Lovense Max

Lovense Max


Lovense Max
Many men find it a challenge to find quality sex toys to suit their deepest desires and pleasures, but Lovense is a brand that has stepped up and offered male consumers plenty of top-notch options. They have released a few different models of their ‘Max’ sex toy, but their newest improvement has led them to the ultimate men’s toy known as the Max 2.
The Max 2 is an upgraded version of the Max 1, offering:
If you are looking for the ultimate in sex toy products, then you have found it with Max 2. But how does the Max 2 differentiate from previous models by Lovense? Why should men choose the newer option as opposed to one of the former Lovense male sex toys? We’re going to break it down, so the decision is easy.
To fully understand why Max 2 is one of the best on the market today, you have to understand a little bit of its history. The Max device itself is a male sex toy that was first introduced in 2011.
Lovense wanted to create the best sex toy for men and a device that would connect to a female toy and interact. The first one was called simply the “Max.”
The very first-generation Max device was inspired by smartphone technology, and the company tried to make one of the best toys on the market for men. Even this early device was able to connect to a female toy and sent signals based on user movement and interaction.
This model hit a big hurdle when the female counterpart it was meant to interact with did not make it. They only brought this counterpart to the development phase and did not release it for sale. This means that the male toy was never widely available for use.
The second generation was introduced by the Lovense brand via IndieGogo. They used the previous design that had never reached its full potential but integrated smartphone technology to make it an even better male sex toy.
This second generation of the toy was the first male masturbator that was able to be controlled via a smartphone app . It had an innovative air pump design that made it one of the most interesting masturbation sleeves that were released during that year.
Since launching the sex toy, the team at Lovense has continuously been improving the device. They have made yearly upgrades, inspired by customer feedback.
Overall, at the heart of the Lovense brand is their desire to keep their products innovative and continue to keep their customers happy. These improvements have made the Max great, but the team still felt that it could be improved further.
The release of Max 2 was a huge achievement for Lovense and is one of their biggest releases to date.
They took the amazing Max features and overhauled them, offering improved performance and hardware-related features inside the toy even further . They also completely changed the exterior of the device, as well.
They used constant research, feedback, and updates to create the best device possible for their many customers.
Max 2 is one of the best masturbators on the market today and has been highly acclaimed by the many customers who have already bought the device.
The Max 2 features the original, multiple sensation sleeves, an extended vibrator, is completely rechargeable, wireless, and body-safe. It is designed to accommodate most sizes and pleasurably stimulates you while you stroke.
Max 2 has brought along a lot of new advancements and customizations that set it apart from the original Max:
Unlike other options out there, Max 2 has an adjustable air vent located on the end of the tube. This is unique as it allows you to control the suction level of the device. This ensures that you get the suction level you need to reach maximum pleasure and enjoy your device .
Want a more realistic experience, especially visually? You can also customize the Max 2 further by adding a vagina sleeve if you are interested .
The software featured in Max 2 is far more advanced than any others on the market today. The team at Lovense worked diligently to create software that made the masturbator one of the most realistic available, giving you a realistic experience that mocks the real deal and brings you to the big O quicker.
Unlike others out there, the Lovense Max 2 is controlled by the free app. This can be installed using both Google Play and the App Store.
Using the app, you can get full local control for personal use and use with a significant other. In the app, you can choose the following:
There is a wide variety of vibration settings, from a simple slow speed to get you in the mood to an earthquake speed guaranteed to make your head spin (in the best way possible, of course).
There’s nothing quite like the real feeling of a female contraction; until you have met the Max 2. Different contractions settings from subtle to deep ensure you’re getting a life-like experience you won’t soon forget in a 360-degree angle.
Yes, you can literally sync with your partner’s toy and react to each other’s movements. It is an incredible innovation for sex toys and something you’re sure to enjoy, especially if you are in a long-distance relationship.
