Lsd формула

Lsd формула

Lsd формула

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Lsd формула

ЛСД — развернутый обзор: 10 веществ расширяющих сознание

Lysergic acid diethylamide LSD , \\\\\\\\\\\\[a\\\\\\\\\\\\] also known as acid , is a hallucinogenic drug. LSD does not appear to be addictive, although tolerance may occur with use of increasing doses. About 10 percent of people in the United States have used LSD at some point in their lives as of , while 0. LSD was first made by Albert Hofmann in from lysergic acid , a chemical from the fungus ergot. LSD is commonly used as a recreational drug. LSD is considered an entheogen because it can catalyze intense spiritual experiences, during which users may feel they have come into contact with a greater spiritual or cosmic order. Users sometimes report out of body experiences. LSD currently has no approved uses in medicine. LSD can cause pupil dilation , reduced appetite , and wakefulness. Other physical reactions to LSD are highly variable and nonspecific, some of which may be secondary to the psychological effects of LSD. Among the reported symptoms are numbness, weakness, nausea, hypothermia or hyperthermia , elevated blood sugar , goose bumps , heart rate increase, jaw clenching, perspiration, saliva production, mucus production, hyperreflexia , and tremors. The most common immediate psychological effects of LSD are visual hallucinations and illusions colloquially known as ' trips ' , which can vary greatly depending on how much is used and how the brain responds. Trips usually start within 20—30 minutes of taking LSD by mouth less if snorted or taken intravenously , peak three to four hours after ingestion, and last up to 12 hours. Negative experiences, referred to as 'bad trips,' produce intense negative emotions, such as irrational fears and anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, rapid mood swings, intrusive thoughts of hopelessness, wanting to harm others, and suicidal ideation. It is impossible to predict when a bad trip will occur. Some sensory effects may include an experience of radiant colors, objects and surfaces appearing to ripple or 'breathe,' colored patterns behind the closed eyelids eidetic imagery , an altered sense of time time seems to be stretching, repeating itself, changing speed or stopping , crawling geometric patterns overlaying walls and other objects, and morphing objects. LSD causes an animated sensory experience of senses , emotions , memories , time, and awareness for 6 to 14 hours, depending on dosage and tolerance. Generally beginning within 30 to 90 minutes after ingestion, the user may experience anything from subtle changes in perception to overwhelming cognitive shifts. Changes in auditory and visual perception are typical. Some users report that the inanimate world appears to animate in an inexplicable way; for instance, objects that are static in three dimensions can seem to be moving relative to one or more additional spatial dimensions. Higher doses often cause intense and fundamental distortions of sensory perception such as synaesthesia , the experience of additional spatial or temporal dimensions, and temporary dissociation. The most significant adverse effect was impairment of mental functioning while intoxicated. LSD may trigger panic attacks or feelings of extreme anxiety, known familiarly as a 'bad trip. While publicly available documents indicate that the CIA and Department of Defense have discontinued research into the use of LSD as a means of mind control , \\\\\\\\\\\\[40\\\\\\\\\\\\] research from the s suggests that both mentally ill and healthy people are more suggestible while under its influence. A diagnosable condition called hallucinogen persisting perception disorder has been defined to describe intermittent or chronic flashbacks that cause distress or impairment in life and work, and are caused only by prior hallucinogen use and not some other condition. The mutagenic potential of LSD is unclear. Overall, the evidence seems to point to limited or no effect at commonly used doses. Tolerance to LSD builds up with consistent use \\\\\\\\\\\\[45\\\\\\\\\\\\] and cross-tolerance has been demonstrated between LSD, mescaline \\\\\\\\\\\\[46\\\\\\\\\\\\] and psilocybin. As of there were no documented fatalities attributed directly to an LSD overdose. Reassurance in a calm, safe environment is beneficial. Agitation can be safely addressed with benzodiazepines such as lorazepam or diazepam. Neuroleptics such as haloperidol are recommended against because they may have adverse effects. LSD is rapidly absorbed, so activated charcoal and emptying of the stomach is of little benefit, unless done within 30—60 minutes of ingesting an overdose of LSD. Sedation or physical restraint is rarely required, and excessive restraint may cause complications such as hyperthermia over-heating or rhabdomyolysis. Research suggests that massive doses are not lethal, but do typically