Love Sperm Swallow

Love Sperm Swallow


Love Sperm Swallow


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Anyone became addicted to swallowing? I started off not liking the taste of cum and my friend was a heavy cummer. I started swallowing out of necessity because i didn't want to taste it waiting to spit and hated the mess of the excess dripping out. Once i started swallowing, it was all about feeling him swell and throb in my mouth. I got so horny to swallow cum that a would suck the left overs out of his dick after he came in my ass sometimes or somehow get my cock head into my mouth and swallow myself.


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If you were hardcore you would have let the cum drip out of your ass then eat it with chunks of shit in it.


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So satisfyingvto bring a guy to orgasm in my mouth....his cum is my reward!

I'm just going to take a quick vomit break and then be back
Anyone became addicted to swallowing? I started off not liking the taste of cum and my friend was a heavy cummer. I started swallowing out of necessity because i didn't want to taste it waiting to spit and hated the mess of the excess dripping out. Once i started swallowing, it was all about feeling him swell and throb in my mouth. I got so horny to swallow cum that a would suck the left overs out of his dick after he came in my ass sometimes or somehow get my cock head into my mouth and swallow myself.
I'm addicted to mine it tastes so good and i love the slippery consistency of it in my mouth. I also love other mens also.
I think I could drink a full 8 oz glass of pure sperm. I love it that much.
I fantasize about being the star in a bukkake video. Or having 50 guys
cum in an 8oz glass and drink down everyones jizz as they watch.


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If you were hardcore you would have let the cum drip out of your ass then eat it with chunks of shit in it.


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Discussion in ' Bisexual ' started by John1234567 , Aug 10, 2016 .

By Holly Riordan
Updated February 1, 2022

By Holly Riordan
Updated February 1, 2022

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1. “I love blowing him right before I leave for work, so that I’ll still have the taste in my mouth when I get to the office. It’s a naughty little reminder of what I’ve just done. So yeah, I enjoy the taste.” — Amber, 25
2. “I don’t know if he needs to change his diet or something, but his semen always tastes so sour. I swallow, but then I run to the bathroom to wash my mouth out. He doesn’t know that, though.” — Amy, 20
3. “At first I wasn’t into it. And then, once, my boyfriend kissed me after eating me out, and the taste on his lips was horrible . Made me want to vomit. So yeah, I’d much rather swallow his load than taste my own fluids ever again.” — Taylor, 23
4. “For me, the taste isn’t a big deal. Nothing to brag or complain about. It’s the amount that gets me. When a lot comes out, it’s hard to swallow. Literally.” — Victoria, 28
5. “I pay pretty close attention to what he’s been putting inside of his body. If he’s had a lot of fruit and pineapple juice lately, then I’ll let him cum in my mouth. But if he’s been having a lot of beer and cigarettes, then I tell him to cum on my tits instead and we’re both happy.” — April, 31
6. “It doesn’t really taste like anything to me? Is that weird? It’s just like… nothingness. So I don’t like or dislike it.” — Olivia, 22
7. “That’s an impossible question to answer. Every guy tastes different. One particular guy could taste different on different days. It’s not always going to taste sweet. It’s not always going to taste sour. Sometimes, it’ll be in the middle. And sometimes, you’ll want to gag. It really depends.” — Laura, 29
8. “Taste is fine. Smell is gross.” — Shelby, 26
9. “I hate going down on guys. So when he squirts into my mouth, I’m just so happy that the blowjob is finally over that I don’t even notice the taste.” — Erica, 24
10. “Let’s get this straight, I hate the taste. Hate it. But I swallow and act like I’m loving it, because he finds it sexy. And when he thinks I’m sexy, I feel sexy. So I deal with it.” — Madison, 21 
11. “I refused to swallow for years and my friends would always make fun of me. But when I started dating my current boyfriend, I tried it, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I imagined in my head. Still bad, but not unbearably bad.” — Lindsey, 30
12. “Honestly, I’ve never even considered spitting. The taste is fine. And it’s easier to swallow than to find a place to spit.” — Alicia, 25
13. “My ex tasted delicious. My current boyfriend tastes… pretty bad. I make fun of him for it all the time. Does that make me a horrible person?” — Miranda, 26
14. “I’ll be honest here, I don’t give blowjobs all that often. So when I do, I feel like I have to make it special. Swallowing once or twice a month isn’t really that big of a deal. It’s like eating salt. ” — Whitney, 23
15. “I’m bi and I personally prefer going down on women. I think they taste better, but that’s just one girl’s opinion.” — Alexa, 29
16. “Yup! I’m obsessed with the taste of him. Even when he’s inside me, sometimes I ask him to pull out so he can finish in my mouth.” — Faith, 24
17. “I mean, it’s not going to taste like a cappuccino. It came out of his dick. It’s about as good as it’s going to get.” — Paige, 23 

