Location Private

Location Private


Location Private




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A simple app to set your location to anywhere in the world, and improve general phone location privacy.
This app will fake/spoof both your GPS and network location on your phone.
Many apps on your phone won't work without location permissions, and can make repeated and unnecessary location requests in the background throughout the day.
Setting your location somewhere else will help to mitigate that and protect your privacy.
The open-source Leaflet map library along with Wikimedia to provide map tiles (OpenStreetMap) are used in place of Google Maps.
Note: this app, or similar apps, are unlikely to fool apps or services that have a legitimate need to determine whether users are actually where they claim to be (gaming, check-in apps etc.), and will likely deploy various anti-spoofing techniques and methods to determine if you are there or not.
The app will guide you through the steps needed.
Developer settings will need to be enabled.
App will need to be set as the mock location app (or 'mock locations enabled' in older Android versions)
For better privacy, or if you're having issues with your real location being exposed, it's best to turn off any options that allow use of WiFi and network to help determine your location.
To contribute, or to report issues please use the Issue Tracker .
Map tiles are provided by Wikimedia (Maps Terms of Service) , which uses (OpenStreetMap) data.
If you find these apps useful, consider supporting me in some way in my mission to create simple, useful, privacy-oriented, open-source apps.
ETH: 0x785a8804c85b88683a5cce5e53f60878831e5d03
XMR: 43Vijzdt3y42mmT954rSYPjXYabDsjYEV2KyhxfC46JibR2ny9VmRS1fjdJTHxxPVPFE8ajgArwjWfyaRgjh9vcNAwmkfJj

Private Location - Apps on Google Play
GitHub - Private Location
Get Current location using FusedLocationProviderClient in Android | Medium
Private locations overview: Monitor internal sites and add new locations
java - Android LocationServices.FusedLocationApi... - Stack Overflow
By profession and passion : Android Developer
Previously we have taught you how you get current location using GPS/Network Provider . Then android has revealed FusedLocationProviderClient under GoogleApi . FusedLocationProviderClient is for interacting with the location using fused location provider.
( NOTE : To use this feature, GPS must be turned on your device. For manually ask the user to turn on GPS, please check next article )
So let’s get started for the tutorial for getting the current location.
First, add a dependency for location by play services:
Then define FusedLocationProviderClient:
Now ask for runtime permission for above android 6 OS devices
N o w, request for permission if not granted and get the result on onRequestPermissionsResult overridden method, check highlighted code below:
Here, when you allow using permission for an app, it will return to onRequestPermissionsResult method. And again get the last location and print location on textview.
Above code will work if an app has already granted the location permission
Here you can notice, why we put a condition that if(location!=null) before getting latitude-longitude. The location object may be null in the following situations:
Now if in case we can’t getting location then we have an option for request location updates. Location updates will give you continuous location at any specific time interval as per your request. Let’s move on location updates.
Here we definitely get the current location using this location updates. And once we get the location, we can also remove location continuous updates else you will get multiple locations updates. This will help you when you want to move the marker on the map as current location changes.
Now you can find some methods of location request like setPriority(), setInterval() and setFastestInterval().

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