These sensors allow you to get experience, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. It’s truly the closest thing you will get to the ‘real deal,’ which is why it is undeniably the most popular sex toy for men on the market.
On important aspect to consider when buying a toy is the charger and battery life. You don’t want to miss out on any of the action with a toy that only lasts 20 minutes at a time, right? Well, you can feel confident you will get plenty of battery life out of your Max 2.
The new and improved Max 2 is designed with an easy-to-use charger that charges up your device at lightning speed, leaving you with longer battery life for several hours of play.
It’s no contest: with an improved look, feel, and experience, the Max 2 crushes the competition when it comes to male sex toys. With Max 2, you can close your eyes and feel like you’re really engaging in an incredibly good time with the lady of your dreams and have plenty of hours to finish.
Male sex toys may have been lacking in recent years, but Max 2 by Lovense shows us that male vibrators are taking big strides. The Max 2 is go-to advice that has been perfected over several years by Lovense to create a perfect design that offers utmost pleasure.
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There are many male masturbators on the market, but not many can compare to the Lovense Max 2 . The technology for fleshlights and stroke machines may have been around for years, but few products on the sex toy market have been able to incorporate the same level of digital interactivity as the Max.
The Lovense Max 2 is a state-of-the-art teledildonic sex toy that is primarily designed to the user to wirelessly connect his device to other users for long distance play.
So how does the Max 2 size up (both literally and figuratively) to the competition? Let’s take a closer look and see.
The Max was one of the first toys designed by the sex toy innovator Lovense, a Hong Kong based company founded in 2010. His-and-her teledildonic devices called Max and Nora respectively were designed and launched to pioneer the future of high-tech cybersex.
Drawing their original concepts from the versatility of smartphone technology, Lovense set out to make one of the best sex toys on the market designed for men. Because the original Max was a prototype made of young technology, it was never widely available on the consumer market.
The second generation of the Max was fully crowdsourced by Indiegogo, completely blowing past all expected funding goals. The market for this technology was definitely there. The second generation of the Max became the first male masturbator controlled via a smartphone app.
From 2013 through the present, Lovense has continually collected user feedback and incorporated it into their product iterations to make an increasingly excellent toy. The Max 2 has released upgrades every year up through generation six. Some of these upgrades include:
With the official release of the Max 2 in 2019, Lovense has continued their legacy of continual product improvement with even more upgrades. The upgrades that are special to the Max 2 are as follows:
The physical size of the Max 2 allows it to accommodate all but the largest of users, and its external design is sleek and minimalistic.
This aesthetic design is also discreet since the shape of the Max 2 mimics the design of other smart tech like portable Bluetooth speakers. It would likely go unnoticed even if accidentally left out on a nightstand but is still small enough to fit comfortably inside one.
While it is not as carefully considered sometimes in researching sex toys as things like digital customization and mechanical features, the materials that make up a sex toy are an important factor to consider. Some materials are toxic, and others are difficult to clean. Here’s a breakdown of what the Max 2 is made of.
The Max 2 is created from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic, which is a thermoplastic polymer that is highly durable. If well cared for, ABS-based sex toys can last for years.
ABS is non-porous, so there is no chance for bacteria to become trapped in the material. It is a smooth material, easing the task of lubrication and insertion. It’s also an odorless material for those who have sensitive noses, as a strong plastic smell can detract from realism.
ABS plastic conducts vibration with precision, making it a popular choice for sex toys with a wide variety of vibration levels and customization. ABS plastic is also phthalate-free and free of other toxins commonly found in inert plastics.
The fleshy sleeve of the Max 2 is formed from skin-like TPE or thermoplastic elastomer. TPE is platinum-cured, liquid silicone rubber that is a popular material for creating realistic molds that can closely mimic human genitalia.
Unlike ABS, TPE is considered a porous material unless otherwise stated. Toys like the Max 2 that are made of TPE should only be used with water-based lubrication to avoid material breakdown.