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Ari has absolutely no interest in visiting the island resort where traumatic memories are repressed. She would much rather deal with her sister’s death the old-fashioned way. Booze. Even though her gut warns her to stay home, visiting the island becomes inevitable—and more dangerous than she ever could have imagined.
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To celebrate the release of my new web series, The Big Gulp, which is about swallowing (hint: not water) I asked a vital question: “Do you remember the first time you swallowed?” People’s answers ranged from hilarious to surprisingly dark. You can see my story in the first episode, “Winter Is Coming”, below:
“The first time I swallowed I ran away from my boyfriend, spit it out in the sink, and took a swig chocolate syrup. He was a Christian. He wanted me to put the syrup on his dick. I wouldn’t. He currently lives in Denver with his boyfriend.” Lia, 25
“Swallowing is funny because it seems like there is such a premium on it, versus “spitting” which takes more skill anyways. The first time I swallowed I didn’t even know what I was doing, it just happened. Like, suddenly there was this rush of salty liquid in my mouth, no warning. It was cool, I think. It was nice that there was a very concrete end point because otherwise I would have had no idea when to be done, at that point.” Christine, 28
“Ok so I can’t remember the FIRST time I swallowed. but O can remember a series of times. honestly at this point I don’t even remember spitting ever. I think for me swallowing and sucking dick go hand in hand. spitting always seemed too messy, too much of a — the first words that came to mind were dick/pussy, I don’t know what that says about me BUT — seemed like too much of a dick move / a pussy move. i remember it being so fucking disgusting the first several times. Hell, it’s even kind of gross now. I’m madly in love with my boyfriend and I still kind of gag a bit at the end of a BJ. For me that’s the only option. The idea of spoiling the moment to run to the sink and spit? That doesn’t appeal to me. And nothing turns me on more than when I’m told how good i taste, so then I would assume to reason that a man feels the same. I think if I were a dude and a girl was always spitting out my splooge, my feelings would be hurt. Really, I’m just protecting everyone’s feelings. that’s what’s going on here.” Celeste, 27
“It was with my first boyfriend, who was emotionally abusive and extremely selfish. The first time I swallowed was not my choice and I had no warning. He wouldn’t kiss me afterwards and shortly asked me to leave.” Alex, 21
“The first time I swallowed jizz I threw it up 5 minutes later. It was disgusting. It was so horrible, I was like yeah man I can do this, I can totally swallow jizz. I was like 19, and it was a huge load too and I was like OH OK THEN and then it tasted so wrong, like off milk mixed with ball sweat and so I swallowed it… then I tried to remain suave and sexy… then my stomach was churning and I threw up gluggy hot semen and it was the most disgusting feeling rising up from my throat into my mouth.” Courtney, 25
“I had been going out with this guy for about a month and a half. I was on my period and really didn’t want to get his sheets messy but he kept saying he didn’t mind and that it was fine with him. But since we were still pretty new, I really wanted to wait before we got into the period sex thing so I decided to go down on him instead. While I was blowing him, he kept saying how good it was and that he was close – you know, the usual pep talk. So I was really into it and when he told me he was about to come I just kept going and let him come in my mouth. At that moment, spitting it out didn’t seem like an option so I went ahead and swallowed it. The weird thing is, couple of seconds after I had swallowed, he looked up and asked me if I swallowed it and I got nervous and said “yeah, some of it”. His response to that was “ohh okay, cuz we haven’t been going out for that long so I don’t think we’re there yet.” We went out for another month after that but I never swallowed his again.” Amy, 23
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→ Sexual acts
→ Oral sex

D o girls really like to suck cocks and swallow semen?

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by YoungTeeN 3 hours ago



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W hen someone uses the word girl instead of woman it makes me think they are too young to be in the adult section.
a re you kidding?! WOMEN (not 'girls') LOVE the cock, they'd do anything to suck on one. It turns them on big time (so the hornier she is, the better). As for swallowing semen, it depends on the woman in question but i think you'll find the majority love it too, it makes them feel subordinate to their man which they also love.
i love how its always a guy who answers these questions!

