Lubrican Asstr

Lubrican Asstr


Lubrican Asstr
This icon identifies a story as a partial preview of a Lubrican ebook available for sale via .
PLEASE NOTE: Over the last few years I lost my web developer, who created this site and maintained it. For that reason it has not been maintained. The stories are still here and available to read, but the feedback forms at the end of the books no longer work. Rules got changed and I didn't know how to impliment those changes. ALL EMAIL SHOULD BE SENT TO:
When I get a chance I'll upload new stories and list them on the new stories page. They will not appear in the expanded menus, but will be listed on the appropriate genre page.

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A Word About My Pen Name : My original pen name was "Beating Off Bob" and a lot of the stories posted at this site were posted under that pen name in the past. They might still be posted under that pen name at some web sites that reposted my stories. So if you read something here that seems familiar, you may have read it when I was still that guy. Actually, I am still that guy, but that name gave people fits, so I changed it. And, if you write to me about a story, I'll write back and sign my name Bob. That's because it really is my name. Anyway, I changed my pen name to Lubrican.

Lubrican is an archaic spelling of the word "Leprechaun". Back when it was written "Lubrican" it referred to a sprite who was hard to see and hard to catch, and who excited the lusts of the unwary. I thought that fit pretty well as the name of an author who hopes to excite your lust with his stories.
What I Write About : I write stories primarily about young love, often in an incestuous setting, and almost always involving pregnancy or the risk of pregnancy. My short stories are pure stroke. The longer stories contain more plot, character development and a sprinkling of philosophy thrown in, mixed with a measure of humor from time to time.

You will find everything from westerns, to romance novels, to mysteries, to humor or satire, to action/adventure stories, to books set in specific historical settings, to fairy tales. Some are free, and some are for sale. Anywhere you see the little smashwords hand holding a book and the word PREVIEW, that means you can sample roughly 20-30% of the book free. You will be given a link to purchase it, should you decide to do so.

These stories are fantasies and, like an action adventure movie where guns never run out of bullets and it's just fine to kill pert near anybody, they are not intended to suggest that any of them could be lived out realistically. Many people enjoy fiction precisely because real life has so few happy endings. For that reason, most of my work does have happy endings, and things always work out to everyone's benefit. But let's remember it's fiction, and resist the impulse to think it could work out well in real life. It's fun to think about, and to watch, but don't try this at home.
My Signature Story : This would be a good story to start with. Using this story I explain my philosophy about writing what is - let's just admit it - smut. The story combines humor, hot sex and common sense to tell you what I think erotic writing is useful for. It was authored when I still used the old pen name, but the point of the story is still valid, so I didn't change it. Who The Hell Is Beating Off Bob? Summary : Imagine a group of women who get together to read dirty stories, about situations they'd never do in real life. Now imagine they could PRETEND to do them. Now imagine it was YOU they wanted to do them with. What would that be like? Dirk can tell you, because it happened to him. Codes : MF harem slow rom 1st humor cons reluc inc het oral mastrb pett
My Stories : I have divided my stories up into several categories. Each category is featured in the menu to the left with an expandable/collapsible menu of stories within the category. Clicking on the category name itself will take you to listings that include summaries and story codes.
New Stories : New stories will be listed on this page for a while and then moved to one of the following categories...
Blues Stories : Blues stories, generally, involve some angst, and a reluctance on the part of the characters to believe that the anticipated sexual acts could actually happen. Passion generally overcomes the reluctance, leading to a happy ending. I actually never know whether a story will be a "Blues" story until it's done. They have a certain quality to them that announces itself somewhere along the line. I don't set out to write a Blues story. It just happens.
Bob's Twisted Fairy Tales, Naughty Nursery Rhymes, and Erotic Fables : Usually based on traditional tales, I have updated them for adults, to add in those parts that traditional story-tellers couldn't tell. As there is some violence in traditional tales, there is also some violence in some of these. These stories let me blow off a little steam, and get the weirdness out of my system.
Romance Stories : Stories about incest and/or young love, or the discovery of passion. Most lead to pregnancy, usually desired, and all with happy endings. As a general rule, the shorter ones are "stroke" stories, while the longer ones have more extended plots and character development. The long stories have sex that's just as hot ... it's just a more interesting ride to get to it.
Interactive Stories : This type of story has multiple plots, and the reader chooses which one to read, while reading it. It lets you follow the story in the direction that most appeals to you.
Serial Stories : Multiple tales that carry the plot forward from one story to the next.
Uncle Bob Stories : I have gotten mail like this: "How many sisters and nieces does this guy have, anyway?!" Uncle Bob is a sort of amorphous kind of guy who changes from story to story. So do the women he interacts with. The stories are not about the same man or woman, but follow the same general plot outline. So, if you see the same names being used from one story to the next, it isn't about the same person. I have collected them into a group because a lot of people say they like Uncle Bob and "his" shenanigans. They are usually about Uncle Bob seducing somebody, or being seduced.
Stories for sale :
It is important to understand that most retailers in the United States are unwilling to publish either incest, or anything in which a character under the age of eighteen engages in sexual behavior. It's not illegal to publish such material, but the pressure from certain segments of society make it unprofitable to do so. For that reason, the published version of things may be slightly different than what you might see in my free books and stories. While I write fiction, I'm aware that teenagers know about sex, and engage in it. I'm not saying it's a good idea, but I'm not sticking my head in the sand, either.
That is why there were some stories I've written in which the plot just would not have worked if everybody was eighteen or older. They cannot be "cleansed" and published. Many of them are of book length, and at least two of them are things of which I am quite proud. But they simply cannot be published. And for that reason, they remain here, at this site, free of charge for all to enjoy. There will likely be more of those, as the years go by, because while my work is fiction ... it reflects the reality of the world in which we live.
So thanks for reading. I'm delighted to have you along for the ride. I hope it is filled with hours of enjoyment and passion for you. If you have as much fun reading, as I've had writing, then we'll all have found some measure of happiness together.

