Love Is the Best Medicine

Love Is the Best Medicine

Most of us need to lead healthy happy lives then when we sick we usually go to a doctor who provides some medicine, performs an operation, does surgery - whatever he / she believes will relieve the symptoms. What we need isn't treatment but healing. We want whatever produces the symptoms vanish leaving us free from disease or clear of the problem. While what is energy medicine want healing, yet, the saying "healing" conjures up strange and interesting thoughts. The notion of healing belongs back Biblical times or times when miracles happened. Right? Wrong.

Healing is a notion of now. It is as relative today as it ever has been - perhaps way more. Dean Shrock addresses the situation of healing directly in the book, "Why Love Heals: Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine." This is not a just-published book nevertheless its relevance continues. It is often a book that ought to be read by everyone in the medical profession and para-professions and also by those who are experiencing illness or need to prevent illness.

Science has clearly demonstrated that love includes a profound and positive effect in a cellular level and will cause positive alteration of the body. Shrock, who had seen remarkable results as part of his work with cancer patients using guided imagery, drew heavily from science, quantum physics, energy medicine and spirituality to generate his compelling case that it must be love that heals. If you believe which a person isn't higher than a machine, you'll not go along with Dean Shrock with his fantastic conclusion that love will be the healing agent. If you have an objective balance to new information in line with the findings of science and you believe we as humans have a spiritual component, you will discover his presentation that love heals an effective one.

It shifts the duty for your health directly onto us and demands we bear in mind along with power over our thoughts and emotions. It demands that physicians as well as other health care professionals be aware of their powerful personal affect their patients and that they carefully design their "bedside manner" to use as a therapeutic tool.

I encourage one to fully grasp this book "Why Love Heals" by Dean Shrock, Ph.D. and browse it carefully and reflectively, with a balanced view and spirit. It will improve your perspective on disease, health insurance healing and could, quite literally, keep your life or even the life of someone you love.

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