Lose weight in a healthy and reasoned way

Lose weight in a healthy and reasoned way

Healthy rather than rapid weight loss

Nowadays, we are so overwhelmed with nutritional advice and diets that it is difficult to find the north. But most aim to lose maximum weight in the shortest time.

The promise sounds appealing, that's for sure. But she ignores the main risk: that all the weight lost will come back just as quickly afterward, if not more. Do you want to find the correct figure for a long time? So, it is important to act in a healthy and reasoned manner. We are here to help you.

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No diet

First of all, start by crossing out from your dictionary the word "diet", in the sense of the Petit Robert diet, " Particular diet, prescribed by the doctor, advocating, excluding or limiting certain foods, for hygiene or therapy". It has a negative connotation and above all, temporary. It's quite simple: if at the end of a diet, you start eating again as you always have, it is certain that you will gain weight. this is precisely what you want to avoid.

Therefore, it is best to think of healthy weight loss as a transformation to a (more) balanced lifestyle. Something that you can practice for the rest of your life. It's important to learn healthy daily habits that will ultimately help you lose weight sustainably. See it as a long journey. Its success depends on the choices you make every day, again.

Healthy eating habits

One of the healthy habits we recommend is eating regular and varied meals. Many diets, in the sense of "diet" as defined by Le Petit Robert, aim to exclude or limit the consumption of certain foods, for example, fats or carbohydrates. But can you imagine never eating french fries in your life again because you are on a low carb diet? No, this is simply unrealistic.

And between us, it would even be atrocious. Especially since carbohydrates provide the energy the body needs and are part of a balanced diet - even for people who want to lose weight. It is obvious that we recommend choosing healthy foods as often as possible, but every now and then a croissant for breakfast or a good hamburger on the weekend is a part of life as well. Balance is one of the keys to success.

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