I can only speak for my self and the answer is yes
i love suckin cock but refuse 2 swallow!! lol
N ot sure about all girls, but I certainly do.
T his girl Loves to suck and swallow!
Y es, and yes, but only for my husband!
w ell i think blowjobs n cunnilingus are more of giving pleasure to ur respective partners,,,, it depepnds on d girl if she wants 2 swallow cum or not. if d girl loves d guy den she wud'nt mind swallowing semen or getting a facial... i hve bin in a steady relation for more than 3 yearsn my chic loves 2 do it.... so i guess it depends on d comfort n intimacy level of d couple
D on't know about other girls, but I personally love sucking and swallowing. :)
i realy like to lick and suck and swallow as much cum as i can .love it most girls do sorrel x
i ts simple SLAGS admit to loving cock but if your in a loving relationship you dont have too. its about the intermit sex not swallowing as much cum as possible.
dont degrade youself to a slag.
I 'm sorry; this question's answers just make me want to read the post over. I'm in shock to see so many positive responses.
D oes Howdy Doody have wooden balls?
l ove to suck and swallow if that makes me a slag i guess i am, but i enjoy it, and guys say im great sxx
C ould I get a phone number from all the women here who say they do I have the mis-fortune of being with a bitch who don't. Special shout out to Kat... ;-)
I n my thought sucking his penis to orgasm and then swallowing it is the best thing in the world. I love it when he squirts his hot load in my mouth and then swallow. I know he loves it when I take him all in.
I LOVE sucking cock!!! I like it when a guys shoots his cum on my face and tits. I also swallow somwtimes! I would not be with a guy that didnt let me suck his cock a lot!
N ot only girls like to suck cock and swallow cum.
j ust bad girls love to suck and swallow>>>

but girl how loves god and prays for hem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>will never suck cock or swallow semen.

unfortunately most girls in these days would do anything to make their boyfriends happy.

one day u will wish u didnt know him>>>>

alas for girls.....

finally .. i would like to say girl how pray for god

and mention his name should not put her mouth in these parts of body ......

u kant fine ya man kuz i ride it gud

i love the taste of cum and i really love to put a nice cock in my mouth it helps me to relieve stress and im also good at it ummmmmm i love cumm i would suck dick and drink cum everyday if i could but i heard that swallowing too much cum is bad for your stomach lining lol

Brian - employs bipedal locomotion daily

Y es, I've even seen my Fiancee licking up drops of cum from the sheets when she wasn't aware that I was watching.
w e want the answer from the doctors!!
G irls really do like to suck cocks and swallow semen
and bisexual and gay men really do like to suck cocks
and swallow semen.
I n my experience, I think most girls don't mind sucking, but don't like swallowing.
G irls who are bisexual enjoy sucking cocks and swallow
the semen of bisexual boys more then sucking cocks and
swallow the semen of heterosexual boys,because girls
who are bisexual enjoy giving blowjobs to boys who are
bisexual more then giving blowjobs to boys who are
heterosexual because girls who are bisexual, are more
attracted to boys who are bisexual then boys who are

True Fact
B isexual girls would rather suck cocks and swallow
the cum of bisexual boys then suck cocks and swallow
cum of heterosexual boys because bisexual girls like
the taste of cum of bisexual boys more then the taste
of cum of heterosexual boys and bisexual girls are more
turn on by bisexual boys then heterosexual boys because
bisexual boys have sex with both boys and girls.
G irls who are bisexual would rather suck the cocks
and swallow the semen of bisexual boys.
O bviously it depends on the woman. If you have a new partner, you need to ask her what she does/does not like and what turns her on. I, for one, enjoy pleasuring my partner, but I sure as hell will NOT swallow semen. That is me. We are all different.
I dont understand either, I like sucking but it dont taste like anything.
I like suck cock, but not like swallow semen.
i gave my boy friend oral sex regularly (ever day for 6 months) before i let him have sex with me,it was never out of my mouth.the first time i tasted it was very hot ,extreamly salty and so thick i never thought it would be like that.i swallowed the lot ,i am addicted to it.we been living together now for 3 years + i very rarely let him finish inside me, i all ways make him finish in my his older his semem is much stronger in taste an more of it .(it also keeps the bed cleaner)are you addicted to it girls....?
Y es I do I love to suck and swallow it. Oral has always been my favorite par
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