Loose Vagina Pics

Loose Vagina Pics


Loose Vagina Pics

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The vagina is an important reproductive organ in females. The word ‘vagina’ means a sheath. It is the fibro-muscular canal, forming the female Copulatory organ. In this post, you are going to learn about the anatomy of the vagina, and you can also visualize different vagina pics. There are vagina pics to assist you in understanding the topic better.
The female reproductive organ-vagina prolongate from the vulva to the uterus. It is present behind the bladder and the urethra and in front of the rectum and anal canal.
Let’s begin the anatomy of the vagina with its shape and size. The anterior wall of the vagina is about eight centimeters long. And the posterior wall of the vagina is about ten centimeters long.
While learning anatomy pictures play a vital role. Similarly to understand about vagina , the vagina pics are vital. Here are some of the vagina pics which will help you in better understanding.
The diameter of the vagina slowly increases from below upwards. The upper end of the vault is roughly five centimeters twice the size of the lower end which 2.5 centimeters. However, it is absolutely extensive and allows passage of the head of the fetus during normal delivery.
In the virgin women, the lower end of the vagina is incompletely closed by a fine annular fold of mucous membrane called the hymen.
In married women, the hymen is characterized by circular acclivity around the vaginal orifice, the caruncular hymenales.
The vagina is also a vascular organ, and the following arteries supplies it:
The vagina is first inspected at the introitus by separating the labia minora with the left hand. Next, the speculum examination helps to inspect the cervix and vaginal vault and to take the vaginal swab.
A pr vaginal (PV) digital examination helps to do palpation of the pelvic organs. With the examining fingers one can feel:
Bimanual (abdominovaginal) examination helps in the assessment of the size and position of the uterus, enlargements of the ovaries and tubes, and other pelvic masses.
Vaginal lacerations: Traumatic lacerations of the vagina are common, and may be due to forcible coitus (rape), during childbirth, or by accidents. This may give rise to profuse bleeding.
Vaginitis: it is common before puberty and after menopause because of the thin delicate epithelium. In adults, the resistant squamous epithelium prevents infections.
The trichomonas vaginalis, and gonococcal mainly causes Vaginitis. It causes leucorrhea or white discharge.
Vaginal prolapsed: prolapsed of the anterior wall of the vagina drags the bladder (cystocele) and urethra (Urethocoele), the posterior wall drags the rectum (rectocele).
The weakness of supports of the uterus can give rise to different degrees of prolapse. Similarly, trauma to the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina can cause the vesicovaginal, urethrovaginal, and rectovaginal fistulae.
Vaginal cancer: Primary new growths of the vagina, like the infections, are uncommon. However, the secondary involvement of the vagina by the cancer cervix is common.
Antimicrobials drugs: These are the substances produced by microorganisms, which suppress the growth or kill of other microorganisms at very low concentration. Antifungal medications like Miconazole, Clotrimazole , nystatin can treat yeast infections. For bacterial infection, you can use antibiotics. Antiviral medicines like acyclovir , gancyclovir, famciclovir, and more can treat the herpes virus infections
Wart treatment: Freezing, chemicals, burning with laser, or cautery are some methods used for the treatment of the wart. Do read about the home remedies for wart.
Exercises: Kegel exercises help to strengthen the pelvic muscle which helps to improve or prevent vaginal prolapsed. It may also prevent urinary incontinence.
Estrogen: In the treatment of different vaginal conditions, estrogen can be used. Both the internal and external organs of females respond to estrogen.
Surgery: Surgery is required for the differentiation of the tumor. It is also used for the treatment of vaginal prolapsed.
The vagina is an important female reproductive organ. It is a fibromuscular canal. Vagina suffers from different conditions like vaginitis and vagina prolapse. There are vagina pics showing the different vagina conditions. There are various treatments for the vagina conditions like using antimicrobial drugs or doing surgery in extreme cases.

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We're always trying to get to the bottom of sexual health rumors, and one we've been hearing for a while really needs an investigation. This one has it that the size of a woman's vagina is related to how much sex she's had. The more time she spends in the bedroom, the rumor goes, the looser and wider her vagina will be.

“Unless you are engaging in practices that are out of the ordinary, I would say absolutely not.” says Alyssa Dweck, MD, ob-gyn in Westchester, New York and co-author of The Complete A to Z for Your V. “ The vagina is an incredibly forgiving area, very rich in nerves and blood supply . . . so traditional penile-vaginal intercourse isn’t going to cause any permanent stretching, although things stretch at the time of course,” Dr. Dweck tells Health.

