Lotteton FAQ

Lotteton FAQ


1) What is Lotteton?

Lotteton is a crypto and NFT lottery on the TON blockchain with cheap tickets, discounts for holders of NFT collections, a simple and understandable scheme for distributing winnings. The ticket is currently being purchased for TONCOIN. The lottery functionality is constantly expanding.


2) What is The Open Network (TON)?

The Open Network is a web3 blockchain ecosystem of a new generation created to make life easier. If you are an NFT artist, collector or investor, TON is the perfect tool for you, thanks to its high performance, low transaction fees and great features. The main goal of TON is to make the entire existing Internet work on the TON blockchain. After this happens, the Internet will become completely decentralized, independent of third parties and secure. The entire TON eco-system is open and independent, all products are developed by different development teams from all over the world, so the power over the TON eco-system is not concentrated in one hand, which is also a significant security point.

3) How to create a crypto wallet?

There are several ways to create a crypto wallet on the TON network:

  • You can download the Tonkeeper wallet app on iOS or Android - / (the application interface will tell you how to create a wallet)
  • You can download the Tonhub wallet app on iOS or Android - / (the application interface will tell you how to create a wallet)
  • If you want to use the web version of the wallet, then you can use this resource - / (the website interface will tell you how to create a wallet)

4) How to buy TONCOIN cryptocurrency on your crypto wallet?

There are several ways to purchase a TON token:

  • using a Telegram bot with a debit or credit card for Rubles, Euros or Dollars - (the bot will prompt all your actions)
  • with the help of any exchanger for any currency or cryptocurrency from the site - 
  • To search for exchangers, you need to select the currency you want to give and the currency you want to receive. Further in the list of exchangers, you will see options of various verified exchangers with exchange rates and information on minimum and maximum deposits. 
Bestchange Screen

Links to exchanges with the presence of the TONCOIN currency for trading:

  • Uniswap -
  • Pancake -
  • 1inch -
  • Gate -
  • Huobi -

5) How to buy a ticket and participate in the lottery

In order to buy a ticket for one of the categories, you must:

  • Open the platform using the browser of a personal computer or smartphone
  • Connect the TON network wallet in any convenient way using Tonkeeper/Tonhub/TonWallet providers
  • In the main block, click the "Buy tickets" button
Main block
  • Select TON or NFT category
Ticket purchase block
  • Press the button "Buy tickets"
  • Enter number of tickets
  • Pay with wallet
Modal window tickets purchase
  • Ready! Winnings can be checked in the draw history at the end of the round
  • The general history and your personal history of draws are available for viewing
General draw history
Detailed sub-block of the general history
Your draw history
Personal draw modal window

6) How many game categories are available?

In the first version of the platform, 2 categories are available.

7) How long is lottery round?

1 round of the lottery lasts a day. Counting results takes 5-15 minutes for all categories in different ways.

8) Scheme of distribution of winning lot tickets on TON

Before each draw, the service withholds 10% from the accumulated pool of the round for development and maintenance, then the randomizer algorithm is launched for the loss of 6 digits. 

Distribution of the pool in case of coincidence of the place and numerically the numbers of the winning tickets minus the commission:

❗️Distribution of the pool in case of coincidence in place and numerically of the digits of the winning tickets minus the 10% commission on $TONCOIN and $IDU:

❗️6 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (45% divided by the number of similar ones) from the pool

5 out of 6 digits: The ticket takes (25% divided by the number of similar ones) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 25% goes to the next round

  4 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (15%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 15% goes to the next round

  3 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (10%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 10% goes to the next round

  2 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (5%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 5% goes to the next round

❗️5 out of 6 numbers: 45% of the pool goes to the next round. Ticket picks up (25% divided by the number of similar ones) from the pool

  4 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (15%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 15% goes to the next round

  3 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (10%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 10% goes to the next round

  2 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (5%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 5% goes to the next round

❗️4 out of 6 numbers: 70% of the pool goes to the next round. Ticket picks up (15%/number of similar ones) from the pool

  3 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (10%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 10% goes to the next round

  2 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (5%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 5% goes to the next round

❗️3 out of 6 numbers: 85% of the pool goes to the next round. Ticket picks up (10%/number of similar ones) from the pool

  2 out of 6 digits: Ticket takes (5%/number of similar) from the pool. If the event does not happen then 5% goes to the next round

❗️2 out of 6 numbers: 95% of the pool goes to the next round. Ticket picks up (5%/number of similar ones) from the pool

❗️If none of the combinations above works for any user, then users who have 1 of 6 digits matched will receive the full ticket price.

9) Scheme of distribution of the winning lot ticket on NFT

Before each draw, the service withholds 10% from the accumulated pool of the round for development and maintenance, then the randomizer algorithm is launched for the loss of one ticket among all purchased in the round. 

10) How much does 1 ticket cost?

The ticket costs $5 in $TONCOIN or $IDU conversion.

11) Sending NFTs to the lottery

  • you need to go to the site and connect the wallet (screenshot No. 1)
  • after successful connection, click on your wallet and click the "Send NFT" button (screenshot No. 2),
  • you will see the NFT sending page, where you need to follow the steps indicated on the page, the first of them is "Select the NFT" that you want to send to the draw (screen No. 3),
  • after you have clicked on the desired NFT, you can optionally enter the price you would like to receive for this NFT. It is important to understand that this is still a statistical item and it will not affect the final cost (screenshot No. 4),
  • after which you need to click the "Submit" button (screenshot No. 5),
  • in the next window, the platform will offer you the minimum threshold at which the round will take place, if it does not suit you, then you must refuse to edit this NFT for the draw. If the threshold suits you, then you can press the "Accept" button and make the transfer,
  • all you have to do is wait for your turn. You can track the history and the round in which your NFT will participate on the same page in the "Your history" tab.

12) Discount scheme for holders of the DC TON collection

Collection -

❕The number of NFT Chicks in your wallet will directly affect the discount of lottery tickets.

❕Tickets purchased with a discount will have an equal chance of winning with tickets purchased for the full price


✅ from 1 to 3 NFT in possession — the discount will be equal to 20% and the ticket price will be = $4;

✅ from 4 to 6 NFT in possession — the discount will be equal to 40% and the ticket price will be = $3;

✅ from 7 to 9 NFT in possession — the discount will be 60% and the ticket price will be = $2;

✅ from 10+ NFT in possession — the discount will be equal to 80% and the ticket price will be = $1.

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