luca said nothing, but leaned backwards into the embrace, utterly spent. A part of him was mortified at almost being caught, and a greater part of him was refusing to think about the fact that he had just cum in front of his mum and his sister -- regardless of whether they knew or not. But mostly, he was too relaxed now to care. He could torture himself over that later. Right now, he just wanted to sleep. And leaning back into Thomas' chest, it wasn't long before he did. 

Thomas woke up to a mouthful of hair, a languid sense of well-being and the sound of shushing. The sun had warmed the tent up to comfortable levels, but that wasn't what was making him sweat through his clothes. Luca had turned around at some point, and had buried his head into the crook of Thomas' arm, creating a mini sauna between them. His hands clutched the front of his shirt endearingly. Not so endearingly, he was drooling a puddle onto Thomas' elbow. His face was slack with sleep, making him look ridiculous, but somehow adorable. Thomas felt a soft smile stretch his face before he could stop it. 

And then he heard the giggling. And the shushing that had woken him. Just outside the annex door he could see Nim's face peering in at him, and Luca's mum pulling her away, her eyes twinkling with mirth. Thomas felt his face heat up, and it had nothing to do with the sun of the tent. The picture they must have made, curled up together. He wasn't ready for anyone to know anything yet. He wasn't even sure if there was anything for them to know. All he knew, was that he had to wake Luca up before either of them could embarrass themselves further. 

Thomas shook Luca's shoulder as sharply as he could bear to, and still felt guilty as his friend groaned in sleepy protest. After a second, Luca glared up at him through slitted eyes. 

"What?" he slurred belligerently, curling his fingers deeper into Thomas' shirt.

"It's time to wake up," Thomas replied, trying hard not to notice the cute way Luca scrunched up his nose when he was annoyed. 

"Fuck off," came the sullen reply, and Thomas couldn't hold back a snigger. If he'd been worried that it would be awkward the morning after, Luca's morning blues soon put his mind at rest. Nothing had changed. 

Well - everything had changed, but Luca was still Luca. 

"Well, I would, but you're lying on my arm." Luca let out a long-suffering sigh, and rolled over, releasing his hold on Thomas' shirt. Thomas pulled his arm free, still chuckling and slipped out from under the sleeping bag. His pants peeled uncomfortably from his leg as he moved, and he with a grimace, he suddenly realised what he'd been sleeping in all night. Gross. He'd have to spot clean his pyjamas. Or throw them out. Or burn them.

Not to mention the mess they'd probably left in the laundry. He shuddered internally, and mentally apologised to the cleaners. Maybe he should check it out later, make sure they hadn't left anything too incriminating.

Still, it had been worth it. His cheeks grew warm remembering the events of that night. If he hadn't been so completely satiated, he was sure he'd have grown hard at the memory alone. Luckily for him, his libido seemed to have had enough for the night, and he was blissfully calm for the first time in the entire trip. He was definitely feeling a bit crusty though.

Thomas slipped his shoes on and gathered his things for a morning shower. He gathered he could poke his head in the laundry on his way through and make sure they hadn't left a scene, at the same time as giving his pyjama pants a bit of a spot clean. He'd have to. After their washing got caught in the rain last night, he was running a bit short in the clothes department. He had one t-shirt left, his swimming shorts, a rain-coat his mum had insisted he take, and a pair of underwear. Everything else was wet, or dirty. 

The air was cold and damp as he stepped outside. Not a good day to be running short on pants. At least a shower might warm him up a bit.

Thomas made his way over to the shower block, echoes of last night's events flashing into his head as the laundry door came into view. It looked different in the daylight. More innocent. As if it had never seen such a thing as two urgent bodies writhing and panting together in the darkness. Thomas swallowed as the door grew closer. If he didn't keep his mind in check, his body would think he had plans for it. 

Thomas turned the handle of the door, his mind replaying the moment Luca had pressed him against the wood there as his pulse roared in his loins and his body fought with everything it had against his will to hold himself in check. He breathed a little heavier at the memory, and pushed it to the back of his mind. His libido was starting to take notice, and he had no time for that right now.

