Loki Bdsm

Loki Bdsm


Loki Bdsm



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Work Search:

tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson"

Stories where Loki is in BDSM relationship, or where sex ( or eventually romance) is the main point of the story
Loki/Laufey angst sex and probably bullshit.
That fateful day Loki successfully influenced Thor to wade into Jotunheim did not end with him making it home with his family. Instead he fell into a crevice, where he was found by Laufey, and told the truth about his parentage. But he needs to hear it from his real father, the man that raised him. But Loki still finds it hard to believe he belongs, and gives up everything for a place to call his own. For a throne to call his own, as is now definitely his birthright.
Follows canon happenings, then into canon divergence.
Years after Malekith, Thor is King, Jane is Queen, and Loki is still Asgard's prisoner.
That doesn't mean he's always expected to stay in his cell. They have an arrangement.
Loki is kidnapped by people who want to send Odin a message. They keep him deep underground, where not even Heimdall can see him.
Since they plan on having the brat there for a while, they might as well have some fun...
“We will make you long for something sweet as pain,” The Other promised Loki. They did. Thanos put an evil spell upon all Asgard, inspiring their vile behavior in TDW, in order to break Loki’s heart. Now that Thanos is dead, the spell is broken, leaving Asgard with much to atone for.
This isn’t going to be a novel so much as a series of connected shorts.
Note: I probably won't write more for this series.
-Kink Meme- Loki and Sigyn are to be married. Problem is, neither of them is interested in having sex. Ever. But they will be required to have sex on their wedding night while Witnesses listen in at the door. This will require some plotting.

