Lizard Transformation Story

Lizard Transformation Story


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The Spectacular Spider-man The Birth of The Lizard Part 2
Spider-Man Reboot "Lizard Transformation" Trailer (Fan Made)
The Lizard is primarily depicted as a villainous alternate personality of Connors, who takes over his mind and evolves after each transformation, slowly becoming the predominant personality. Despite this, the Lizard has also been portrayed as an antihero and ally of Spider-Man in various instances.
First appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #6 (November 1963)
Where can I find the transformation of lizard?
Where can I find the transformation of lizard?
Lizard The Transformation Story Archive With Fur and Claws... Lizard by Lance Holloway He woke up. The room he was in was well furnished. There was a chair, a dresser, and a bed. He was lying the bed. There were two doors, both open. One was to the bathroom, the other was to another room. "Where am I?" he thought to himself. "Better, yet.
Where was the Lizard when he woke up?
Where was the Lizard when he woke up?
Lizard by Lance Holloway He woke up. The room he was in was well furnished. There was a chair, a dresser, and a bed. He was lying the bed. There were two doors, both open. One was to the bathroom, the other was to another room. "Where am I?" he thought to himself. "Better, yet. Who am I?"
How did Johnny the Lizard lose his tail?
How did Johnny the Lizard lose his tail?
Like all lizards he loved to quietly sunbathe, laid out on some flat stone. He felt so relaxed doing so, that more than once he had fallen asleep, and that’s exactly what happened on the day he lost his tail: some kids caught him, and Johnny could only escape by losing his tail and running to hide.
Where is the Transformation Story Archive with fur and claws?
Where is the Transformation Story Archive with fur and claws?
The Transformation Story Archive With Fur and Claws... Lizard by Lance Holloway He woke up. The room he was in was well furnished. There was a chair, a dresser, and a bed. He was lying the bed. There were two doors, both open. One was to the bathroom, the other was to another room. "Where am I?" he thought to himself. "Better, yet. Who am I?"
Перевести · The Transformation Story Archive. With Fur and Claws... Lizard. by Lance Holloway. He woke up. The room he was in was well furnished. There was a chair, a …
Перевести · Double Lizard transformation. Terry was spying on doctor conners when he transformed into a giant lizard and decided to become like him and copy the. formula to …
Перевести · 21.03.2016 · Includes reversions at the end. Where it's from:
Перевести · This story tells about an alternative timeline where the lizard was able to crank up his plan to turn the entire Manhattan into his kingdom of lizards, …
Перевести · Martha was driving home from work hoping to arrive before she begins changing into Lisa, a half-woman, half-lizard creature that loves to wreck havoc and get …
Перевести · 04.03.2017 · The Lizard King watched in astonishment as that fool Connors’ plan to destroy him backfired spectacularly. He was pleased with the transformed …
Перевести · Simply put an race of alien symbiotic life forms capable of mimicking clothing and transforming their host have set up an agreement with Earth where a select …
Перевести · Lance's Transformation Story Page. This is the page of Lance's stories. Hope you like them. Here's some stories that stand by themselves. TrueMorph. Insane. …
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He woke up. The room he was in was well furnished. There was a chair, a dresser, and a bed. He was lying the bed. There were two doors, both open. One was to the bathroom, the other was to another room. "Where am I?" he thought to himself. "Better, yet. Who am I?" He got out of bed and searched the room for a clue to who he was. His scaly tail was swishing behind him. Not finding anything to tell him who he was, he went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The face that looked back at him was of a lizard. He examined the rest of his body. His skin was covered in green scales. His tail was slightly longer than his legs. His hands had five claw-like fingers. His toes were claw-like to match. "So," he said to himself, "I'm a reptile." For some reason, that didn't seem right to him, but his reptilian body felt as natural to him as if he was born with it.
