Lory Del Santo

Lory Del Santo


Lory Del Santo

21st September 2018 21st September 2018 2 Mins Read

Pavarotti gets star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Question of who might succeed Pope Francis to loom over cardinals’ gathering

54 percent of people say they feel alone / Malta News Briefing – Saturday 27 August 2022

This Day in Photos – CDE News Daily Photos Dispatch

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Pavarotti gets star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Question of who might succeed Pope Francis to loom over cardinals’ gathering

54 percent of people say they feel alone / Malta News Briefing – Saturday 27 August 2022

This Day in Photos – CDE News Daily Photos Dispatch

EU approves Italy’s plan to shift some state-guaranteed loans to AMCO

Question of who might succeed Pope Francis to loom over cardinals’ gathering

Prince Harry hopes Diana death anniversary will be ‘filled with memories’

Number plate row fuels ethnic tensions in Kosovo as Serbia seeks more talks

UPDATED: Pope says will visit N.Korea if he receives invitation

UPDATED: Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant cut off from supplying power to Ukraine

FACTBOX-Europe’s efforts to shield households from soaring energy costs

Factbox: How far are UK energy bills set to rise and what help are consumers getting?

TIMELINE – Ukraine’s turbulent history since independence

Ukraine war: six months that shook the world

Rushdie’s stabbing highlights divisions in Iranian society

Lory Del Santo, who’s son from singer Eric Clapton, Conor died after he fell from a window on the 53rd floor of a skyscraper in New York, revealed that her 19 year-old son Loren took his life because of a serious brain disease. 
It’s already a big devastation for any parent to lose a child. Let alone if this happens twice in a lifetime.
Speaking on Canale 5, in an interview which should be aired this weekend, Lory Del Santo said that she is facing a new and devastating mourning, the death of Loren, 19, a month ago.
She decided to speak on TV, in Verissimo (the episode of the program conducted by Silvia Toffanin will air on Saturday on Channel 5):
“My son Loren left us. He took his life because of a serious brain disease. His brain died out of mental collapse. “
“I destroyed my mind in this period to understand if humanly something could be done to help it, but we can hardly help cases of this kind. I have only one sense of guilt: the last time we saw each other I did not say “I love you” instead of just kissing him. Nothing else”. He also explained the reason for his public confession: “I tried to live this period alone without talking to anyone. Without friends. Without being able to tell the truth. 
I speak to regain strength, to be strong. Now I have to recover. I have to meet people. They told me that being segregated in my pain can only do me harm “ . 
Lory Del Santo also revealed to Silvia Toffanin who was in the Big Brother VIP cast (at the start of Monday) before this tragedy hit her: “I had signed up to participate. After what happened, in agreement with Mediaset, I had decided to give up. Today I asked to do the same experience. I think the Big Brother House is the only place I can feel protected. It could be a therapy. The fact that there is a confessional, to speak at any time with someone, can do me good “. 
Other words that have a certain effect, how can one think of exhibiting his own pain in the face of millions of people without modesty? But it is the reflection of a moment, because who we are to judge the pain of others, the abyss in which it takes you, the choices, maybe crazy, maybe not, to try to get out of it.”
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