Warning: heavy BDSM, mentions of torture
Your moans echoed in the empty room that he had left you in for the past hour. He didn’t tell you where he was going, but the anxiety of his return made you feel like you were going to have a heart attack. Trying to keep your breathing under control, you took deep breaths in and out, but the fact that your wrists were chained together and your naked and blindfolded body was hanging from the ceiling – your feet on the floor – kept the fear in the front of your mind. You tried to come to accept what was happening. You were his. You were Loki’s.
Loki had left you alone in the dark, dingy room while he “ran errands” around the city. You heard his footsteps as he casually walked back to the room where he had left you. He grinned mischievously at the image before his eyes – you still hanging where he had left you, your naked body his for the taking.
“I’m back, love,” he purred in your ear as his hands stroked your sides. You didn’t hear him walk to you, but then again, you were still trying to calm down. “Thank you for being such a good little whore.”
You tried to swing and kick him at the derogatory name, but it only resulted in Loki laughing. Then, out of nowhere, you felt the hard slap of a leather whip on your naked behind. You let out a scream, and he laughed some more – letting you feel it once again.
“Oh, pet,” he moaned while slowly rubbing the whip all over your body. “I have found us a ton of toys to play with today.” You felt him put the whip in between your legs, and he gently tapped it against your clit. He knew what he was doing, and you wanted to do whatever you could not to give in, so you fought back any sounds you would have otherwise made. You should’ve known better than this because he only hit your clit harder with the leather whip until you gave him what he wanted. “Open your legs,” he demanded in your ear. He kicked your legs apart, and chains wrapped around your ankles and were chained to the floor. They were painfully spread – he didn’t want you to have any fight against him. You could feel him circling your body, and his hands explored every inch of your skin. He moaned once he got to your ass, and he gently rubbed it. You had figured out that he was more of an ass guy than a boob guy, although he did love both.
You felt his cool mouth place small kisses down your back – starting from your neck. Once you felt him get closer to your ass, you instinctively arched your back – giving him more access.
“Oh?” Loki growled. “It seems that my whore is realizing how much she actually does want me.” All you could do was let out a moan that was muffled by your teeth biting your bottom lip. Using his hand this time, he slapped your ass once more. “Nuh-uh,” he purred. “You don’t hide your noises from me – bad things will happen if you do.” Loki gently massaged your cheeks, admiring their perfect plumpness. His lips returned to them, and he was determined to put his mouth on every exposed piece of skin. His hands slowly made their way in the middle, and you felt him quickly yet gently spread your cheek apart. With a dark chuckle, placed a kiss on your rear hole, which caused you to jump. Before you could register what was happening, you felt his tongue begin to devour your ass. The shock of the action was too much, and you weren’t able to hold back your whimper. He laughed at your noises and continued to eat like he was a starving animal.
While his tongue was working your backside, he slid one of his hands underneath you and began to stroke your cunt. To your embarrassment, you were soaked, and he moaned at the feeling of your wetness on his fingers.
“My oh my,” he moaned, his voice muffled as he remained where he was. “You, my darling, are soaked.”
“Fuck you,” you finally managed to speak. You felt Loki’s mouth leave your rear, and his fingers stopped moving over your clit.
“What was that?” Loki asked, knowing full-well what you had said but not believing you had. “Fuck me ?”
You had instantly regretted what you said. “I didn’t mean it.”
He didn’t believe you for one second. “Uh-huh,” he muttered before taking the whip to your ass again, eliciting a yelp from you. “I was going to save this until later,” he began as he reached for something, “but you deserve it now.” You didn’t know what he had in mind, but it didn’t take long to figure out what he was doing. He ran his tongue over your rear again. He then took a large, pear-shaped, metal anal plug and force it into your mouth. Once he took it out, you felt him start to force it into your tightest tunnel. You screamed from the pain. “Before you wonder,” he began as he forced the plug inside you, “no, this isn’t the smallest size.” You could hear him chuckling at your pain. “This is the third-largest, and you will take it.” It felt like he was trying to rip you in half, and you could feel some blood starting to shed from the tearing of your delicate tissues. Finally, he inserted the entire thing. Before walking around to face you, he slapped the green plug, which caused an immense amount of pain and an embarrassing amount of pleasure.
Loki slowly removed the blindfold from your face, finally allowing you to see the room. You had tears in your eyes from the pain of the plug being forced into you, but Loki gently wiped them off your cheeks while you tried to get your body to adjust to the new addition.
“This could’ve been avoided if you had just watched your mouth,” he told you, feigning concern. You sniffled and tried to look tough, but he saw through you easily. “Now, if I remove the chains, will you do as I say?”
You nodded. You would do anything to get these chains off. “Yes, sir,” you said quickly.
“If you decide to fight me, I did get the second and first-largest,” he spoke in your ear as he gently patted the plug in your behind as a reminder. “Do we have an understanding?”
Again, you nodded in agreement. With a smirk, Loki released your wrists, and you instantly rubbed them, trying to get rid of the pain they had caused. “I promise, sir,” you quietly spoke.
“On your knees,” he ordered. You did as he said without an argument, and you knelt on the hard, cold, stone floor. As soon as you were in position, you looked up at him and made eye contact with his beautiful blue eyes. With a wave of his hand, his clothes disappeared, and his erect cock was in front of your face. Involuntarily, you licked your lips, and Loki let out another chuckle. “Hungry, little one?” Loki grabbed a fistful of your hair and guided it towards his throbbing member. Once you tasted the precum that leaked from his tip, any reservations that you had were gone once and for all. He tasted heavenly – like the god he was. You wished you could drink from him all day – sustaining yourself on nothing but his sweet nectar.
Whatever you were unable to fit into your mouth, you began to stroke with your hands, and Loki moaned at the feeling. While he fucked your mouth, your hands played with his testicles and the base of his shaft. As you felt him begin to come undone in your mouth, you let out a moan which drove him even wilder.
“Take it,” he whispered as his head tilted back and his grip on your hair strengthened.
Before you could do anything in response, you felt him begin to empty himself on your tongue. Eagerly, you swallowed what you were able to, and that which was too much dripped down your chin and onto your breasts. Loki slowed down and slowly pulled out of your mouth, and you move your hands.
Loki crouched down and licked himself off your breasts and chin before planting his lips on yours and demanding that you open your mouth for him. He moaned at the taste of himself on your tongue, and you felt the chains on your ankles break free. Roughly, he placed one hand under your ass, which caused the plug to move inside you, and stood up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and he walked the two of you over to a bed that you hadn’t seen before. He lay you down on your back and threw your legs over his shoulders. Immediately, he dove into your soaking folds – licking up and swallowing all the juice you could produce. He moaned at your taste, trying to get closer to your throbbing core. Your clit was swollen, and he wasted no time in capturing it with his teeth and giving the little nub painful bites. You screamed at the feeling, but the screams were followed by a moan – and another dark chuckle from the god between your thighs. After each bite, he would gently suck on your clit – mixing pain with pleasure.
Loki entered his fingers inside your entrance one at a time – bringing forth more of your juices. Once he was sure his two fingers were coated in your slick, he removed his hand and guided it up to your lips. At first, you were unsure of what to do, so he slapped your boob before forcing your mouth open and shoving his fingers inside. He wanted you to taste yourself as he was. And he was right. You moaned at your own taste, wishing you were in his position – being able to eat the same meal. With his other hand, he began to move the plug inside your ass around. You could feel it stretching you, but at the same time, it added to the immense pleasure that you had given in to. You gasped as you felt Loki’s tongue breach your entrance, and he massaged each side of your tunnel – causing it to throb against his tongue. You reached for his hair as you approached your climax and tried to hold him to your body so he wouldn’t pull away and would grant you some sort of reward for being good. You should have known better, however. As soon as you started to fall over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure, he pulled himself away from you and hovered over your body – his face inches away from yours.
The God of Mischief laughed at your desperate attempt to come undone, and he began working his way down your body once more. He took his time worshipping each nipple and causing the amount of pain that you responded positively to. His teeth pulled on each one, and his fingers twisted them. After he inflicted the pain, he would suck on them with his cool mouth to add the right amount of pleasure. Lost in your mind, you didn’t notice when Loki began to line himself up with your entrance. Once you felt him breach your tiny, tight tunnel, you looked up at him – jumping at the feeling.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he cooed at you, placing a finger on your lips. “You will take me. All of me.” The fear began to creep back in, and you tried to close your thighs. Loki responded by roughly spreading them and holding them with both hands so that your knees were almost touching your face. He wanted your legs wide open – ready to receive him. Once again, he lined himself up with your tunnel, and in one quick, painful motion, he shoved his cock completely inside you – moaning at your tightness. You let out a pained yelp, and he placed one of his hands over your mouth to keep you silent. “That’s a good girl,” he praised as tears fell from your eyes. “Look at your tight, little cunt stretching for my cock.” He removed his hand from your mouth once he was certain that you weren’t going to scream anymore. You felt his fingers gently massage your clit – still swollen from his previous actions. Then, he began to move. You felt his cock slide out of you – the veins rubbing your walls. Once he was almost out, he slammed himself back in. As he was moving in and out, he kept hitting the plug he had forced into you earlier. “Your little cunt is milking me so hard,” he groaned in your ear. After a few minutes, the pain started to let up, and the pleasure became the most profound feeling. Reluctantly, you let out a moan as he moved in and out of your body. “Does my little whore like that?” he asked with a chuckle, smiling down at you.
“Fuck it,” you muttered under your breath, finally giving in completely to the god fucking you. You grabbed a fistful of his dark locks and pulled his face down to yours, capturing his lips and exploring his mouth. Loki moaned at the change in your demeanor.
“You broke character,” he chuckled once he managed to pull away from you.
“I don’t care,” you panted. “Just fuck me.”
“As my queen wishes,” he grinned before pulling you up and holding you close to his chest.