He decided to explore more to search out his identity. He went out the other door in the bedroom and walked into what looked like a living room. On the coffee table were some pictures. They were of him with other animals. All the animals were on two legs, like him. That didn't seem right to him either. None of the pictures had any names on them. He went to the front door to his house and opened it. The day was bright and sunny. The sun felt good on his scaly hide. "I must be cold-blooded," he thought. He looked around at his yard. The mail box was in the wall of the porch. He had mail. There were bills and an issue of "Scales! (the magazine for reptiles.)" All were addressed to Tim Grey. "I am Tim Grey," he said aloud. "Unless this is not in my house." Inside the phone rang. Tim went back inside and answered it. "Hello?"
"Tim?" asked the voice on the other end. "Is that you?" "I guess," Tim said.
"How are you feeling?" asked the voice. "You over that Reptilian Flu?" "Yes, I think," Tim answered. He didn't feel sick. "Who are you?" "This is Frank," said the voice. "Don't you remember me?" "I don't remember anything," Tim replied. "I don't even remember who I am."
"Oh," Frank said sounding let down. "I'll be right over. I'll bring Cindy and James, too. Is that OK?" "Sure," Tim said. "I'll get straightened up." "OK, see you in about 30 minutes. Bye", Frank said hanging up the phone.
Tim hung up his phone and went into his bedroom to take a shower and get dressed. He must have always been a reptile. Not only were there pictures of him, but all of his pants, shorts, and underwear had holes in them for his tail. He had finished dressing and was tying his shoes when the doorbell rang.
"Hello, Tim," said the man resembling a camel when Tim answered the door. "I'm Frank. Remember?"
"No, but come on in," Tim replied opening the door more. Frank walked in followed by a frog and a horse. Tim still had that strange feeling that these animals walking on two legs was wrong. Frank noticed Tim's confusion. "Tim, this is James," he said pointing to the frog. "And this is Cindy." Frank motioned to the horse. "We are your closest friends."
"Tim," Cindy took her queue, "We are going to try to help you remember who you are. That Reptilian Flu you had must have affected your memory."
"I've never heard of a case like that," James replied. "I haven't either," Tim said frustrated. "I haven't even heard of the Reptilian Flu."
"You have," Frank said. "You just don't remember. The Reptilian Flu is a version of the flu that only reptiles get. You happened to get it bad."
All four of them sat and talked for hours. Frank, Cindy, and James all tried to get Tim to regain his memory. No one succeeded. Tim didn't remember anything. But, when his three friends had left, Tim now knew more about his life than he did. "If only I could remember all this instead of hearing it second hand," Tim thought to himself.
Frank was driving away from Tim's house. "So, what do you think about 'our friend?'" he asked Cindy and James. "I think he has definitely lost his memory," Cindy replied. "I don't think he could have acted like he had for that long." "Tim seems like he is going to fit in with the community very well," James said. "He's going to be a common citizen like everyone else." "The Doctor is going to be pleased to hear our report," Frank said smugly. All three wore a grin for the rest of their trip.
Tim was still confused about one thing. His whole life. Even though Frank, Cindy, and James, his friends tried to get him to remember things, it didn't work. It was still like someone telling stories about old times. Except these old time were his. They said he moved into this house a week ago, right before he got the Reptilian Flu. He didn't remember his old house, moving in, or having the flu. After searching his house for anything to jog his memory, he gave up. He decided to go exploring his neighborhood. After all he did just move in. He should know where he lived. He memorized his address in case he got lost and set out walking down the street. He wanted to get the feel of his neighborhood, so he didn't take the car. And the fact he wasn't sure he remembered how to drive. The sunny weather felt good. His scaly green skin soaked in the sun rays. The neighborhood seemed friendly. Many people were outside doing chores or lounging. All were different species. A few waved at him. But no one started a conversation. It was a good thing, too. Remembering only a few hours wouldn't provide much to talk about. A few blocks down the road, there was a quaint little park. Tim decided to top for awhile and enjoy the park. Children were playing in the playground. A few were flying kites. "I moved into the perfect spot," he thought to himself. Of course, he didn't have anything to compare it to. But he still liked the area. "Anyone sitting here?" asked a voice behind Tim. Tim turned around and saw a woman that resembled a kangaroo. "Uh, no," sputtered Tim. "Would you like to have a seat?" "Thank you," she replied. "You're new in the neighborhood. Aren't you?"