require supportive care, which may include endotracheal intubation or respiratory support. Intravenous administration of anticoagulants , vasodilators , and sympatholytics may be useful with massive doses. Most serotonergic psychedelics are not significantly dopaminergic , and LSD is therefore atypical in this regard. The agonism of the D 2 receptor by LSD may contribute to its psychoactive effects in humans. LSD exhibits functional selectivity at the 5-HT 2A and 5HT 2C receptors in that it activates the signal transduction enzyme phospholipase A2 instead of activating the enzyme phospholipase C as the endogenous ligand serotonin does. The crystal structure of LSD bound in its active state to a serotonin receptor , specifically the 5-HT 2B receptor, has been elucidated for the first time in The effects of LSD normally last between 6 and 12 hours depending on dosage, tolerance, body weight, and age. LSD is a chiral compound with two stereocenters at the carbon atoms C-5 and C-8, so that theoretically four different optical isomers of LSD could exist. The C-5 isomers of lysergamides do not exist in nature and are not formed during the synthesis from d -lysergic acid. Retrosynthetically , the C-5 stereocenter could be analysed as having the same configuration of the alpha carbon of the naturally occurring amino acid L- tryptophan , the precursor to all biosynthetic ergoline compounds. However, LSD and iso-LSD, the two C-8 isomers, rapidly interconvert in the presence of bases , as the alpha proton is acidic and can be deprotonated and reprotonated. Non-psychoactive iso-LSD which has formed during the synthesis can be separated by chromatography and can be isomerized to LSD. Pure salts of LSD are triboluminescent , emitting small flashes of white light when shaken in the dark. LSD is an ergoline derivative. It is commonly synthesized by reacting diethylamine with an activated form of lysergic acid. Activating reagents include phosphoryl chloride \\\\\\\\\\\\[72\\\\\\\\\\\\] and peptide coupling reagents. A single dose of LSD may be between 40 and micrograms—an amount roughly equal to one-tenth the mass of a grain of sand. Threshold effects can be felt with as little as 25 micrograms of LSD. By comparison, dosages of most drugs, both recreational and medicinal, are measured in milligrams mg , or thousandths of a gram. For example, an active dose of mescaline , roughly 0. As a salt, in water, cold, and free from air and light exposure, it is stable indefinitely. LSD has two labile protons at the tertiary stereogenic C5 and C8 positions, rendering these centres prone to epimerisation. The C8 proton is more labile due to the electron-withdrawing carboxamide attachment, but removal of the chiral proton at the C5 position which was once also an alpha proton of the parent molecule tryptophan is assisted by the inductively withdrawing nitrogen and pi electron delocalisation with the indole ring. LSD also has enamine -type reactivity because of the electron-donating effects of the indole ring. Because of this, chlorine destroys LSD molecules on contact; even though chlorinated tap water contains only a slight amount of chlorine, the small quantity of compound typical to an LSD solution will likely be eliminated when dissolved in tap water. A controlled study was undertaken to determine the stability of LSD in pooled urine samples. Urine fortified with LSD and stored in amber glass or nontransparent polyethylene containers showed no change in concentration under any light conditions. Stability of LSD in transparent containers under light was dependent on the distance between the light source and the samples, the wavelength of light, exposure time, and the intensity of light. It was also demonstrated that trace amounts of metal ions in buffer or urine could catalyze the decomposition of LSD and that this process can be avoided by the addition of EDTA. LSD may be quantified in urine as part of a drug abuse testing program , in plasma or serum to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in hospitalized victims or in whole blood to assist in a forensic investigation of a traffic or other criminal violation or a case of sudden death. Both the parent drug and its major metabolite are unstable in biofluids when exposed to light, heat or alkaline conditions and therefore specimens are protected from light, stored at the lowest possible temperature and analyzed quickly to minimize losses. The apparent plasma half life of LSD is considered to be around 5. LSD was first synthesized on November 16, \\\\\\\\\\\\[86\\\\\\\\\\\\] by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel , Switzerland as part of a large research program searching for medically useful ergot alkaloid derivatives. He said this would be a threshold dose based on the dosages of other ergot alkaloids. Hofmann found the effects to be much stronger than he anticipated. The project was revealed in the US congressional Rockefeller