The laundry itself looked as it always did, but here and there, he could see impressions left in the sandy tiles. Just beside the drier, fingermarks. Underneath the bench, drag marks from where they had hidden. Right in the middle of the room, there were two oval impressions side by side that tapered off as if someone had sat down and then shifted. Bum marks. They had to be bum marks.

It wasn't an obvious conclusion, but Thomas didn't want people seeing it and wondering. He dragged his feet over the ground as he casually wandered around the room, obliterating any evidence he could see of their late night activities. When he was finished, and there was nothing left, he felt almost sad. But after their early morning follow-up session, he was sure they could recreate them as soon as they were given the chance. 

Thomas closed the laundry door behind him and made his way to the shower, smiling softly to himself. He was sure he looked like a soft idiot to anyone who might see him, but he didn't care. For whatever reason, Luca still wanted to be close to him, to wake up holding him, even after they had both relieved their urges. He didn't know what to think about it yet -- he hadn't thought that far ahead, but his face was smothered in a dopey grin, and it wouldn't go away. 

He closed the cubicle door behind him and peeled off his pyjama pants. Yep. Definitely a bit crusty. He got the shower running and scrubbed at the marks a bit before hanging up the pyjamas and ducking under the running water. His mind immediately provided him with the memory of Luca exploring himself in the next cubicle, and he pushed it aside. He didn't want his blood to run that hot this early in the morning. Not when he was only just starting to calm down again. 

But he couldn't help but remember the way Luca's finger had disappeared inside his body, and his imagination teased him with the question. What did it feel like?

Thomas grew warm at the thought, and was suddenly aware of the fact that he was all alone in the showers. If he were to soap up his fingers, it would be easy enough to check. After all, it was probably hyped up anyway -- everything he'd read on the internet. He wasn't about to get hard from just sticking a finger in.

Thomas eyed the soap for less than a second before grabbing it and slicking up his hands. It was an awkward angle to access as he strained his arms to reach his entrance. He made no real headway until he squatted. He re-soaped his hands and rubbed some on the puckered hole, circling the ring of muscle with his fingertip. It was a strange feeling. Sensitive, but not overly stimulating by itself. 

Perhaps it was better when you pushed it in? Thomas put pressure against his fingertip until he felt it breach his entrance. A strange, sharp sensation upon entry, accompanied by a small thrill of pleasure. Ok. Not too bad. But still nothing like as exciting as he'd read about. Perhaps he had to go deeper?

Stretching into his squat, Thomas pushed his finger in past the knuckle, letting his finger explore the spongy wall of his insides. There was something there maybe. A yearning. Something inside him was yearning to be touched. He fully inserted his finger, trying to reach after the sensation, but had no luck. He waggled it around, trying to work his way deeper, but it wasn't until he curled his finger that he found it. 

Not a jolt, but a slow ripple of arousal bled out from the spot. He'd found it. A spot he only ever read about, only half believed, and had only just barely touched, and suddenly it craved stimulation. Thomas curled his finger again, and again, swiping the tip over the soft, spongy surface, and felt the slow build of a monster orgasm. His cock was barely hard, but was leaking clear fluid onto the shower floor as he pressed harder and harder with each thrust of his finger. It wasn't quite enough.

He soaped up his finger again, and this time added another one. The burn barely registered as he reinserted his fingers, seeking out the deep stimulation he craved. This is what Luca found. As horny as he was yesterday, he was surprised Luca had been able to stop himself after such a short time. Thomas was barely able to keep his gasps to himself now, even after being thoroughly seen to the night before. 

He was hyper aware of the noises of the bathroom, ready to stop at any time if he needed to. He desperately hoped that he didn't need to. He was fully hard now, and achingly close to a kind of orgasm he'd only ever read about. 

"You in here Thomas?" he heard the voice and immediately withdrew his fingers, his cock bobbing and drooling in disappointment. It was Luca. Perhaps his disappointment would be short lived.

"I'm in the shower," Thomas called out, and dangled his towel over the door to indicate which one. When he felt Luca tug on the towel, he unlocked the door and stuck his head out.

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