Loose Vaginas

Loose Vaginas


Loose Vaginas

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When it comes to vaginas, there are many myths surrounding them, including myths regarding their “looseness” and “tightness.” While these myths, of course, have absolutely no merit, it doesn’t stop them from cropping up time and time again. Because they can be harmful to both a woman’s image and self-esteem, it is vital to debunk those myths and head straight to the facts. So breathe a sigh of relief and read on to learn the truth about loose vaginas and what it may mean to you if you find yourself dealing with this condition.
A few common myths that are associated with the tightness or looseness of a vagina include:
This myth was started long ago to prevent women from having too many sexual partners or to keep them from having sex before marriage. However, it is entirely untrue; in fact, sexual intercourse, even a lot of sexual intercourse, does not make the vagina “loose.” 
This is another one of those myths that were put into place to shame women into staying virgins until their wedding night. It is important to note that losing one’s virginity does not have anything to do with the tightness of the vagina. In fact, it is impossible to tell whether or not a woman is a virgin just by the feel of her vagina alone. 
Many people think that just because a woman gives birth vaginally, that her vagina will become loose and no longer retain that “tightness” that it once had. While it is true that the vagina stretches in order to allow the birth of a baby, it is vital to note that, like elastic, it does go back to its normal shape and size, meaning that it will feel almost (if not perfectly!) the same as it once did.
While separating truths from myths is important, especially when it comes to sexual matters, it is important to know that the vagina can lose some of its elasticity over time, whether by multiple vaginal births, age, or even genetics. When this happens, however, a vaginal rejuvenation procedure can be performed.
A vaginal rejuvenation procedure , or a vaginoplasty, can be performed to help the vagina feel tighter. While this procedure can be performed on women of any age, many older women who are done having children tend to opt for the procedure to help regain any tightness they may have lost due to childbirth and age.
Because the muscles in the vagina can become more relaxed and lose their elasticity over time, a vaginoplasty can correct this issue. This outpatient procedure is done in about sixty to ninety minutes and is done using a laser to help tighten and tone the muscles in the vagina.
If you would like to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today to find out if you might be a candidate! 
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Key points

Popular vaginal myths include the idea that frequent sex looses the vagina.
The vaginal muscle does not permanently stretch except in some cases of aging and/or multiple childbirths.
Kegel exercises tighten the vagina by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles that surround it.

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.

