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Lol Teen Webcam Forum


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There is nothing better than to receive a fun disposable camera as laughable as this! This is quite a camera you would enjoy indeed!
Daddy’s friend (the famous cyanwater) gave me a LOL CAM. Daddy explained to me that it can only be used once, taught me how to use it and let me have lots of fun with it.
The camera is loaded with a roll of 24 exposure film and also it is loaded with some very interesting masks! You will find things like photo frames, words and stuffs. Every 2 frames have the same mask.
To use the camera, you have to hold on to a flash button in front of the camera (thank God my fingers are long enough to reach it!).
Once you have taken a shot, just turn the advance wheel until it stops and you are ready for the next frame.
I would advise to throw away the box that came with it. This is because by not knowing which frames having which mask … it is way more unexpected and fun (that’s what Lomography is all about!).
Once advise … try not to get someone ‘important’ in the ‘WTF’ frame like I did (I got daddy, aka ndroo) in it and he told me there’ll be no more toys for a month or two. :(
I need to get one of these for birthday parties! Bachelor/bachelorette parties would be fun too!
Excellent first article ! Cool camera and great shots !
Funny cam and nice article! Welcome fitzand, you're the new generation!! :))
I've been looking for this camera ever since I read about it in your blog, but haven't been able to find it... :(
Great article and cool camera!!!! Congrats!
I have one of these. I got is as a gift two Christmases ago but have not finished shooting on it still. I think I have about 6 shots left. I can't remember what I've shot with it so far, so it will be interesting to get the thing developed . . . once I finish it.
@paper_doll. they sell them at Urban Outfitters.
wow great fun camera!!! I want one!
@paper_doll : It should be available at Urban Outfitters.
bahaha the moustache pic is hilarious :)
yeah, I also have one of these ^_^ but I couldn't yet decide to try it, waiting for a special moment
Beyond what the lens captures, there is more photography for Ben Parks. Shooting large format for decades, his relationship with the medium only grows stronger each time he shoots. With the LomoGraflok 4×5 Instant Back, he shot his surreal landscape shots on Instax wide, and the result is as magical as you would expect from him.
Tsutomu Umezawa says that he usually shoots with color negatives such as portrait project #It Girly. We asked him to shoot with the LomoGraflok 4x5 Instant Back, which allows you to enjoy Instax Wide Film with a 4x5 large format camera.
There's no rational explanation as to why any photographer has a favorite camera sometimes, especially when this camera is heavy and not the most practical for street photography. But for large format photographer Justin Borucki, his love for tintypes will make him forget all about the weight and size of the camera, tripod, and portable darkroom he carries all around!
Rediscover the world's first instant camera with a wide-angle lens, now available with exclusive design by UK artist, Laura Slater.
Beyond the shutter, there is a world for photographer Natalie Goulet that she experiments with. Chemicals, burning, soaking, cyanotype, nothing is forbidden. We talked to Natalie about her future projects, her current work, and how she pushed the boundaries of art and photography together.
One of our resident photographers, Rob Detoyato, recently acquired a beaten up 4x5 Camera. On his quest to restore a 48-year-old Field Camera, he documented the painstaking process of replacing its damaged bellows. Here is a step-by-step account in case you would need to replace the bellows in your trusty Field Camera.
Who better to test out the newest Lomography Art Lens Atoll Ultra-Wide 2.8/17 Art Lens than Lomoamigo Erica Reade? With her affinity with light, wide blue skies and everything in between, the combination of her skills and our new, wide, sharp lens is a match made in heaven!
Say hello to the special edition LomoChrome Metropolis 35 mm ISO 100-400 Tokyo, designed in collaboration with Kitamura!
Take a trip back in time with these 4-in-1 snaps. They are definitely a throwback to how fun it is to shoot with multi-lens cameras!
During his downtime from being a software developer, Cullen Lowe is an analogue artist who loves to take his friends on fun photoshoots. He uses the LomoChrome Metropolis and Petzval 80.5 MKII Lens this time around for a more unique style.
As the days become shorter and the nights grow longer, we’re here to give you a few ideas you can add for your analogue agenda this Halloween.
Have a fully lit photographic experience and save 50% on the Lomography Ringflash with the Fisheye, Lomo LC-A+, or Diana F+ Camera bundles!
Our newest wide angle Atoll Ultra-Wide 2.8/17 Art Lens is the perfect lens to get a full story in one frame. Documentary photographer Chrystofer Davis tried it out in the streets of New York for a larger-than-life angle through his camera.
Exploring his neighborhood along with his camera and some Lomography Color Negative 400, Dan Bassini documented a summer different than what the city is used to. With all his photos together, he created "Cruel Summer" a book with some stolen moments from a frozen time.
Ever wondered what a world diary looks like? Look no further. This photo gallery from @sophiabermuda is all you need to see.
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