Here's what she means by that. When you’re aroused, your vagina becomes naturally lubricated, and it expands and widens in order to accommodate a penis. But this all reverses once the arousal state and the sex is over, says Dr. Dweck. “The vagina is more of a potential state. The opening can be created, but you don't walk around with a gaping vagina just because you've been having sex,” she explains.

There is one exception to this, according to Dr. Dweck. After the first few times you have sex, your vaginal opening will be more open because odds are it was previously covered by the hymen, the thin membrane of tissue covering the vaginal opening all women are born with. But this isn't a given, especially since the hymen could have been broken earlier, say by using tampons or even playing sports. And even without the hymen, the vaginal canal doesn't become bigger, she adds.

So if sex doesn't have a loosening effect on the vagina, what does, if anything? Having a baby via a vaginal delivery. Childbirth can permanently stretch the vaginal canal and opening, especially if an instrument like forceps or a vacuum is used during a delivery.

“A 10-pound baby could pass through the vagina, and although things may not go back to 100% the same after that, they sure go back to almost normal ,” says Dr. Dweck. A woman who has a huge laceration during delivery or a large episiotomy is less likely to return to her pre-baby size and feel, however.

Dr. Sherry A. Ross, MD, ob-gyn at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Southern California and author of She-ology, says a well-endowed partner can also make things looser—but only at the vaginal opening, not throughout the vagina itself. But even that loosening isn't all that substantial or noticeable. “Your vagina accommodates a penis fairly well,” says Dr. Ross. “I mean to really stretch out the vagina, you need a baby coming through it.”

The size of your vagina—whether it's been widened thanks to childbirth or a partner with a large penis—isn't something that necessarily remains the same your entire life. Once a woman goes through menopause, explains Dr. Ross, the vaginal entrance can shrink and become tighter if she is not having sex as frequently as she did before. Dr. Dweck attributes this tightening to the decreased estrogen production that happens after menopause.

What about all the jokes guys make about having sex with a woman who is loose down below? Don't believe them—it's unlikely that a man can really notice the difference. “I think guys can tell when a woman is a virgin, and they can probably tell if someone's had two babies or have had a vaginal birth," says Dr. Ross. "But I don’t think they're really going to notice much of a difference . . . unless a guy has a really small penis.”

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Post author

By Grey Nuns

Post date

October 29, 2020

Loose Vagina Vs Tight Vagina - all you need to know!


Loose Vagina , Loose Vagina Vs Tight Vagina , tight vagina , v tight gel , vagina looseness , vagina tightness