TPE is hypoallergenic and phthalate-free. As a medical-grade plastic commonly used in things like catheters, it is a good choice for anyone with sensitivity to chemicals or who tends to have allergic reactions concerning skin contact.
The takeaway on the materials of the Max 2:
In order to give a thorough review of the Max 2, we’ll need to address two major categories of factors: hardware and software.
The Max 2 is a fleshlight style male masturbator with a hard, white ABS plastic outer shell and an inner sleeve made of soft, gripping TPE material designed to emulate a vagina or anus.
One of the standout pieces of hardware on the Max 2 is its patent-pending air pump technology. There are two air pumps in the Max 2, one on either side of the device’s inner sleeve. These are designed to inflate and deflate in various combinations to intensify pleasure.
At the end of the sleeve, Lovense has installed a special vibrator to directly stimulate the glans of the penis, arguably one of the most sensitive areas of the whole package.
If air-pump driven stroking and vibration aren’t enough sensation, Lovense has also included an air vent in the Max 2’s design that allows for customizable suction. These three sensations in combination are as close to a realistic blowjob as you can currently get from a machine.
If its high-tech hardware wasn’t impressive enough, Lovense has also included some sensational software capabilities in the Max 2. Designed initially in conjunction with its sister product, Nora , the Max 2 is first and foremost a teledildonic device designed for wireless use.
This means that the Max 2 can be used digitally in several ways via its three settings:
Along with three levels of 360° contractions, the Max 2 also comes with seven distinct vibration settings:
The most exciting technology in the Max 2 is its teledildonic capability. Teledildonics, or the ability to connect sex toys wirelessly and remotely for long distance play between users , is a brand-new technology spurred by Lovense that is just now getting its moment in the spotlight.
With both close-range Bluetooth capability and Internet connection for longer distances, the Max 2 is a guarantee you can connect sexually with a partner who owns a Nora or another Max/Max 2 no matter how far apart you are.
That would be revolutionary technology by itself, but the Max 2 is also movement responsive, which means that it sends and receives real-time reactive feedback depending on your partner’s actions. It’s the closest you’ll get to having sex with someone you’re not in the same room with.
Now that we’ve gotten to know the hardware and software of the Max 2, let’s do a product assessment and see where it really stands.
On first impressions, the Max 2 doesn’t look terribly fancy. Its packaging is plain in comparison to some other products, and the overall design aesthetic is decidedly minimalistic.
The presentation is barebones, as well. The Max 2 only comes with the sex toy itself, a magnetic USB charging cable, and the user manual. The Max 2 does not come with a complimentary cleaning solution or lubrication for your toy, which means you’ll have to provide your own.
The Max 2 also does not come with a storage case or bag , which can be somewhat inconvenient if you’re going for a more discreet experience. It would not hurt Lovense to expand on the accessories in future iterations of the Max for a more enjoyable unveiling.
We’ll take a look at the following categories to assess them each individually and see how the Max 2 stands in each one:
As far as ease of use goes, the Max 2 is a comfortable device for almost all users. Although there have been a few complaints that those men with extremely long penises have issues “bottoming out” in the device, this is not an issue for most users.
Likewise, those men who have a particularly wide girth to their penis might find the Max 2’s sleeve a bit tight for optimal sensation, but that’s not an issue that most men who have tried the Max 2 have had problems with.
The interior of the Max 2 has supple, slippery TPE, which is one of the most realistic materials mimicking the tactile sensation of human flesh. The interior of the sleeve is lined with small nubbins that are designed after the rugae (transverse ridge structures) of the vaginal wall.
For manual use, the Max 2 is easy to hold for optimal stroking, and because most of the stimulation is coming from the interior mechanics of the sleeve rather than a bunch of awkward twisting and bending on your end, you can just focus on lying back and enjoying the sensation.
The design of the Max 2 is nothing if not intelligent. Every year since the prototype’s inception, Lovense has continually improved the toy in every way, from aesthetics to software development.