Commission report in In , the Sandoz patents expired on LSD. LSD became central to the counterculture of the s. Veysey they profoundly influenced the thinking of the new generation of youth. Legally approved and regulated psychiatric use of LSD continued in Switzerland until By the mids, the youth countercultures in California , particularly in San Francisco , had adopted the use of hallucinogenic drugs, with the first major underground LSD factory established by Owsley Stanley. The Psychedelic Shop helped to further popularize LSD in the Haight and to make the neighborhood the unofficial capital of the hippie counterculture in the United States. At the rally, hundreds of attendees took acid in unison. Although the Psychedelic Shop closed after barely a year-and-a-half in business, its role in popularizing LSD was considerable. A similar and connected nexus of LSD use in the creative arts developed around the same time in London. After being given a large quantity of pure Sandoz LSD which was still legal at the time and experiencing his first 'trip,' Hollingshead contacted Aldous Huxley , who suggested that he get in touch with Harvard academic Timothy Leary , and over the next few years, in concert with Leary and Richard Alpert , Hollingshead played a major role in their famous LSD research at Millbrook before moving to New York City, where he conducted his own LSD experiments. In the s, musicians from psychedelic music and psychedelic rock bands began to refer at first indirectly, and later explicitly to the drug and attempted to recreate or reflect the experience of taking LSD in their music. A number of features are often included in psychedelic music. Exotic instrumentation, with a particular fondness for the sitar and tabla are common. In modern times, LSD has had a prominent influence on artists such as Keith Haring , electronic dance music , and the jam band Phish. Hence, it is illegal in all countries that were parties to the convention, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe. However, enforcement of those laws varies from country to country. In Western Australia section 9 of the Misuse of Drugs Act provides for summary trial before a magistrate for possession of less than 0. Possession for purpose of trafficking is an indictable offense punishable by imprisonment for 10 years. By classifying LSD as a Schedule I substance, the DEA holds that LSD meets the following three criteria: it is deemed to have a high potential for abuse; it has no legitimate medical use in treatment; and there is a lack of accepted safety for its use under medical supervision. There are no documented deaths from chemical toxicity ; most LSD deaths are a result of behavioral toxicity. There can also be substantial discrepancies between the amount of chemical LSD that one possesses and the amount of possession with which one can be charged in the US. This is because LSD is almost always present in a medium e. United States , which determined that for finding minimum sentence lengths, the total medium weight is used, while for determining the severity of the offense, an estimation of the chemical mass is used. In April , the Mexican Congress approved changes in the General Health Law that decriminalized the possession of illegal drugs for immediate consumption and personal use, allowing a person to possess a moderate amount of LSD. The only restriction is that people in possession of drugs should not be within a meter radius of schools, police departments, or correctional facilities. Marijuana, along with cocaine, opium, heroin, and other drugs were also decriminalized; their possession is not considered a crime as long as the dose does not exceed the limit established in the General Health Law. The law establishes very low amount thresholds and strictly defines personal dosage. For those arrested with more than the threshold allowed by the law this can result in heavy prison sentences, as they will be assumed to be small traffickers even if there are no other indications that the amount was meant for selling. In the Czech Republic, until 31 December only drug possession ' for other person ' i. On 1 January , an amendment of the Criminal Code, which was necessitated in order to align the Czech drug rules with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs , became effective, criminalizing possession of ' amount larger than small ' also for personal use Art. The judicial practice came to the conclusion that the ' amount larger than small ' must be five to ten times larger depending on drug than a usual single dose of an average consumer. Under the Regulation No. According to the Constitution of Ecuador , in its Article , the Ecuadorian state does not see drug consumption as a crime but only as a health concern. An active dose of LSD is very minute, allowing a large number of doses to be synthesized from a comparatively small amount of raw material. Because the masses involved are so small, concealing