This icon identifies a story as a partial preview of a Lubrican ebook available for sale via .
Stories Posted Recently, Or Which Are Of Special Interest
Haunted Twins (2022) Summary : When they moved into the house the locals said it was haunted. They didn't believe in ghosts, though, so they ignored the rumors. And nothing happened. Until Halloween. What happened then wasn't so much a ghostly haunt as it was a ghostly suggestion. Did the ghost have unfinished business? Was it sexy unfinished business? Each year, on Halloween, the twins got better and better acquainted, both with each other and with the ghost. Codes : mt/ft, Consensual, Mind Control, Fiction, Paranormal, Ghost, Incest, Brother, Sister, First, Masturbation, Petting, Safe Sex
Niece's Passion (2022) Summary : When fourteen-year-old Erica had questions about boys and sex, she went to her Uncle Bob to get answers. He was reluctant, at first, but it wasn't too difficult for her to wear him down. She didn't want the full experience, just some exposure to what she was convinced she wouldn't get because she was so boyish-looking. She liked the answers she got. Everything was going just fine … but then her mother found out about it. Codes : Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Reluctant, Fiction, Incest, Uncle, Niece, Cream Pie, First, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting, Pregnancy, Safe Sex
Sister's Passion (2022) Summary : All of Emma's friends used Bobby as their sexual crash test dummy. It wasn't serious, just some major playing around. Now Emma wants her turn. And she's very serious. Codes : mf, 1st, teen, cons, bro, sis, het, pett, preg
Kiss Your Sister (2021) Summary : Emma and Bobby lived out in the country. Family rules said both were too young to date. Still, they were curious about things one did on dates. Like kissing. And if they couldn't experiment and learn about that on dates, where and who with could they do it? At home. That's where. And with each other. That's who. Codes : mf, 1st, teen, cons, reluc, bro, sis, het, pett, preg
My First Real Valentine (2020) Summary : Valerie was my best friend, when we were kids. Then we grew up and, somehow, grew apart. Maybe it had something to do with her catching me jerking off. She seemed distant, after that. She looked happy, but I wasn't. Not down deep. I needed my buddy back. But I knew she thought I was a pervert. Did time really heal wounds? All I could do was hope so. Codes : mf, rom, 1st, teen, cons, het, oral, pett, preg
Helping Sister Pick A Dress (2019) Summary : My sister asked me to help her pick out a dress to make her look sexy for her date. I told her she didn't need to BE sexy. She insisted. I told her she was already sexy. She still insisted. So I said I'd help her pick out a dress. I thought she'd change in the bathroom, but she changed right in front of me. Pretty soon there was incontrovertible proof that I thought she was already sexy. It was embarrassing. Then she wanted to SEE the proof and things just got weirder from there. Codes : mf, 1st, teen, cons, inc, bro, sis, het, mastrb
Shooting in Hannah - Version Alpha (Apr 2018) Summary : My sister blackmailed me into shooting some pictures of her for her boyfriend. If I'd have known how things would turn out, she wouldn't have had to threaten me at all. In fact, I spent a lot of time voluntarily shooting Hannah. I took the shots for her portfolio. I was an amateur, of course, but that portfolio got her a chance to be a model. A famous model, in fact. Now, instead of shooting Hannah, I - well, the title of the story says it all. Codes : mf, inc, bro, sis, het, mastrb, pett, preg
Shooting in Hannah - Version Bravo (Apr 2018) Summary : You wouldn't think that taking a few pictures of your sister would change your whole relationship. But when I got an erection while doing that, it did change our relationship. I expected her to object. She didn't. I expected her to be disgusted. She wasn't. Instead, she decided I'd be her crash test dummy for all the erotic feelings she'd been having and couldn't (wouldn't) do anything about while she was on a date. It was only supposed to be a little exploration. Boy howdy did we explore. Codes : mf, inc, bro, sis, het, mastrb, pett, preg
