Dental Implants in Los Algodones

Dental Implants in Los Algodones

Dental implants are the most advanced solution for restoring a person's smile. Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth or teeth that are damaged beyond repair, and they can look and function just like natural teeth Dental Implants in Los Algodones are bonded to the jawbone and/or maxilla providing a permanent solution to missing teeth, whereas regular dentures might cause discomfort, inflammation, or slippage along the gums. Our surgical and cosmetic dentistry specialists can restore both the appearance and function of your teeth with dental implants, giving you a boost in confidence while improving your smile.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants can be used to replace one or more teeth. They can support a denture or act as a pillar for a dental bridge. Traditional dentures are commonly replaced with this restorative dental method. dental implants los algodones are made up of a titanium post that replicates the natural root of a tooth and a porcelain replacement tooth that is handmade to match or even improve the rest of your smile. You can eat, brush, floss, and rinse as if you've never had any dental treatment done with this innovative restorative solution.

What Are the Consequences of Dental Implants?

Our top goal is patient safety, thus any circumstances that could lead to difficulties are discussed during the consultation. Dental implants, like any surgery, carry some dangers, such as infection or implant failure, which are exceedingly unlikely if you are in good health and maintain proper oral hygiene. Attending follow-up appointments, carefully following post-operative instructions, and reporting any concerns to our office as soon as possible can significantly lessen any risks. Dental implant insertion is a surgery that is usually quite predictable, and the vast majority of patients have no difficulties.

What Kinds of Dental Implants Can You Get?

You can choose between two types of biocompatible dental implant systems:

Dental Implants Made of Titanium

Titanium dental implant systems, which include the implant post and abutment (the component that connects the prosthesis to the post), have been used successfully in implant dentistry since the 1960s. Titanium is a biocompatible substance that does not irritate the skin and can naturally join with bone tissue through a process known as osseointegration. Titanium dental implant systems are built to be long-lasting, secure, and durable.

Dental Implant System by Straumann

Straumann® has developed cutting-edge titanium alloy dental implant models. Additional strength, quicker healing, a less intrusive implantation method, and varied quality assurances relating to certain materials and models are all possible advantages.

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