Local Nudes

Local Nudes


Local Nudes
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Never share your nudes with anyone, men are putting them up on websites sorted by location and by college, even including names
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My friend sent me a disturbing TikTok video today where a girl exposes a website men have been using to share nudes of women local to their area. I went on the board to my state and on the front page I saw one of my sister’s friends, a girl I have known since she was 10 and I know would never post something like that publicly. Her name and face was included in all pics with men requesting more from whatever asshole was sharing them. I went to my local college page and after going through a 2 pages I saw 3 girls I recognized. I had to stop after that because I felt nauseous.
The posts include both location and names as well, incredibly personally identifying information that sometimes had a social media handle. There are town specific threads. All the posts were of women, there were posts requesting women, even of mothers and married women.
Women need to stop sharing nudes, even if you don’t include your face in them they will still post a picture of your face above them in their sick threads. No matter how a guy tries to convince or manipulate you into sending them, even if it’s on Snapchat, do not send them. You have no idea if you will end up on a website like this no matter what you think of the guy you’re sending it to.
I’m not going to post the website, it’s been scrubbed but mirror sites of it are still active. I also don’t want any men who lurk here to know of it. There is a petition going around to have the website taken down permanently and there are legal actions you can take if you find yourself on the website. Stay safe out there.
Edit: Someone PM’d me and confirmed there have been cases of minors being posted on there too
Edit 2: Receiving a lot of pms and comments about my use of the word “men” in the title. I find the fact that’s what you have the biggest grievance with in this entire post very telling
Edit 3: Had to remove the petition link to follow sub rules!
Edit 4: I don’t know how but site owners have started catching on to how people are talking about their creepy sites. Two of the mirrors I know are down for maintenance and “members only” and one is also trapped behind a paywall even though 1 hour ago they were open for anyone to see. Looks like they are trying to lock down their operation before the movement against it gets too much traction
Edit 5: To all the concerned women messaging me, I will be answering all of your PMs. Some of the women who did message me have found their pics on the sites before they were locked out by the site owners. In light of this, I am still sharing the links with users I can verify are women (I will NOT be sharing with any men) for you to have in case they do open the sites back up. Please PM me if you would still like the links and I’ll send you instructions on what I need to verify you are a women and how I will send these links to you. For now I’m taking a break from answering PMs but I will get back to everyone today or tomorrrow.
Edit 6: I promise this is the last edit to this post. I have gotten over 500 messages so far and I will respond to all of them! It might take me a while to respond however. The only thing is I seem to have hit some sort of chat limit and now I’m unable to respond to anymore chats people send me today. PMs are still working but I am just going to post the instructions on my profile and pin it so you don’t need to go through the chat feature to reach me. I will still be vetting obviously. I am also planning on compiling a guide from suggestions in the comments of what to do if you find your pic on one of these sites and will work on it this week and send it to those who PM’d me. Lastly, I just want to thank the incredible women who have shared their stories and worries with me over their pictures appearing on one of these sites. The sheer amount women who have this anxiety is staggering, I just want to say in all likelihood you aren’t on these sites, but even if you are it’s not a reflection on you. It’s a reflection on the sick fucks who could betray someone’s trust so flippantly, and I hope they rot in hell. I also hope everyone pushes your local politicians on revenge porn laws so that women don’t have to suffer the anxiety and ramifications of having their nude images shared without consent online. I hope all of you stay safe.
How can I check if I’m on there? Can’t believe I even have to ask but I got unknowingly recorded by this guy when we hooked up and I’ve been paranoid ever since. He told me about it after. He didn’t “secretly” record me, it’s just that we had sex in his shop and he has security cameras. I asked him to delete it but he said “I can’t bring myself to do it.” I don’t think he’s shitty enough to post something like that but I wish I could know for sure.
I get worried about this stuff too but I have no idea how to know for sure. It's honestly terrifying
My ex posted my photos on a revenge porn site. Not only that, he sent them to my friends and family directly. The scariest part was that men would comment on my photos on the revenge porn site with my full name, my social media links, and the links to my family members' social media post. I was terrified that they would find me in real life and hurt me. It was to date the worst experience of my life. Nobody deserves that and I am sad to see nothing has changed.
Good lord your ex was a complete psycho...
I will never forget the day I got to school and nearly everyone was looking at me, laughing, etc and it took until lunch for someone to tell me the man that sexually abused me between the ages of 7-14 posted pictures of the abuse on 4chan.
I skipped school for nearly a month, getting off the bus, going to the gas station that didn't card, to go get fucked up on 4lokos alone because everyone saw those fucking pictures and no one cared that I was visibly distressed and being raped in them.
I had a lot of nudes saved on an ex's phone from back in 2013. The phone was stolen and he didn't have a lock on it. Now I'm fucking terrified my photos are out there if some creep took the phone. I really hope the person just wiped the device and didn't care about anything on it.
My ex-girlfriend gave me some nudes when we were dating, and about a week after we broke up she texted me asking me (in a bit of a panic, or at least as much as that can be conveyed by text) to delete them from my phone and make sure to get them from my cloud. She'd read articles about websites much like the ones you found, including people who hack cloud servers to get private info. It's sad and terrifying shit, to think that people will just spread out private things like that.
This is really disheartening. If anyone finds one of their picture or video posted online like this, I think the following are the steps you would need to take:
Perform a google reverse image search on the image (In chrome - right click>"search google for image" )
Contact site admin and let them know the image is present without your concent
Perform a DMCA take down . It works!
A bunch of US states and a lot of countries have regulations against revenge porn. Prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.
If you find or suspect any of the image shared in the site is of a minor - report it immediately to the fbi
I am not the expert in any of this - but the above is simply what I picked up from a variety of resources through the years - hopefully someone finds them helpful.
This may get down-voted to hell, but my comment is about technology not about people (People are SCUM for sharing private things).
Nothing in the digital realm is safe: not photo's, not video's, not music, not secrets... not anything.
Everything digital can and will be stolen, leaked and abused.
Only take digital nude photo's if you don't care if the whole world see's them. That is the reality, there is no digital security. it sucks.
The leaking part is very important. Even if you trust the intentions of the entity you share data with they can't guarantee that their data is safe. And even innocent "i don't have anything to hide" type information is dangerous in the wrong hands. Seemingly harmless information can still be used to impersonate you for example.
You hit the nail on the head here. I remember an interview with Kristin Bell where they asked if she and her husband sexted, and she made this exact point.