The City Girl Blues (PREVIEW) (Apr 2018) Summary : Mandy suffered the worst humiliation a woman can. She was abandoned at the altar. In an effort to get away from her man troubles, she accepted an invitation to stay on a remote ranch, where she could distract herself with unfamiliar work. What she couldn't forsee was that the owner of that ranch would becme another man problem. Except this man ended up solving all her problems. Codes : MF, slow, rom, cons, reluc, inc, bro, sis, het, voy, mastrb, pett
The Palpable Prosecutor (PREVIEW) (Apr 2018) Summary : Lacey got assigned to prosecute a case that could make her career. The problem was that the previous prosecutor was dead. Now it looked like she might get that way too, unless she had some protection. Then she met Bob. He could protect just about anybody from anything, but being around him changed her, upended her world. On the other hand she would find love if she didn't get killed first. Codes : Mf, romance, violence, preg
The Not-so-super Model (PREVIEW) (Mar 2018) Summary : Harper dealt with the loss of her father by using art as a place to escape to. Her natural talent came out and pretty soon public schools didn't have anything left to teach her. A charter school took over and it was clear she should go to a good college to further her fine arts education. Several colleges were interested, but all required she submit a complete portfolio. That meant she had to do some figure studies, normally depicting the unclothed human body. The female model was easy. Her mom volunteered, as long as the end product wouldn't look too much like her. But where to find a man she was comfortable being in the room with while he was naked? Bob had been her mom's best friend ever since her father died. Harper had been his pal forever. When she asked him to model for her, she couldn't understand why he was unenthusiastic about it. What was the big deal?
When her mom explained Bob might be embarrassed by a normal male reaction, Harper said he was being silly. She more or less browbeat him into posing for her, and her mother's prediction came true. She coudn't draw him THAT way. Museums just don't depict erections. Something had to be done. Addressing that issue was what changed all their lives forever. Codes : Mf, MF, cons, first, mast, oral, preg.
Showering With Jennifer (PREVIEW) (May 2017) Summary : With the title of a stroke story, this isn't. Rather it chronicles the story of an unplanned situation that slowly got weird, out of control, and took two people to a place neither expected. It wasn't beyond their wildest dreams. We're talking alternate reality, here. And then it got even crazier. The world didn't approve, but they couldn't help what they felt. Codes: mf, het, incest, brother, sister, cons, rom, mast, oral, preg
Getting Ready For Prom (Apr 2017) Summary : He had to raise her alone, a strong-willed, stubborn daughter, but he did the best he could. Now she was all grown up and it was prom time. He wanted it to be memorable for her but he also knew what a lot of boys tried to get a girl to give them after the dance. He took what steps he could to prepare her to resist that. But was it enough? Codes : Mf, 1st, teen, cons, inc, fath, dau, het, mastrb, pett, preg
The Dildo That Stole Claire Bonneville's Memory (Preview Only) (May 2016) Summary : She almost didn't go buy the dildo. It was too embarrassing. What if a someone she knew saw her at that store? But frustration drove her on and she took a dildo home. She used it just once and then, while confessing that shame to her best friend, hysteria and panic struck and she stumbled into traffic. When she woke, old, timid, ashamed Claire was gone. All she wanted was to be happy, and amnesia gave her a new start. But there were hurdles to be jumped. Such as someone trying to kill her. Codes : MF, oral, toys, romance, pregnancy, violence