and transporting illicit LSD is much easier than smuggling cocaine , cannabis , or other illegal drugs. Manufacturing LSD requires laboratory equipment and experience in the field of organic chemistry. It takes two to three days to produce 30 to grams of pure compound. It is believed that LSD is not usually produced in large quantities, but rather in a series of small batches. This technique minimizes the loss of precursor chemicals in case a step does not work as expected. LSD is produced in crystalline form and then mixed with excipients or redissolved for production in ingestible forms. Liquid solution is either distributed in small vials or, more commonly, sprayed onto or soaked into a distribution medium. Historically, LSD solutions were first sold on sugar cubes, but practical considerations forced a change to tablet form. Tim Scully , a prominent chemist, made some of these tablets, but said that most 'Sunshine' in the USA came by way of Ronald Stark, who imported approximately thirty-five million doses from Europe. Over a period of time, tablet dimensions, weight, shape and concentration of LSD evolved from large 4. LSD tablet shapes have included cylinders, cones, stars, spacecraft, and heart shapes. The smallest tablets became known as 'Microdots. LSD manufacturers and traffickers in the United States can be categorized into two groups: A few large-scale producers, and an equally limited number of small, clandestine chemists, consisting of independent producers who, operating on a comparatively limited scale, can be found throughout the country. Many LSD dealers and chemists describe a religious or humanitarian purpose that motivates their illicit activity. The group was a major American LSD trafficking group in the late s and early s. While it is true that LSD requires lower doses than most other hallucinogens, blotter paper is capable of absorbing a much larger amount of material. The DEA performed a chromatographic analysis of blotter paper containing 2C-C which showed that the paper contained a much greater concentration of the active chemical than typical LSD doses, although the exact quantity was not determined. In the s and s LSD was used in psychiatry to enhance psychotherapy known as psychedelic therapy. Some psychiatrists \\\\\\\\\\\\[ who? Two recent reviews concluded that conclusions drawn from most of these early trials are unreliable due to serious methodological flaws. These include the absence of adequate control groups , lack of followup, and vague criteria for therapeutic outcome. In many cases studies failed to convincingly demonstrate whether the drug or the therapeutic interaction was responsible for any beneficial effects. It has been proposed that LSD be studied for use in the therapeutic setting particularly in anxiety. In the s and s, some psychiatrists e. Oscar Janiger explored the potential effect of LSD on creativity. Experimental studies attempted to measure the effect of LSD on creative activity and aesthetic appreciation. Since there has been ongoing research into using LSD to alleviate anxiety for terminally ill cancer patients coping with their impending deaths. A meta-analysis found evidence that a single dose of LSD in conjunction with various alcoholism treatment programs was associated with a decrease in alcohol abuse, lasting for several months, but no effect was seen at one year. Adverse events included seizure, moderate confusion and agitation, nausea, vomiting , and acting in a bizarre fashion. LSD has been used as a treatment for cluster headaches with positive results in some small studies. Some notable individuals have commented publicly on their experiences with LSD. Still others describe experiences with illegal LSD, obtained for philosophic, artistic, therapeutic, spiritual, or recreational purposes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see LSD disambiguation. US : C Risk not ruled out. IUPAC name. Interactive image. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring , I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away. Main article: History of lysergic acid diethylamide. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Lambert and the Gorgettes, from the album Abbra Cadaver , Main article: LSD art. Several other classes of drugs are categorized as drugs of abuse but rarely produce compulsive use. Hallucinogen abuse and dependence are known complications resulting from LSD and psilocybin. Users do not experience withdrawal symptoms, but the general criteria for substance abuse and dependence otherwise apply. Collins English Dictionary. Archived from the original on April 2, Retrieved January 31, The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. Assay and Drug Development Technologies. Clinical Manual of Addiction Psychopharmacology. American Psychiatric Pub. National Institute of Drug Abuse. January Archived from the original on April 17, Retrieved April 24, Retrieved July 14, July 19, PLoS Medicine. National Institute on Drug Abuse. July 2, Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. The History Channel. Archived from the original on March 11, History Channel. Royal Society of Chemistry. 