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Love Teen Us


Bad Day, 2013. This was after a fight with Cooper in high school. Taking photos of myself when vulnerable is really important to me — I think it’s about trusting myself. And when you’re 17, feeling bad also feels really good.
Max Jumped Off a Train, 2012. My little brother Max was super crazy when he was younger. This is him after he jumped off a moving train when he was 12 or 13, but he tried to convince my parents it was a biking accident. We were driving to Seattle to see my dying great uncle, and he trusted me to keep the story a secret until my parents found out. Max is still a muse to me, and I couldn’t love anyone more than him.
Codependency Before College, 2012. My high school boyfriend, Cooper, and I in his bedroom at his mom’s house in the country. We spent so much time together. It was that first longterm relationship when you can’t imagine doing anything without the other. Then he left for college, and we had to figure that out. We had some amazing times together; we used to draw and cook and make things about each other. It was a very special bond. I still have all of the paintings he gave me (they hang proudly in my apartment!), and we see each other in New York now and again. He is very special to me, and I respect him a lot. I couldn’t handle 17-year-old me, I can’t believe he did! Haha.
“This is literally what is in the mind of a teenager,” says Brooklyn-based photographer Olivia Bee of her new photo book Kids in Love, which began eight years ago when she was fourteen. In between house parties, family vacations, make-out sessions, and a thousand heartbreaks, she retreated into her high school darkroom to pin down her experiences, which seemed always to pass prematurely into memory.
Because Kids in Love is a book about firsts— first kisses, first heartbreaks— every image within is impressed with the knowledge that these rites of passage can never be lived again. She and her friends exist as if inside a confidential and precarious bubble that inevitably bursts the instant the photo is taken. Nostalgia for Bee is like a drug, it’s that imminent sense of loss that amplifies the volume on her otherwise hushed encounters.
In conversation with collaborator Tavi Gevinson, Bee admits, “All the photos that I make are love letters.” She’s cried over some of the pictures; she’s crying in others. The moments she photographs are the ones that pop up in your subconscious when you least expect them, but they’re also the kind that escape us whenever we try too hard to remember. They’re the moments that haunt your dreams well into adulthood, or maybe dreams were all they ever were to begin with.
We asked Bee to tell us the stories behind some of her favorite images from the book, which you can purchase through Aperture. The artist will be at Bookmarc for a book signing on April 6th, and will be at the release party at Aperture Gallery on April 29th.
Away, 2008. This was the first self-portrait where I thought I may have captured the notion of the unique experience that existed inside my brain, and that I was bringing to the outside world. It snowed like crazy that winter, and I had just gotten dumped for the first time.
Home, 2009. It’s funny how when you make things, you often don’t know the hell why. But then later, all of the pieces come together, and you notice your patterns and choices and how you express them. I remember not knowing why I wanted to bring the chair to the park near my house, but I vividly remember needing to. Looking back on it, especially with all of the other images I was making at this time, a lot of the work had the common thread of bringing the home within yourself to the outside world.
You and Me, 2009. The world of you and your best friend is so important when you’re growing up — this is Lillie, whom I have literally known since she was born (I’m two years older than her). We were tied at the hip and lived in memories that we created ourselves in our dream world. She was my first muse.
Untitled (Fifteen Forever), 2010. Liam was my neighbor across the street growing up. We did everything together and are still very close. Our families would go camping in the woods in Oregon; this is one of my favorite places in the world, Timothy Lake.
Lovers, 2013. Cooper and I in Portland. He shaved his head that day.
Untitled (T-Shirt Weather Heaven), 2013. Tuesday is such an amazing human, and she is so full of the most convincing and elaborate labyrnith of magic I’ve ever encountered. This was after we shot a video for Hermes. There was a whole section with goldfish in a bathtub, but I cut it from the final. I gave her all the goldfish, and she was driving to California the next day with her boyfriend. She took them with her, but they died in the car.
Whose House Is This, 2011. This is the only image in the book that features people I don’t know. It was after a wild house show in Portland near Laurelhurst park. I forget who was playing, Wampire or Vanimal or someone. Those house shows were epic. More teenagers than Grant High School had in the entire school would pack the house to the brim and spill onto the street. Everyone was making out inside and drenched in sweat. I stole a deck of cards from the floor and made out with a dude who was older than me in the bathroom. The cops busted it, and everyone was climbing out the windows.