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Work Search:

tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words

After the attack on New York, you get hired to watch over the prisoner responsible for the attack, a job that was supposed to bring the stability back in your life might upheavel it even more as Loki tricks you into releasing him from the cell. Where does this journey with the Ruthless god of Mischief would take you?
When the half-blood reader finds herself forcibly removed from her service to the Messenger God, Hermes, distanced from Olympus, and temporarily cut off from her demi-god abilities, she's forced to find purpose and work between occasional freelance gigs for Camp Half-Blood. There's not a lot of call for monster slayers in New York - lucky for the reader that Tony Stark needs something very specific guarded.
Loki's tricky, clever, dangerous - and more than he seems at first glance. Yet he may be exactly what she needs.
If the demands of guarding the trickster and don't prove daunting enough, the world she's left behind isn't so done with her as she had thought. Trouble is brewing in Olympus, drawing the reader and those tangled up with her back whether they want to go or not.
Faced with the gods who've so thoroughly let her down and a new possibility that she wants to believe in -and who may need her belief in him as well- can she dare to have faith once more? And can she and her new friends handle manage a miracle before the destruction of Olympus takes the world at large with it?
Reader walks in on Lady!Loki and Fandral making out
They have the perfect opportunity to save the timeline...
With every TVA across the universe searching for them, Loki and Mobius reluctantly turn to Dr. Strange for help to escape and prepare for a fight. But a twist of fate leaves the pair with no memories in Regency Midgard. Newly married, Loki and Mobius connect to each other while they try to reconnect with their past.
As the couple unravel how they lost their memories, they are drawn into a mystery. Glowing gemstones, whispers of a cult and a grotto with a legend that may connect it all. Loki is forced to decide between true purpose and glorious purpose and Mobius must decide where his loyalties lie.
Tony experiences an Asgardian gala for the first time as the consort of Prince Loki. It’s very different from gala’s on Earth.
Kinky Things Happen Bingo Square - Exhibitionism
The relationship between Loki and Thor is strange and difficult and profound. It wounds and heals them at the same time.
Smother Fuck
Riley Reid Domination
Abella Danger First Scene

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