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Retrieved December 8, London: Independent Television News. Archived from the original on October 15, Justice Laws. Canadian Department of Justice. Archived from the original on December 15, Retrieved December 15, Archived from the original on October 5, Retrieved February 5, United States , U. Neal, 46 F. Drug Enforcement Administration. Retrieved May 29, Archived from the original on June 22, Archived from the original on June 24, LSD in the United States. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration. Archived from the original on August 29, Psychedelics Encyclopaedia Third Expanded ed. Ronin Publishing Inc. Hallucinogens: A Forensic Drug Handbook. Academic Press. Office of National Drug Control Policy. April 5, Archived from the original on April 18, US Drug Enforcement Administration. Archived from the original on June 23, Retrieved June 27, Thomas Dunne Books. Microgram Bulletin. 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Archives of General Psychiatry. Basler Zeitung. July 28, Archived from the original on October 6, Retrieved June 19, The Good Drugs Guide. Archived from the original on October 7, Retrieved October 20, Archived from the original on April 21, Retrieved November 1, Ralph Leighton ed. Pantheon Books. Relix Magazine. Archived from the original on May 21, Retrieved June 29, July Archived from the original on July 7, Archived from the original on November 12, Huffington Post. The Huffington Post. Archived from the original on October 22, Retrieved October 23, The Weekly Standard. Open Culture. Retrieved April 27, Archived from the original on May 5, Retrieved March 11, Like Herbert, many scientists and engineers also report heightened states of creativity while using LSD. During a press conference on Friday, Hofmann revealed that he was told by Nobel-prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis that LSD had helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences. Vintage Books. Bebergal P June 2, Psychedelic research returns to Crimsonland'. The Phoenix. Archived from the original on September 20, Recreational drug use. Calea zacatechichi Silene capensis. Coffee break Coffeehouse Latte art Tea house. Abuse Date rape drug Impaired driving Drug harmfulness Effects of cannabis Addiction Dependence Prevention Opioid replacement therapy Rehabilitation Responsible use Drug-related crime Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Long-term effects of cannabis Neurotoxicity Overdose Passive smoking of tobacco or other substances. Alcohol legality Alcohol consumption Anabolic steroid legality Cannabis legality Annual use Lifetime use Cigarette consumption Cocaine legality Cocaine use Methamphetamine legality Opiates use Psilocybin mushrooms legality Salvia legality. Diphenidine Ephenidine Fluorolintane Methoxphenidine. Dextrallorphan Dextromethorphan Dextrorphan Racemethorphan Racemorphan. Apomorphine Aporphine Bromocriptine Cabergoline Lisuride Memantine Nuciferine Pergolide Phenethylamine Piribedil Pramipexole Ropinirole Rotigotine Salvinorin A Also indirect D 2 agonists, such as dopamine reuptake inhibitors cocaine , methylphenidate , releasing agents amphetamine , methamphetamine , and precursors levodopa. Glaucine Isoaminile Noscapine Pukateine. Adrenergic receptor modulators. List of adrenergic drugs. Dopamine receptor modulators. Serotonin receptor modulators. Antagonists: Atypical antipsychotics e. Antagonists: AR-A Beta blockers e. Agonists: BRL Ergolines e. Antagonists: Metitepine methiothepin. Antagonists: Mianserin Metitepine methiothepin. Agonists: 4-Methylaminorex Aminorex Amphetamines e. Antagonists: Agomelatine Atypical antipsychotics e. Agonists: 2Cs e. Antagonists: Adatanserin Agomelatine Atypical antipsychotics e. Agonists: Alcohols e. Agonists: Ergolines e. Antagonists: ABT Atypical antipsychotics e. Achnatherum robustum Sleepy Grass Claviceps spp. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read View source View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Low-rare \\\\\\\\\\\\[1\\\\\\\\\\\\]. By mouth , under the tongue , intravenous. Hallucinogen serotonergic psychedelic. Unknown \\\\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Liver CYP \\\\\\\\\\\\[6\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Kidneys \\\\\\\\\\\\[6\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\[9\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Problems playing this file? See media help. Wikiquote has quotations related to: LSD. Wikimedia Commons has media related to LSD. Wikinews has related news: Drug website surveys LSD users and culture.

Lsd формула

Lysergic acid diethylamide

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