Load Private Key

Load Private Key


Load Private Key

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I am new to SSL/OpenSSL and I'm working on Windows 7. I'm trying to configure HTTPS for my ElasticBeanstalk environment following these instructions .
I'm at Step 2 in "Create a Private Key". After I issue the command to generate the key pair:
However, it does write a key to my directory. But after the second command:
I've tried Googling this a bit, but none of the solutions I've found seem to be relevant for me. I checked the generated key and it looks like
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unable to load Private Key
6312:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:647:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
I ran your commands on OS X, and I could not reproduce the results.
I did use the -config option because I have an "OpenSSL server config template" that makes it easy to generate CSRs and self signed certificates:
The configuration file is named example-com.conf , and you can find it at How do I edit a self signed certificate created using openssl xampp? . Edit it to suit your taste (in particular, the DNS names).
If interested, here's the OpenSSL man pages on the req sub-command .
I checked the generated key and it looks like
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- {lots of characters}
You can validate the key you just created with:
This is a well known problem. OpenSSL uses a default configuration file. You can locate the configuration file with correct location of openssl.cnf file .
The default configuration file includes these lines:
To save the random file, you should point HOME and RANDFILE to a valid location. On Windows, you type set HOME=... and set RANDFILE=... in the command prompt. Or better, change it in the OpenSSL configuration file you use.
I'm trying to configure HTTPS for my ElasticBeanstalk environment following these instructions.
The instructions are wrong in the image below. Do not place a DNS name in the Common Name (CN) .
Placing a DNS name in the Common Name is deprecated by both the IETF (the folks who publish RFCs) and the CA/B Forums (the cartel where browsers and CAs collude). You should pay articular attention to what the CA/B recommends because Browsers and CAs come up with those rules, and the browsers follow them (and they don't follow the RFCs). For reference, see RFC 5280 , RFC 6125 and the CA/B Baseline Requirements .
Instead, place DNS names in the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) . Both the IETF and CA/B specifies it.
The custom OpenSSL configuration file handles this for you. You just have to change the DNS names listed under the section [ alternate_names ] . For example, here's a set of names set up for the domain example.com . Notice there is no DNS name in the CN:
Can you check if you have appropriate permissions when you run both the commands? Maybe try doing the same using a user with Admin Rights.
Also make sure the created file privatekey.pem has appropriate permissions before executing the command below (Use chmod if necessary)
Submitting this as answer as I don't have enough reputation to comment.
I believe the root of the problem is the error
unable to write 'random state'
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Searching StackOverflow found these results. I would stress that you run the openssl program as sudo or directly as root to avoid any possible permissions issues.
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Is it possible to run ssh with ignoring default .ssh directory and specify other one or - better - specified private key ?
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You can also add a specific configuration to each host you access, which is pretty much the same as persisting the usage of the flags available in ssh.
There's an entire world of flags available, and there are some mappings for each different service specialization provided. In your case, using specific id_rsa files, you could write down to your ~/.ssh/config file:
And the id_rsa_you_want will be used -- as well as any further configurations you may apply to the connection. See man ssh_config for the entire list of available directives.
Another way is to use ssh-agent and ssh-add commands manually before using ssh.
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Home DevOps Couldn't load private key - Putty key format too new
I have been active in IT for over fourteen years now. I am a solutions architect, working with storage, virtualization, and VDI solutions. For the past ten years, I have been living and working in Taiwan.

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Attempting to SSH a cloud instance, you get this (or a similar) message: “ couldn't load private key - Putty key format too new. ” This issue happens when you use PuTTygen to generate or convert to a ppk key. Here is how to fix it. 
SSH SSH (Secure Shell) is used for managing networks, operating systems, and configurations. It is also inside many file transfer tools and configuration management tools. Functionally SSH keys resemble passwords, granting access and control to who can access what. Currently, it is still extremely popular to access cloud instances.
When you create a compute instance, you must provide an SSH public key that will be used for authentication when you log in to the instance. For example, in Oracle Compute Cloud Service, you must generate your SSH key pair and upload the SSH public key before creating your instance.
However, PuTTY doesn't support the SSH private key format created by the Oracle Cloud wizards. You need to convert the private key to the PuTTY required format. To connect to a remote machine with PuTTY, your private key should have a ppk format.
Attempting to SSH a cloud instance, you get this (or a similar) message: 
Couldn't load private key - Putty key format too new.
When you use PuTTygen to generate or convert to a ppk key and leave PuTTygen settings as default, you might experience this issue. 
The issue/image above is from Solar-PuTTy (v3.0.1.1197), but the problem could happen using any FTTP or SSH client. For instance, In MobaXterm (Personal Edition v21.4 Built 4786), you get from the terminal: 
No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)
From PuTTy version 0.75, the program uses a new format to generate the SSH private key; it uses ppk version 3. However, PuTTY 0.74 or earlier versions can't read this format, and this can be a problem for programs that use PuTTY internally, like Solar PuTTY or MobaXtermn. If the internal PuTTY version is not compatible with PPK version 3, the program can't use keys created with a default setting of PuTTY 0.75.
Note that this is not a problem for PuTTY itself.
Other programs already use the latest ppk version 3, such as WinSCP, FileZilla, WinSSHTerm (here, the main SSH program is PuTTy), and others. I tested the newest version of the programs to date. So a quick workaround is to change to one of these programs. Soon all SSH and FTTP programs should support the latest version of PuTTy.
You can generate a new SSH key pair or change the private key format of an existing private key using PuTTygen. 
Step 1: Change the PuTTygen PPK File Version to version 2.
Run the PuTTYgen program. Go to Key > Parameters for saving key files...
Change the PuTTygen PPK File Version to version 2.
Step 2: Generate a new SSH key pair or change the format of an existing one.
After following step one, you can now generate a key using the ppk version 2. You will be able to SSH to the cloud instance. This option is better if you are just creating the cloud instance. 
Click on Generate a public or public key pair , click on Generate . Click Save private key , to save the key with the old ppk format.
Or, if you have already created a cloud instance using the new ppk format (version 3), the best option is to change the format of that key and convert it to the (old) version 2. 
Click on Load and search for your ppk key (vers
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