Besides being the first male masturbator with its own smartphone app, the Max 2 was also revolutionary due to its forward-thinking sync technology that allows lovers to have sex while oceans apart.
Lovense has advanced this tech by having the largest vibrator motors available to intensify pleasure and increase battery life. They have also created antennas that provide stable close-range Bluetooth connectivity with a wider radius than any other product on the market.
Never before in history has technology leaped forward so quickly in the area of virtual sex. In less than ten years, Lovense has pushed the sex industry firmly into the twenty-first century. And consumers are the ones reaping the benefits of this technological tidal wave.
Here are the highlights of Max 2’s intelligent design:
Since playing with sex toys can be a somewhat dirty business, it’s always important to consider how easy it is to clean one. This is especially important because sex toys should be cleaned after each and every use to maintain safe hygiene and avoid infection.
Luckily the Max 2 is extremely easy to clean with nothing more warm water. Soap should not be used, as it could damage the interior.
Because the interior of the Max 2 is made of potentially porous TPE material, it is also recommended to dry the toy completely before putting it away.
The only downside to this category for the Max 2 is that it does not come with cleaning solution included in the package, which would be convenient for those who want to open the Max 2 and get straight down to business.
There are plenty of options for purchasing new sex toys in 2019, especially with the advance of niche online toy shops, but after much review of the various products available, the Max 2 is easily one of the highest quality sex toys on the market for its price range.
While there are dozens of teledildonic devices out there on the market to choose from, very few companies are able to combine high technology, postmodern minimalist aesthetics, and high-grade materials in a way that makes the end product feel positively luxe.
Lovense has managed to pull it off.
As of the time of this review, the Max 2 is available on the Lovense website for the price of $74.00. This is a special online discount , down from the regular retail price of $99.00. Either way, the Max 2 falls in the medium range of price for sex toys.
Given the various high-tech capabilities of the device and the quality of the materials used, this could comfortably be called a bargain. This is half the price of the Fleshlight Launch, the Max 2’s closest spec rival at $199.95.
The Max 2 also beats out its other competitors in the market on price, such as the Kiiroo Onyx 2 or the Kiiroo Titan. In some cases (like the Fleshlight) the Max 2 is less than half the price of its competitors while still offering almost twice the amount of digital and hardware features. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Now on its sixth generation of upgraded technology and design, the Max 2 has been precisely engineered for fostering pleasure in every sense.
On the aesthetic side, the Max 2 is arguably one of the most beautiful male masturbators on the market, with a sleek minimalist look. It is also created from odor-free, environmentally friendly materials.
But the Max 2 is also designed for pleasure in the more literal sense. The device’s sleeve combines multiple types of tactile sensation in order to most accurately represent a sexual experience and to provide the greatest degree of user customization.
The variety of pleasures offered by the Max 2 are also a strong part of its appeal. It is equally valuable in solo and partner play and allows people to connect not only with their lover on the other side of the house or sitting across from them in a restaurant, but also from the other side of the world.
The Max 2 is a relatively small sex toy at only 3.3 inches in diameter and 9.5 inches in length. This means that it fits easily into most drawers and can be easily concealed for the sake of discretion.
The interior size of the device’s sleeve has been reported to be more than adequate for all for the largest of users, able to accommodate approximately 95% of potential buyers.
Out of the various teledildonic products on the market, the Max 2 boasts one of the highest levels of device and app compatibility out of any high-tech sex toy available. Due to Lovense’s excellent syncing software,
Recently Lovense ported its software to Windows PC via the Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter. While it does not come standard with any given toy in the Lovense product lines, it is available in the Lovense store as an accessory.
Lovense apps and software are also compatible with Apple, Android, and Mac. Available on four separate digital platforms with some of the most user-friendly software in the industry, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more accessible device.
Lovense teledildonic products boast one of the hi
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