There is an ideal stage where women become conscious of their vagina looseness and tightness.
In both stages, females complain about either their vagina being too tight and too much loose.
Let’s take a look at both perspectives and find out which one is better, Loose or Tight?
We all know about the myth where virgin females are extremely tight and a loose vagina means she has done it many times.
Frequent sexual intercourse indeed tends to make women vagina lose plus other related causes are involved which can be reversed back with some tips and tricks.
Loose vagina vs tight vagina, women who are in the midst of 40s must have so many complaints about how their sex life used to be before they have multiple childbirths.
The spotlight is on the vaginal tightness first , the one thing all men dream about.
To know about the tightness of a vagina, the vaginal walls are comprised of folded muscle tissues that are very elastic.
Having sex frequently could have a major effect on vaginal tightness but it snaps back to its pre-stretched state when provided some time and care.
Some factors like childbirth or sexual arousals tend to stretch the vaginal muscles which makes it even tighter.
Anxiety is the common aspect that can be seen in young girls, this clenches their muscles even tighter.
Sometimes they have a problem in putting the tampons in, this is something women should know about their vaginal anatomy.
These muscles were already tighter and anxiety-like nature makes it so tight that it’s not a good sign.
Now, at the time of sexual arousals in which the blood supply is properly restored, these muscles relax at some point.
Nature has its way to ease the process of reproduction which is why a tighter vagina prevents you from having sex.
This is simple, women on sexual arousals find their vagina opened and so the insertion of the erect penis could be facilitated.
A tight vagina opens up for sexual intercourse doesn’t mean it’s a loose one.
The big open cavity-like generation is produced upon childbirth, hormonal changes, and sexual intercourse which opens the interior of the vagina enough for two fingers insertion.
Too much tight vagina during sexual intercourse means the woman is either not interested or you haven’t done the foreplay right my friend! The foreplay is the main process that allows the vaginal musculature to relax enough for easy insertion.
It’s a sign of a primitive class man who enforces their will on women and attempts intercourse even before their vaginal muscles have relaxed or well lubricated.
You must stay away from such men though, women need at least 30 minutes for sexual arousals where the ideal attempts would be touching, kissing, hugging, squeezing gently or mutual hand job does the best trick. 
A tighter vagina doesn’t mean the sex will be easy, although it will be wonderful as she allows you to get in.
“ But as a man, you need to learn a lot about how to make women soaking wet in bed without pain. “
This is the common solution to the vaginal tightness that is an extended version of foreplay, you can use external lubricant in that if you want.
To your relationship, a tight vagina means improved sex life. Having a tight vagina allow women to achieve an ultra-grade level of satisfaction where they provide the grip to the erect penis which is the main thing for pleasure.
As men insert, he will find women reaching multiple orgasms as he is hitting the different pleasure spots. A loose vagina will only have 10% of these perks.
Another benefit of having a tight vagina to your relation is happiness and joy in your life.
We struggle for so many things in our lives and the goal is to achieve peace and joy in whatever we do.
In the case of having an improved sex life, both men and women tend to work on a satisfactory level in every aspect of life, said to a study done in the New York population.
Remember that sexual intercourse can never do a permanent stretch to the vagina which is why the vaginal muscle naturally contracts afterward.
This process is inevitable regardless of how many times women have sex. But in childbirth, the vagina stretches to a great extent which opens all the way like an accordion.
Normally, teenage girls or young women re-tightens following post-partum. Within six months, a normal woman with a tight vagina gets her old vaginal shape.
Now, there are those women who stretched to a great deal over time, and their vaginal muscles won’t snap back completely.
This can happen to both young and aged women after multiple childbirth or any sort of accident that they don’t want to share.
Vaginal muscle fatigue is the common term used for the scenario where these muscles do not contract back. This may lead to complaints of having a loose vagina.
In the modern era, some women deliver their child until after 30 while some have childbirth after their 40’s.
From a medical point of view, the older childbearing effects with the combined aging process have a vivid effect on vaginal looseness.
This is why women after their 30’s complain about loose vagina after giving birth to only one child.
There is a whole explanation for that, after the childbirth female body goes through multiple hormonal changes.
Some of those changes are also involved with loose vaginal that can be alleviated by the following tips and tricks.
It is true pelvic exercises are the main source for strengthening the vaginal muscles.
To get your vagina tight, always focus on your core which will support your bladder, rectum, and uterus.
In females, when the pelvic floor muscles are weakened from childbirth or age, they may feel the constant need to pee.
Some will have pain in their pelvic region while others experience pain during sexual intercourse.
You can get your urinary incontinence treated by pelvic floor exercise but some external supplementation is considered beneficial to treat a loose vagina. Vaginal tightening gels play an important part in those needs.
Women who do kegel exercises first needed to identify their pelvic floor muscles. The exercise comprises stopping the pee in midstream and that’s how you find those muscles.
Kegel exercise for strengthening pelvic floor muscles is done in these 3 steps.
There are several natural supplements to restore the elasticity of vaginal muscles. One of the best remarkable products in this line is V-Tight Gel which has a maximum number of female reviews.
V-Tight Gel is a natural gel formulation applied before having sexual intercourse.
The soothing sensation and tightening effect makes it easier for women to have the best sex of their life.
But the medical use of V-Tight Gel is recommended by many doctors to prevent vaginal loosening.
You can buy V-Tight Gel at almost every US health store, but the best place to buy is the official page.
Whatever fits your need, a tight vagina is demanded by the majority of men because it’s what makes them die for you.
Women on the other hand, also conscious about their vaginal health which is why they prefer a tight vagina.
A loose vagina is a sign of the aging process and it turns out you don’t find a unique kind of pleasure from it.
There is a whole reason why supplements like V-Tight Gel are selling in high number, as more women are getting conscious about their vaginal health more of these products are being made every day.
It is always recommended to perform kegel exercise because nothing beats the old-fashioned vaginal tightening exercise which promotes the lubrication, intensifies the level of pleasure, and gets your man a fresh and ripped fruit of heaven!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product is not intended for those with a medical condition. Use only as directed.
Note: Do not use this product if you are at risk of or are being treated for high blood pressure, kidney, liver, thyroid, or psychiatric disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, herpes, or stroke. Consult your physician before prescription drug. Not for use by children under the age of 18. Free shipping is to the United States only.Results are not guaranteed, results vary by individual

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