The Professor and the Cheerleader (Preview Only) (May 2016) Summary : Academia was his life. He was used to that. His fantasies seemed adequate to serve his sexual needs. Then one of his fantasies applied for a job as his research assistant and his life got immeasurably complicated. She offered intimacy and that, alone, was a pinnacle in his musty, dusty world, but then they made a discovery that could propel him to international fame. If it was genuine. The proof needed would be difficult to acquire. But with her beside him, he felt like he could do anything. Codes : Mf, romance, preg
Buck Fever (May 2016) Summary : He only wanted to take his nephew hunting to bag a deer. You know, to do a little male bonding and put something in the freezer. But then his niece and daughter insisted on going along, too. In the end, more got bagged than just a buck, and the fever the girls got had nothing to do with not being able to shoot a deer. Codes : MF, mf, Mf, 1st, teen, cons, inc, oral, mastrb, pett, preg
Bewitched! (Preview Only) (Oct 2015) Summary : It was a normal Halloween when two little zombies started up my sidewalk while their mother, dressed as a witch waited outside the gate. Then a mob came around the corner raising hell, no pun intended, and I had to take them inside my house for their own safety. That was supposed to be a temporary situation, until things calmed down outside. But it didn't turn out to be temporary at all. Codes: MF, het, reluct/cons, rom, mast, oral, preg
Alien Exchange Program (Preview Only) (May 2015) Note: This book was previously published under the title: "Switch Hitting". Summary : While on a camping trip a brother and sister are bathed in a bright light and wake up to find their minds have been switched into each other's bodies. Now the boy must learn how to think and act like a girl, while she is faced with being a boy. It's hard to do ... but maybe they can help each other with the transition. Say, for example, she wants to masturbate. Who better to help her learn how to manipulate her new penis than her brother ... in her old body! And when they can't keep all this a secret, their world starts running amok. Codes: mf, het, sci fi, reluct/cons, rom, mast, oral, preg
Can You See Me Now? (Preview only) (Jan 2015) Summary : Riley read an article about how much privacy we've lost, and how much satellites could see. She was sure nobody would ever actually spy on her as she lay out in her yard, catching some rays in her bikini. But the whole satellite thing made her mad so she protested. That protest was in the form of a sheet stapled to her roof that said "Hey NSA. Can you see me now?" It was a joke, really. But that joke changed her life, because somebody DID see it. And it was one of the kind of people she was protesting about. And he took action. Codes : MF, humor, petting, oral, preg
Beating Off Bob's Guide To Writing Really Bad Erotica Summary : The master of smut makes a rare return to share his wisdom about how to become one of the throng who can proudly claim they have authored an erotic story on the internet. So grab a pencil and an old grocery receipt. All of Bob's wisdom ought to about fit on the back of something like that. Codes : Drugs (author was on while writing)

This icon identifies a story as a partial preview of a Lubrican ebook available for sale via .
The Babe Bike Blues (PREVIEW) Summary : Jennifer's life was already tough enough, based on her speech impediment alone. Then her parents were involved in a terrible accident. She needed help, and the only person she could turn to was her "Uncle" Bob. He came to get her and take her to her parents. but he had to bring the wrong motorcycle for the trip.
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