"I'm Milly Welch," said the woman. "I live a few blocks down that way." She pointed in the direction of Tim's house. "I'm Tim Grey," he said. "Where do you live exactly? I live a few blocks that way too."
"Really? We're neighbors. I live at 253 Dillard Road," Tim said. "Wow, it sure is a small world," Milly said. "I do remember somebody moving in last week, but I never saw who it was." "Well, I'm glad someone remembers me moving in," Tim said. "I came down with the Reptilian Flu after moving in, and I'm afraid I don't remember anything before this morning."
"That's terrible," she said patting him on his shoulder. "Well, I'm trying to remember," he said. "I wanted to see the neighborhood.... So, tell me. How many people live in this city?" "Well, I wouldn't call it a city," she laughed. "There's only about 200 people in the town. There are a few houses outside the limits. Yontsville is the only town on the island. It's a small island. "Island? We live on an island?" asked Tim. "Why yes. We take care of ourselves pretty well. About once a month, we get a shipment of items from off the island. But, it's a nice island. And the best thing is that there aren't any tourists," she chuckled. Tim laughed with her.
"We're here," Frank said pulling on the side of the road. Cindy pulled out a remote control from the glove box. She aimed it at the barren field on the side of the road and pressed a button. A section of the ground started rising revealing a tunnel underneath. When the tunnel door stopped moving, Frank drove the car into the tunnel. It sloped down for a while before leveling out. He drove to his parking space and parked. He had been waiting for that parking space for years. He doesn't have to drive that much since he lives next to his work, and he only takes the car on his outside ventures. But, he earned the space and now he finally has it.
The underground facility is huge. He would need the car to get to the other end. But, he never goes there. The "back end," as everyone in his work area calls it, is for the in depth research and other stuff Frank isn't interested in.
The three of them walked into the main building. Cindy and James were following Frank as usual. The Doctor was waiting for their report, and Frank was the head of this team. Upon reaching the Doctor's office, Frank motioned Cindy and James to wait outside. The Doctor usually only wants Frank to give the report. And he doesn't want to disappoint the Doctor again. Frank knocked on the door. "Come in," came the Doctors voice from within. Frank opened the door slowly and stepped inside. "Frank! My little camel friend. How are you?" asked the Doctor swiveling around in his chair to face Frank. Frank hated being called "my little camel friend," and the Doctor knew it. The Doctor always rubbed in the fact that he was human and Frank was an anthropomorphic camel.
"Splendid," said the Doctor leaning on his desk. "And how's Tim doing?" "I have great news about Tim," Frank said. "Good," said the Doctor. "Let's hear it." Frank told him everything he and the other two discovered about Tim.
During the next few days, Tim had spent a lot of time with his neighbor Milly. She introduced him to many people on his block. Yontsville was small enough for everybody to know each other. And, they always welcomed new people. Tim knew he would like it here. But, he still hadn't remembered anything before waking up that one morning a few days ago. He wanted to know who he was. He hadn't seen Frank, Cindy, or James since that first morning. They lived on the other side of the island. With it being a forty minute drive, Tim understood why they don't stop by that often. One day, Tim decided to take Milly out to lunch during her lunch hour. He was still looking for a job. It is pretty hard if you don't know your own past work experience. Milly worked at the town museum. She is responsible for the alternating exhibit room. Tim walked to the museum and was amazed. He didn't know his own history, but this building contained everybody's history. He looked at everything he passed going to Milly's office.
"Tim?" came Milly's voice behind him. "Tim, I'm over here." Tim turned and saw Milly leaning out of one of the exhibit rooms waving at him. "Milly," he said walking toward her. "This place is amazing. I can honestly say I don't remember being in a museum like this before."
