Ltr Urban Dictionary

Ltr Urban Dictionary


Ltr Urban Dictionary
Abbreviation of “later”, generally used when texting or communicating over social media
Boy at 10 pm: “ heyyy are u doing anything ltr ??” Me: “Well I was planning on going to sleep ”
LTR is an abbreviation for 'Learn to read'. Can be used as both a noun and a complete sentence. Implies that someone is illiterate or unable to form informed opinions through personal research. It's also frequently used to imply that a person's main source of information is from uncreditable youtube video " essays ", podcasts or TikTok posts.
Trump isn't secretly head of the government ltr .
"Nah, she goofy af. She need a little ltr." Person 1: "I'm just saying-- short men are more oppressed than one else in America!" Person 2: " Ltr ."

Long term relationship is a common, contemporary term for intimate interpersonal relationships that may be lifelong and may or may not consist in marriage. Long term relationships are considered the opposite of casual relationships, which tend to be short in duration. The notation "LTR" is used to designate " long term relationship " in "personals" advertisements. When a long term relationship that is neither a marriage nor a civil union ends and both partners have a financial interest in the relationship, a suit for palimony may be filed by one or both of the partners. This is especially the case when one of the partners is wealthy or a gaylord.
I have been in a long-term relationship with my boyfrined for 2 years .
me and my ex only lasted for 2 days thats not a long term relationship
by sexy chick123456789 August 13, 2010

The Meaning of LTR: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know the definition of LTR? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on the acronym LTR, including its definition, usage, example sentences, and more!
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According to Urban Dictionary , Dictionary , and Cyber Definitions, the term LTR is an internet slang word that stands for long-term relationship. This abbreviation is often used on internet dating sites and dating apps like Tinder and Hinge to signal to other singles that a person is looking for a long term relationship. A person who is seeking an LTR is not interested in casual hookups, flings, or other short term commitments. A person might also use this in personal advertisements on sites like Craigslist, though in modern times with the advent of trending dating apps, using it there is much more common. You might also see this term used in SMS text messaging as well as on social media. It is always important to learn new worlds and stay with the times!
According to The Free Dictionary , the abbreviation LTR also has a plethora of other potential definitions. While these are still valid, they are far less common than using LTR to stand for long term relationships and should therefore be used sparingly. If you do decide to use one of these alternate definitions, ensure that you provide the reader with proper context so that they can infer the meaning that you intend. This will help avoid confusion and should be standard practice whenever using an acronym that has more than one potential meaning. 
There are many different words that have an equivalent meaning to the term LTR. These are called synonyms. In some cases, it might not be appropriate to use an acronym like LTR, such as in a formal letter or business email. In this case, you should opt to use a synonym, which is a word or phrase that has the same meaning as another word or phrase. It is also useful to know synonyms to avoid repeating yourself as well as to expand upon your base vocabulary of the English language. This list of synonyms for the term LTR is provided by Thesaurus .
The abbreviation LTR can be used in a variety of different scenarios to refer to a long term relationship. This can either be used on dating sites and apps to signal to others that a person is looking for a long term commitment,s or it can simply be used as a shorthand to refer to a long term relationship. In this example, Dani is texting her new friend Kyle from school.
Kyle: Hey Dani! Did you happen to write down the homework for calc class? I totally spaced.
Dani: Yeah, sure! We have to do the odd-numbered problems from section two of the textbook. 
Kyle: Thanks so much! Have any fun plans for the weekend?
Dani: Probably drowning in homework, LOL. HBU?
Kyle: Yeah, same. If you ever want to do a study date… or a regular date, let me know.
Dani: Oh, I’m actually in a LTR. Sorry if that wasn’t clear!
Kyle: No worries! I shouldn’t have assumed. Still down to study, no strings attached if you ever want to!
Here, Dani uses the term LTR to stand for long term relationship. She needs to tell Kyle that she is currently involved with someone so that he does not assume any future study sessions are in fact dates. Since they are casually texting, it’s perfectly appropriate for Dani to use a text slag abbreviation like LTR to refer to her long term relationship. She wants to avoid leading Kyle on if he is only interested in her romantically. 
Overall, the abbreviation LTR most often stands for long term relationship. This internet slang term is often used on online dating sites to signal to others that a person is not looking for a casual hookup or short term commitment, but that they are looking for a lengthy relationship. This term is often seen on internet dating sites and is also used on social media and in SMS text messaging. 
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

Last ReTweet Used on twitter to show your response to something you retweeted
Hey bitch , how u gonna get to the store ?
STFU , I'm taking the LRT.
by Mishizzlemogizzle January 17, 2008
mate i went for an LRT in my rally car
Locked ReTweet - Sharing something (hopefully with permission) a locked (private) account has said, manually.
LRT: "Some deep and insightful thing from a more private friend that deserves wider attention."
Last Retweet commonly used on twitter

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