Posted September 16, 2011


Reviewed by Lybi Ma

Many women complain that their vaginas are "too tight" or "too loose," and many men raise the issue about lovers. Notions of vaginal tightness and looseness are fraught with mythology. Many people believe that:
Imagine a hand towel stuffed inside a thick sock squeezed by two hands. The sock is the vagina. The towel is the folded muscle tissue of the vaginal wall. And the hands are the pelvic floor muscles that surround the vagina.
The vagina's tightly folded muscle tissue is very elastic, like an accordion or the mouth. Try this: Pull the corners of your mouth out toward your ears then let go. What happens? The mouth immediately snaps back to its pre-stretched state because the tissue is elastic. Do it 100 times. There's no permanent stretching. The mouth quickly returns to its pre-stretched state and no one would ever know you'd stretched it.
The same goes for the vagina, with two exceptions I'll discuss shortly. When it's at rest–all the time except sexual arousal and childbirth–the vagina's muscle tissue remains tightly folded like a closed accordion. Anxiety makes the vaginal musculature clench even tighter. That's why young girls sometimes have problems inserting tampons. Their vaginal muscle tissue is tight and contracted to begin with, and many girls feel anxious about touching themselves and inserting anything, so the muscles contract even tighter.
As women become sexually aroused, vaginal muscle tissue relaxes somewhat. Biologically, this makes perfect sense. Evolution is all about facilitating reproduction. A tight vagina would impede intercourse and reproduction, so women evolved to have sexual arousal relax the vaginal muscles, allowing easier insertion of erections–and a greater chance of pregnancy .
However, arousal-related vaginal loosening does not produce a big open cavity like the inside of a sock. Rather, the vaginal interior changes from resembling a tight fist to a fist loose enough to insert a finger or two.
If the vagina feels "too tight" during lovemaking, the woman is either:
A man who attempts intercourse before the woman is fully aroused–before her vagina has relaxed and become well lubricated–is either sexually unsophisticated or a boor. Most women require at least 30 minutes of sensuality—kissing, hugging, and mutual massage for their vaginas to relax enough to allow the penis to slide in comfortably. That's why leisurely, playful, whole-body lovemaking is so important. It gives women (and men) the warm-up time they need. In addition, it also allows the vagina to relax, and, in most women, produce enough natural lubrication for comfortable intercourse. The solution to vaginal tightness is extended foreplay. If you need more lubrication, try a commercial lubricant.
One final note: If a woman experiences pain and/or great difficulty inserting a tampon or accepting an erection, the cause may be vaginismus, unusual clenching of the vaginal muscles. For suspected vaginismus, consult a physician.
After relaxing during sex, vaginal muscle tissue naturally contracts—tightens—again. Intercourse does not permanently stretch the vagina. This process, loosening during arousal and tightening afterward, happens no matter how often the woman has sex.
The vagina stretches a great deal during childbirth like an accordion opened all the way. Post-partum does it re-tighten completely? Yes, usually, at least in young women, that is, women in their late teens and early twenties. Within six months after delivery, the typical young woman's vagina feels pretty much how it was before she gave birth.
Now for the two exceptions. If you stretch elastic a great deal, over time, it fatigues and no longer snaps back entirely. That can happen to the vaginas of young women after multiple births. Their vaginal muscles fatigue and no longer fully contract. In addition, aging fatigues vaginal muscle. Whether or not women have given birth, as they grow older, they may complain of looseness.
Today, many women delay childbearing until after 30, and some have children after 40. Combine the rigors of older childbearing with the effects of aging on the vaginal muscles, and many women complain of looseness. Women who give birth after around 30 may notice persistent looseness after delivering only one child. Individual differences account for the fact that birth—and age-related looseness happens to some women and not others.
Here's a quick fix for vaginal looseness. Have intercourse in the man-on-top position. Once he inserts, he lifts himself up and the woman closes her legs. Her thighs squeeze his penis and make her feel tighter.
The tightening approach most often recommended by sex therapists is Kegel exercises. Kegels, named for the doctor who popularized them, involve contracting the muscles used to interrupt urine flow or squeeze out the last few drops.
Kegels do, indeed, tighten the vagina, but they have nothing to do with the vaginal muscles. They strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that surround the vagina, the hands that hold the stuffed sock. Age and childbearing fatigue these muscles. The hands don't grip the sock as tightly and the towel feels loose. Kegels tighten the pelvic floor muscles. The hands squeeze the sock, which clamps down on the towel, and the vagina feels tighter.
Kegels are totally private. They can be practiced anytime anywhere. Start slowly and over several weeks, work up to a half-dozen sets of 10 contractions several times a day. In a few months, you should feel tighter. You should also enjoy more intense orgasms. The pelvic floor muscles contract during orgasm . As they become stronger, so do orgasms.
If several months of daily Kegels don't produce the tight feeling you want, try ben-wa balls or vaginal cones. Ben-wa balls are sold as sex toys. Insert them, then walk around the house trying to keep them from falling out. When the pelvic floor muscles are weak, the balls drop out quickly, but as the muscles grow stronger, women can hold the balls inside longer. Vaginal cones are similar, except they're prescribed by physicians.
If vaginal cones don't work, electrical stimulation of the vaginal muscles is your last resort. A nurse inserts a probe similar to a tampon and a mild electrical current causes muscle contractions that make the vagina feel tighter. Treatments happen in a urologist's office during 20- to 30-minute sessions usually twice a week for about eight weeks.
Unfortunately, the mythology of vaginal tightness and looseness is deeply ingrained. I'll probably get nay-saying comments from people who swear that deflowering caused permanent loosening. I'm not about to argue with anyone's experience. I'm just describing the physiology. What do you think?
Michael Castleman, M.A. , is a San Francisco-based journalist. He has written about sexuality for 36 years.

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.

What It REALLY Feels Like To Have Sex With A Loose Vagina
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By Bob Alaburda — Written on Aug 05, 2015
You could argue for hours about which gender has it tougher when it comes to {{ sex and dating. There's no debating one thing, however: When a guy gets naked , what you see is what you get. Everything is laid bare.
On the contrary, we men quite literally don't know what we're getting into. 
And sometimes what we're getting into is a "loose" vagina .
Questioning whether or not "size matters" usually revolves around men, but it can apply to women, too. Generally, the consensus is that it matters to an extent, but technique plays a significant role as well ... that is, until you hit certain extremes.
If a man is small enough, it can reach a point that no amount of technique can make up for it because you're just not getting enough physical stimulation (time to work on your oral skills!).
Well, that reasoning can cut both ways. A spacious vagina reduces friction as much as a tiny penis , and with the same disappointing outcomes. 
Despite the popular misconception, you can't become loose by sleeping with too many men or other promiscuous behavior. Like every other part of your body, it's a roll of the genetic dice.
My first encounter with a loose vagina was a little jarring.
Like I mentioned above, I didn't know what I was getting into until I was into it. You're in the throes of passion; you're expecting sex to feel awesome ... and then it doesn't.
Stimulation for guys in particular is about friction. Generally, you fit around us like a glove. We feel friction in 360 degrees.
With a loose vagina, I could only come in contact with a small percentage of her surface area, if you will, at any given time. 
Imagine a guy trying to masturbate without closing his hand, and that will sort of paint the picture (however awkwardly).
So, I have a condom on, which decreases sensation some amount, and then you add decreased friction to the equation and I'm not feeling much at all down there.
Finishing is out of the question and even staying aroused at all is in jeopardy. It's a dicey situation because many women aren't used to a guy not finishing, and it can shake her confidence.
It can be an all-around awkward situation for everybody.
Sure, sex isn't all about one type of physical stimulation and there are other things you can do to keep him satisfied — a s long as both of you are on the same page and are open to that possibility.
The truth is a loose vagina is a real thing. Just like a small penis.
It's not a death sentence to your sex life; it just means you have to find someone you're sexually compatible with. Or work on your other skills.
You can bet the guy with a 3-inch penis is practicing his cunnilingus game. There's nothing wrong with that.
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