Milly giggled. "It's that good. Huh? So, what brings you here?" She stuffed a notepad into her pouch. "I wasn't doing anything, so I thought, 'Why don't I take Milly to lunch?' So, now I'm here."
"I'll be honored," Milly said. "Where were you planning?" "Anywhere you want to go," Tim said. "I don't know if I have a preference or not."
"How about Big Mamma Hippo's?" she suggested. "They have a great buffet." "Sounds good to me," he said. "When do you get off?" "Any time I want," she said. "We can go now if you like." "Ok," he responded. "Let's go."
"First, I need to tell someone I'm going. I'll be back in a second." Milly headed toward the main offices. Tim took the opportunity to look more closely at the exhibits. He wandered into one of the exhibit rooms and was shocked. It was a display of old bones. Many of them belonged to huge reptiles. "I wonder if I'm related to them?" he asked himself. One set of bones stood out from the others. He walked over to the display and read the information plaques. "Homo Sapiens," it read. "This species has been extinct for three thousand years. Like us, they had developed a language, technology, and civilization. The cause of their extinction is unknown." "Interesting. Isn't it?" asked Milly behind Tim. Startled he turned around. "Don't sneak up on my like that. I'm not sure if I have a temper or not."
"Come on, I'm ready to go," Milly said laughing. They both left the museum for lunch.
Dr. Robert Giberson sat in his office waiting. He hated waiting. The head scientist from the research lab was supposed to bring him an update on the new project ten minutes ago. He read his memo to remember the scientists name. "Dr. Casada," he said to himself, "where are you?" It shouldn't be taking Dr. Casada this long to drive from the "back end."
He dreaded hearing Dr. Casada's update. He always speaks with a monotone voice. If he was teaching at a college, he would put everybody in the class asleep. That's why he was available for the job. If it was Dr. Giberson's project to begin with, he wouldn't have hired Dr. Casada. But, now it is his project, and he has to use the people that were already here one way or another.
There was a knock at the door. "Come in," said Dr. Giberson. The door slowly opened, and Dr. Casada peaked his head around. "Ah, Dr. Casada," Giberson said. "I've been expecting you." He looked at his watch.
"I'm sorry I'm late," said Casada. "I was held up at my office." "You have an update?" Giberson asked.
"Yes, sir," Casada said handing a folder to Giberson. "It's all in here."
"Good," Giberson took the folder and laid it on his desk. "Anything you want to add?"
Giberson was relieved. He didn't have to listen to Casada's update. "Very well. I'll expect to hear from you again." "Yes, sir," Casada said backing up toward the door. "I'll keep you posted on the research."
"Bye, Dr. Casada," Giberson said as Casada closed the door. He picked up his phone and dialed security.
He reached his car and started it up. His door suddenly opened, and he was pulled out. Two security guards were standing there. One pinning him against the car. The other reached in his pocked and pulled out his ID card.
The guard with his ID revealed a syringe and injected the fluid into Casada's arm.
"You're going to take a little nap," said the guard holding him said. Everything went black.
Dr. Casada woke up in one of the lab rooms. He was laying on the white bed in the completely white room. The bed was the only piece of furniture there. The two way mirror was on the other side of the room. He had sent numerous people to rooms like this. People that were willing to work in that part of the project. Never has he put someone in these rooms against their will. Why was he in here? Then he remembered the guards and the meeting with Dr. Giberson. "Oh, no!" he said out loud and examined his body. Coarse reddish-brown fur was starting to cover his skin. He got off the bed and stumbled over to the mirror. He saw that the reason he was stumbling was that his legs were now digitigrade. His feet were black cloven hooves . He looked at himself in the mirror. His worst fear was staring at him. His own reflection. His human face melted into that of a boar. "No!" he squealed. He stood there staring at the anthropomorphic boar in the mirror. The door to his room opened. Dr. Giberson walked in. "Ah, Dr. Casada. Your new body looks good on you. You were always such a bore," Giberson laughed.
Casada stood speechless. He hated the Doctor more than ever now.
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