Here's Where the Naked Pics You Sexted Will End Up
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IsAnyoneUp.com had one simple, brilliantly malicious premise: submit completely naked pictures of your ex (or anyone you dislike), completely anonymously. The ultimate Internet revenge, viewed by a quarter of a million people every day. It shut down. Now it's back .
The infamous pic hub, which mixed masturbation and mass-shaming by gleaning x-rated selfies from Facebook and private texts, eventually bowed to legal pressure and the shouts of cyber-bullying. But its creator, Hunter Moore, just launched a new site , and it looks like the baron of revenge porn sleaze is unrepentant. If anything, he's excited to be back:
My name is Hunter Moore and I created Is Anyone Up.com when I was 24 years old. I was broke and sitting on my parents couch in Sacramento, California with -$120 in my bank account. It was for me and my friends to post pictures of girls we were fucking at the time & somehow someone found it and it became what it was. I sold it because i hated what the media turned it into and it could never be what i wanted it to be and always wanted to troll the lame and boring fad that soccer moms love and thats "bullying". We had too many hackers too much overhead and way too many legal problems. This time I am doing it right. We are going to start off by launching with all the old IAU content and all new content. The submission page has only been up for five full days and we've done over 7thousand submission within that time. I am creating something that will question if you will ever want to have kids. I am making something very scary but yet fun. If you remember the old IAU you will have it back but with a mobile APP to go along with it and a very strong social networking site of our community. I hope you are all as excited as i am.
The submission page says it all: this is streamlined porn terrorism. You can submit up to ten shots of your victim at once, and HunterMoore.tv asks that you include a link to the person's Facebook profile. Expect this to temporarily ruin many social lives once it opens its doors to jilted lovers and sociopaths. [ HunterMoore.tv via BetaBeat ]
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Naked and covered in fake blood, an abortion-rights activist reportedly left mouths agape as he joined the Fourth of July parade in Brattleboro, Vermont, on Monday.
Minutes before the parade begun Monday morning, Ivan Hennessy emailed the Brattleboro Reformer and other media outlets to let them know of his plan and what kind of statement he intended to make, the newspaper reported .
“I cannot tolerate my own inaction any longer in the face of the overturning of Roe v. Wade,” Hennessy reportedly wrote in the email. “The Supreme Court’s rejection of medical privacy and bodily autonomy is not the only terrible injustice I’ve seen our government embrace. It is not unique in the magnitude of suffering it brings. But, my own inaction has become unbearable.”
Hennessy hoped his act of protest would draw more attention to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and encourage others to take more action, the newspaper reported.
According to the Reformer , Police Chief Norma Hardy said at a subsequent Select Board meeting that her officers made the decision not to interfere with the protest, noting that they were more concerned about the overall safety of everyone at the event. She pointed to the mass shooting in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park where seven were killed and dozens more injured.
Other parade attendees said they were disturbed by the incident, with Russ Grabiec, a Brattleboro resident who was filming the Independence Day event for the community television station, calling it “traumatizing.”
“He was walking slowly, counter to the parade,” he reportedly said at the meeting. “And if I had do it over again, I would have gone out there and dragged him off and pushed him into a corner. He was trying to make his First Amendment speech and showing off, and it wasn’t much to look at.”
Brattleboro’s public nudity ordinance allows for a $100 fine, which can be reduced to $50, according to the newspaper.
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