Paris at Sunrise (Poppy), 2013. This is one of the two images in the book that weren’t taken in America. Paris used to intoxicate me. I was there probably 30 times between 18 and 20, at least. It was the first big city that I really got to know on my own and had to figure out. My French is still so terrible it’s embarrassing. I’m so shy when it comes to that stuff. This was taken after one of the many long, long nights, where we were out ’til 10 or 11am after a party at Le Grand Palais. This morning there were probably 5 of us dodging trains. Wallis (pictured) and I met on an airplane.
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Shannon Maureen Conley allegedly had plans to be camp nurse, possibly fight.
FBI Busts Teen for Alleged Terrorist Support to Syria
The FBI claims Shannon Conley, 19, believed "Jihad is the only answer to correct the wrongs agai...Read MoreRead More
— -- A suburban Denver teen fell in love with an ISIS fighter online, vowed to aid his cause in Syria, then was arrested at an airport, federal authorities said.
Shannon Maureen Conley, 19, of Arvada, Colorado, was charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization after FBI agents arrested her at Denver International Airport on April 8 as she tried to board a flight to Frankfurt, Germany, according to a U.S. criminal complaint and a supporting affidavit.
She allegedly had connecting flights to Istanbul, Turkey, and then to Adana, Turkey, just a few hours' drive from the Syrian border.
Conley, licensed as a certified nurse's aide in Colorado, according to the affidavit, told investigators that she hoped to meet her online suitor in Syria and reside with him near the Turkish border as his wife and a camp nurse. Her parents told investigators her suitor was a 32-year-old Tunisian man, whose name is redacted in the documents.
"When Conley told the suitor she wants to provide his camp with medical services and training, he told her that was good because they needed more nurses," the affidavit read.
"Conley stated that she was aware that her plans were potentially illegal and she could possibly get arrested, and therefore she has no intention to return to the U.S.," the account read. "Conley mentioned an incident where an individual was arrested for attempting to go fight in Syria. She told [investigators] there was nothing they could do to change her mind and that she was still going, although she admitted, 'I know things can go terribly wrong.'
"When asked if she would engage in actual combat on the battlefield, Conley said, 'If it was absolutely necessary, then yes. I wouldn't like it ... but I would do it,'" according to the affidavit.
Earlier, Conley had told an FBI agent in December that she "joined the U.S. Army Explorers (USAE) to be trained in U.S. military tactics and in firearms," according to court papers.
"She said she intended to use that training to go overseas to wage jihad," the affidavit added. "She also intended to train Islamic Jihadi fighters in U.S. military tactics. She previously wanted to serve in the U.S. military but no longer wanted to because she felt the military would not accept her due to her religious beliefs and her wearing of a hijab and niqab."
Conley first came to the attention of investigators in November after she was reported behaving suspiciously at Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada, the scene of a 2007 shooting incident, according to the affidavit.
Officials repeatedly and openly seemed to try to dissuade Conley from acting out on her stated aims to join ISIS, which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and subsequently gained a higher profile in the U.S. media for military victories against the government of Iraq.
Officials even enlisted Conley's parents, who were described as opposing Conley's plans to travel to the Mideast and her desire to marry her Tunisian suitor.
The April 9 court documents were unsealed Wednesday after an order by a federal judge, according to Jeff Dorschner of the local U.S. Attorney's Office.
"There was a detention hearing where we argued she was a danger to the community and a risk for flight, so she was ordered held without bond pending the resolution of the case," Dorschner said. "Since then, there was some litigation. We are currently in the motions phase. ... No trial date has yet been scheduled and she remains in custody."
Dorschner said federal officials did not oppose the release of a redacted version of the documents.
"At the time of her arrest, there was an active criminal investigation ... [so] the records remained sealed," Dorschner said. "The investigation is ... at a point where the redacted documents won't compromise it."
Shannon Conley's father, John Conley, told ABC News, "At this time we have no comment."
Her public defender, Robert Pepin, did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.
ABC News' Shahriar Rahmanzadeh contributed to this report.

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